Lost 25 lbs and can hardly tell....



  • ambardi
    ambardi Posts: 5 Member
    I think there is power in before and after pictures. I've lost 23lbs and I did take a before picture. I got to the completion of a workout program and it was time to take an after picture. I avoided it for several days because I didn't think I had made progress. I felt like it wasn't noticeable. Like some people said here, you often maintain your shape and just over all get smaller. Well when I finally took my after picture, there was a big noticeable difference. But if I hadn't done that it would have been really easy to get lost in my own head. Even if you never show it to a single person there is power in putting on a pair of shorts and a sports bra and taking a full body head on picture. I'm also a huge fan of inches over pounds. So take those measurements. Congratulations. Keep going. It sounds like you are doing amazing!
  • Dove0804
    Dove0804 Posts: 213 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I posted this in another thread but I started at about 260 lbs and am currently 209. No one has really noticed except my family. At one point after I had lost over 40 lbs, I confided in a friend that I had lost quite a bit of weight and he told me I looked exactly the same. A little tactless, but I appreciated his honesty. Stick with it and you will get there! I'm sure that pretty soon, we'll both be feeling like new people!

    One thing I started doing is writing down my measurements and keeping them in a spreadsheet. I don't have my starting measurements which I'm kind of sad about, but it has helped give me another objective parameter to look at in addition to pounds lost. It's fun to see the numbers go down over time (I've been re-measuring every 5-10 lbs).

    I keep telling myself that pretty soon, changes are going to be happening so fast I will almost be wishing for them to slow down (ALMOST!) The idea of what I'm even going to wear at different sizes makes my head swim.

    I LOVE that paper towel roll idea clbortiz! I realized that it's probably the reason why it was so easy for me to gain the weight in the first place (past a certain point, if your jeans fit and you feel the same, it's hard to catch yourself).

    Keep it up! It will be so worth it and keep reminding yourself of how big an accomplishment that really is! This is all for YOU!
  • shanna_wainwright
    shanna_wainwright Posts: 35 Member
    Next time you're at the store, put 25 packages of butter sticks in your cart. That used to be on your *kitten*, hips, arms, legs, face, back..... You get the picture. Now walk away from the cart..... Leave those 25 behind you and get a new cart, and start filling that one up too. No one else needs to know. You did that all on your own. Be proud of your accomplishment!! (Then go out the butter back in the cooler... It'll spoil
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    I am truly overwhelmed by the awesome support here on MFP! Thank you all for taking the time to respond and provide some encouragement. I have learned a great deal from reading all that you shared! I really do feel like I've gained a whole new perspective since I first posted a few days ago. Thank you again!
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    sanfromny wrote: »
    That bowling ball you're holding weighs what? 10 lbs? So you've lost 2 1/2 bowling balls!!! That's fantastic! Congrats

    hahaha! I didn't even think of that when I posted my profile picture! That IS awesome! Thanks!
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    I get it, but focus on moving forward. It probably took 30lbs for me to notice the first time I lost, and 50 (!!!!!) For anyone else to notice.

    This time I haven't seen much scale progress at all (and now not weighing in at all), and my shape is changing. I've lost inches from my low hanging belly and thighs. Oh and I'm noticing the very tops of my shoulders are sinking in and getting narrower!

    Do you do any strength training? That's what's different for me this time- I started exercising right away and I'm 2 weeks ish into a strength training plan. It's not one that people will send links for, I just created one based on my strengths and goals. I always like having strong legs and loved the little muscle I could see when I lost before, so I do lunges and squats, planks and wall assisted push-ups to build my strength. I did 3 sets of 10 reps last week, today I was able to do 4 sets of 12 :) You might be pleased with your body a little more if you build some strength :)

    brb_2013, No I haven't started an exercise plan, except for walking on the treadmill here and there. I do have a friend who just committed to a 21 day strength training plan, and it was amazing to see how much her body shrunk in that time. Definitely something to consider starting! I'm sure I would notice a bigger difference if I did that. :) I'm also thinking that it may take until I lose 40-50 lbs for other people to really see it. But at least I know I'm half way there! I keep telling myself I'm not where I WAS. And by the way - way to go on your loss!
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    edited May 2016
    ambardi wrote: »
    I think there is power in before and after pictures. I've lost 23lbs and I did take a before picture. I got to the completion of a workout program and it was time to take an after picture. I avoided it for several days because I didn't think I had made progress. I felt like it wasn't noticeable. Like some people said here, you often maintain your shape and just over all get smaller. Well when I finally took my after picture, there was a big noticeable difference. But if I hadn't done that it would have been really easy to get lost in my own head. Even if you never show it to a single person there is power in putting on a pair of shorts and a sports bra and taking a full body head on picture. I'm also a huge fan of inches over pounds. So take those measurements. Congratulations. Keep going. It sounds like you are doing amazing!

    I definitely need to make sure I take really good pictures. I don't think the ones I've taken so far really emphasize or show clearly how things may have changed. So even though the idea mortifies me, I may have to go the shorts/sports bra route. haha At least I know it could just be me that sees them. And it might provide better motivation since I could see the progress much easier. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    Dove0804 wrote: »
    I know exactly how you feel. I posted this in another thread but I started at about 260 lbs and am currently 209. No one has really noticed except my family. At one point after I had lost over 40 lbs, I confided in a friend that I had lost quite a bit of weight and he told me I looked exactly the same. A little tactless, but I appreciated his honesty. Stick with it and you will get there! I'm sure that pretty soon, we'll both be feeling like new people!

    One thing I started doing is writing down my measurements and keeping them in a spreadsheet. I don't have my starting measurements which I'm kind of sad about, but it has helped give me another objective parameter to look at in addition to pounds lost. It's fun to see the numbers go down over time (I've been re-measuring every 5-10 lbs).

    I keep telling myself that pretty soon, changes are going to be happening so fast I will almost be wishing for them to slow down (ALMOST!) The idea of what I'm even going to wear at different sizes makes my head swim.

    I LOVE that paper towel roll idea clbortiz! I realized that it's probably the reason why it was so easy for me to gain the weight in the first place (past a certain point, if your jeans fit and you feel the same, it's hard to catch yourself).

    Keep it up! It will be so worth it and keep reminding yourself of how big an accomplishment that really is! This is all for YOU!

    Fantastic progress!!! I have no doubt you'll be seeing big differences soon. Keep up the great work! And thank you for the encouragement! :)
  • rzdulcey
    rzdulcey Posts: 14 Member
    Keep it up! This is so inspiring to me that you're losing weight :) I'm not a success story yet but my friend once weighed 300lbs and she's at 150 rn!! But don't get me wrong she took at least 5 years for her to look toned and stuff I recommend doing some weights to tighten up your skin, maybe more people will notice then! Keep at it girl :) very proud!
  • rhsdancer5
    rhsdancer5 Posts: 96 Member
    Google 5 pounds of fat. That helps me when I feel like I'm not making progress! You are doing great! Proud of you:)
  • isign17
    isign17 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks, ladies! I will definitely google the 5 lbs of fat. It is so easy to lose perspective, so that's a great idea. :)