Help me get out of the 2 week RUT with no loss!!

So been hovering close to 2000 calories sometimes swaying either way by 300 calories. Still have 20 LBs to lose. (6'2 - 223lbs)
Was rolling and now it all stopped. I workout and try and eat lean meats and veggies. I have an occasional drink/beer but nothin over the top.
How do I get out of this momentum downer??


  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Just carry on as normal.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    How about switching up your exercise routine for a couple of weeks?
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    If you want to move past this consider dropping the drink/beer until weight is deceasing
    adding a 1/2 hour walk to your day
    track everything you eat stay within your allotted calories
    low salt foods
    drink lots of water

    Try these suggestions for a week and your weight should drop
  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    Drop carbonated beverages and switch to drowning your fat with water. Make sure you are weighing and measuring everything.
  • Jayco141
    Jayco141 Posts: 221 Member
    mommazach wrote: »
    Drop carbonated beverages and switch to drowning your fat with water. Make sure you are weighing and measuring everything.

    Thank you but there is no way I can weigh everything. Im too impatient! :o)

    I rarely have carbonated beverages and I have maybe 4-5 beers a week, and they are light beers usually.
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    It really sucks when you have a bit of a plateau - I stayed the same from January to early May and that nearly made me want to give it all up.

    I know you've said you're impatient but weighing out your food really will help you tighten up your nutrition, and maybe try switching up your workout routine as your body can become almost bored of stuff it's being doing over and over again. HIIT can really help with shifting fat and doesn't take up too much time :smile:
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I found it annoying to weigh EVERYTHING, and after spending time doing so, I got decent at guessing the weight of many food items, but still under estimated most of the time. I offset this by simply lowering my calorie goal on MFP.

    I figured if I am actually eating about 250 calories more per day than I log, then by lowering my goal roughly the same, I should be golden.

    Another thing I have found is that exercise calories for me anyway, seem to be vastly over estimated. So I TRY to not eat them all back.

    If you're not losing weight, you are at maintenance. Something needs to move. Either burn more or intake less. Provided you don't have some sort of medical condition.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Two weeks = no big deal

    Three weeks with no loss = eat less. Doesn't matter if you're weighing your food or not at that point. You're just eating too much to lose at the pace you want.
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    The best way to get over a plateau is to do carb cycling.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    cavia wrote: »
    I hate to break it to you but you're eating more than you think you are. I'm a 5'7", perimenopausal female with a bum thyroid and 2000 calories had me losing 1lb/week and we're talking vanity pounds here. As a 6'2" man, if you were truly eating 2000calories/day the fat would be sliding off your body.

    You need to tighten up your logging or accept the results that come with guesstimating. It takes me literally seconds per meal to weigh and measure everything.

    This. I'm a 42 year old female, 5'3.5" and 122 pounds and I am losing at about 2000 calories a day!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    cavia wrote: »
    I hate to break it to you but you're eating more than you think you are. I'm a 5'7", perimenopausal female with a bum thyroid and 2000 calories had me losing 1lb/week and we're talking vanity pounds here. As a 6'2" man, if you were truly eating 2000calories/day the fat would be sliding off your body.

    You need to tighten up your logging or accept the results that come with guesstimating. It takes me literally seconds per meal to weigh and measure everything.

    This. I'm a 42 year old female, 5'3.5" and 122 pounds and I am losing at about 2000 calories a day!

    How active are you to be able to lose at 2000 calories at your height and weight?
    Same question for you @cavia :smile:

  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    cavia wrote: »
    I hate to break it to you but you're eating more than you think you are. I'm a 5'7", perimenopausal female with a bum thyroid and 2000 calories had me losing 1lb/week and we're talking vanity pounds here. As a 6'2" man, if you were truly eating 2000calories/day the fat would be sliding off your body.

    You need to tighten up your logging or accept the results that come with guesstimating. It takes me literally seconds per meal to weigh and measure everything.

    This. I'm a 42 year old female, 5'3.5" and 122 pounds and I am losing at about 2000 calories a day!

    How active are you to be able to lose at 2000 calories at your height and weight?
    Same question for you @cavia :smile:

    I did several bulk and cut cycles to build muscle after my initial 40-something pound weight loss. My weight gain would always stall at some point in each bulk and I'd have to raise my calories. Rinse, repeat. Muscle is your body's engine. More muscle means you get to eat more calories. It also means when it comes to dieting you can lose on higher calories.

    As to how active I am, this last cut which I just finished a week ago I was not active at all. I've been sidelined with an injury.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,748 Member
    Jayco141 wrote: »
    mommazach wrote: »
    Drop carbonated beverages and switch to drowning your fat with water. Make sure you are weighing and measuring everything.

    Thank you but there is no way I can weigh everything. Im too impatient! :o)

    Weighing things is quick and easy, once you learn some tricks. A couple are:
    • For things where you take a portion out of a jar/carton (yogurt, peanut butter, pre-shredded cheese, etc.), put the whole jar/container/bag on the scale, zero (tare) it, take out some, and read the negative value on the scale to get the amount to log. You can take out an amount that matches the serving size on the container, if you prefer.
    • For things like salad ingredients (or soup/casserole/etc ingredients you're assembling in a pan or baking dish, put the dish or pan on the scale, zero it, add an ingredient to the dish, note the amount, zero again, add the next ingredient, zero, etc., until everything's in the dish or pan.

    It takes only seconds, and is much more accurate, plus the scale only costs about $20. Even weighing the more calorie-laden items would be a help. Up to you, though.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    cavia wrote: »
    I hate to break it to you but you're eating more than you think you are. I'm a 5'7", perimenopausal female with a bum thyroid and 2000 calories had me losing 1lb/week and we're talking vanity pounds here. As a 6'2" man, if you were truly eating 2000calories/day the fat would be sliding off your body.

    You need to tighten up your logging or accept the results that come with guesstimating. It takes me literally seconds per meal to weigh and measure everything.

    This. I'm a 42 year old female, 5'3.5" and 122 pounds and I am losing at about 2000 calories a day!

    How active are you to be able to lose at 2000 calories at your height and weight?
    Same question for you @cavia :smile:

    I am pretty active. I work a desk job, but I still get 16-20,000 steps a day. I lift heavy 3 times a week, take an aerial silks class twice a week, pole fitness once a week, and ride my horse 1-2 times a week. On rest days I can burn as little as 1850, but when I am active my TDEE ranges from 2200 to 2600.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    How about switching up your exercise routine for a couple of weeks?

    That would most likely be a very bad idea. Since changing exercise tends to make you retain more water, he'd likely keep maintaining or gain weight. Water weight, to be sure, but the scale probably won't go down.
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I went 8 weeks maybe a little longer with no weight loss following a 1lb loss per wk goal. I kept at my calories mfp set and did my work out 4-5 times a week and eventually the weight started melting off. I participated in my works health assessment and weighed in at 142lbs back in mid April. Im down to toggling between 136-138lbs now. Just keep working at it and log accurately! Dont let a two week stall discourage you.