It's time to finally start this weight loss journey

I'm excited and scared at the same time. I have been putting this off for 3 years now and I finally made my mind up it. I'm about change my lifestyles or the good. I weight 215lbs and I need to get healthy. I know this will not but easy but I feel Iam mentally prepared for it...


  • cbrunenkant
    cbrunenkant Posts: 16 Member
    Great decision and good luck! You're right, this is a lifestyle change. It doesn't matter how long it takes, because living a healthy lifestyle is going to be forever. I still have a long way to go, but this link has some great motivation!
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    edited May 2016
    I totally understand. It has been hard for me as well getting started. I worry about failing. I am scared I will lose and people will notice then I will gain it back. I closet eat because I know I can have it as long as I work it in but then I get the, "Is that on your diet!?" One it's not a diet. It's a lifestyle change and two yes it is!
    You can do this! Just don't put it off another day.
    What really helped me was making a motivational wall board. Check out Pinterest. Awesome ideas.
  • mckelkel
    mckelkel Posts: 13 Member
    Im finally getting started too. Ive been messing around for ages but not really taking ot seriously. Now I accept its time to do this properly while I can, its just so daunting knowing this isnt a quick fix
  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    I don't know how old you are, but I waited WAY too long to start this journey. Now I have all kinds of health issues, and I'd give anything to go back and do it all over again.
    So let me encourage you to do this NOW, because the sooner you do...the better off you will be! Plus the younger and more agile you are, the easier it is to lose weight. I wish I could plead with every obese person to make the lifestyle changes that will make them healthier. It is SO worth it! I didn't think my weight would take such a toll on my health, but it did. Now I need knee replacements, have hip pain already, struggle with sciatica, and so on. PLEASE DO IT NOW!!! You will be SO glad you did, and you will have a healthier HAPPIER life. It's not about how you "look"; it is about being healthier. I would give every single thing I own to go back nod do this thirty years sooner.
    Best of luck to you, always! And never, ever give up!!!