Need Exercise At Home...What's Your Fav?

westbrja Posts: 111 Member
Once again I turn to all of you that have managed to lose numbers far greater than I ever have or will. I admire the will power and determination that you all have.

Anyway, I am the mom of three beautiful children under the age of 6. As you can imagine after working a full time job I dont always have extra time for the gym. However, I still want to exercise at home. I've read numerous threads on here about P90X, Jillian Michaels, Turbo Fire, etc.

For those of you that workout at home, I was wondering if you would mind sharing which dvd you prefer and why. Maybe if you could give me a plus and minus about the program that worked, or didn't work for you, to help me make a better decision.

)I understand that all bodies are different and it's all about personal preference, but at least this would gice me a starting point.) Thanks a lot!

P.S. I should also mention that I'm looking for something to help drop the fat and also help me tone up.


  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I am currently enjoying JM 30Day Shred. I am also fortunate enough to have an eliptical and a bowflex as well as a weight bench (my brother used to be a fitness guru and gave me hand me downs)
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    I know a lot of people who use the P90x and love it, I want to use it myself but I hear you're supposed to be fit to do it.

    My sister loves her zumba DVD's.
  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    Check out the website. Free workouts you can do at home with very little equipment. I have been doing them for the last couple of weeks. They are great.
  • irishwitch
    irishwitch Posts: 21
    I found P90X helped me get rid of weight pretty good. And Insanity which I am doing now is better for endurance.

    Now if only they did both together. So me and my boyfriend are alternating between P90X and Insanity for a few rounds. Then might make a hybrid of the two of our fav workouts.

    Hope this helped.

  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    Mini trampoline! Best workout you can do! :) Walmart has them for like 30 bucks adn it comes with a DVD and bands. I even bought aerobics dvds off of for next to nothing! :) Gets your heart rate up real quick and it;s fun for the whole family. Plus you don't look super dorky and all clutzy!
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    I am currently enjoying JM 30Day Shred. I am also fortunate enough to have an eliptical and a bowflex as well as a weight bench (my brother used to be a fitness guru and gave me hand me downs)

    You lucky dog :laugh:. I want an elliptical like the one in the gym but since I dont have $1000+ I'll just stick to dvd's lol.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Options has awesome free exercise videos that you can watch from your computer (or tv if you have the right plug-ins). I just set my laptop on my coffee table and follow along. I love it. I don't even feel the need for exercise dvds anymore.
  • healthyJenn0915
    Anything Jillian Michaels I love! Also on demand exercise tv. There is pretty much any kind of workout you can imagine on there!
  • ScorpioDiva81
    ScorpioDiva81 Posts: 28 Member
    I've done Insanity. It drove me INSANE lol

    Right now I'm doing Hip Hop Abs(I've lost 2 inches so far) mixed with a little Zumba and Leslie Sansone's 5 mile walk. I look forward to starting 30 Day Shred when I finish my 60 days of Hip Hop Abs.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    I just completed a kettle bell program by Kettle Worx. LOVED it!!!! You get your cardio and resistance training done in a 20 minute workout.... 3 times a week. I do compliment it with other activities, but this is a good place to start.

    I am a BIG fan of all Beachbody products (P90X, TurboFire) and I am sure that you can find a workout in their library that will fit your lifestyle.

    Keep ON! The secret is to keep on keeping on no matter what.

  • rn_jacki
    rn_jacki Posts: 21 Member
    I'm pretty fit. I've run on my elliptical and bike with my son and things. I was able to do the P90X and did enjoy the actual workout, but the routine is six days a week and each session is close to if not over an hour. I just simply do not have that much time every day. I have switched to the 30 Day Shred. I found initially that I could do the routine fine, but was VERY sore. I like it because it is only 20 minutes, but found that if I want to walk the next day let alone do the tape again that I need to warm up and stretch a little longer than she allows. Personally I also have really enjoyed MyPersonalFitnessTrainer on the Wii. It is a good mix of cardio, weights, and yoga.

    Good luck. I hope you find something you like :-)
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    @Irishwitch - Do you notice it helps you tone up?

    @Rochele - I never even considered a trampoline but this is a great idea because I tried Zumba for Kinect and I won't even do it in front of my 6 year old who thinks I'm perfect just the way I am (bless her heart).
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I love P90X!! absolutely my favorite workouts ever.
  • irishwitch
    irishwitch Posts: 21
    They both helped tone me up in different ways. P90X has you use weights or resistant bands which ever you prefer. Insanity however you use your body for resistance.

    I've been doing Insanity now for 25 days and a lot of people have already said they can see changes in my body. Even though I have only lost a few lbs since starting it.

    Personally I love Insanity it is a crazy workout. But I feel really good after. But I would suggest P90X before Insanity if you aren't use to working out intensely.
  • KayMOLINA02
    I have lost not just pounds but inches! 6 inches off my waist. How? Playing on my Wii :) Yes on the Wii. I bought Zumba! It is soooo much fun! It has a Workout Calendar so you can set it up to how ever many times a week u want! I have some friends that do that crazy P90x thing and have not been able to do half of my 45 min workout of Zumba. It is a total workout! The good thing about it is that if you go out of town or a travell alot you can just pack up your Wii console and take it with you any where! GirL I have alot of fun, and it has sown results in just 2 months. Look in to it and I hope you like it and lose alot! ;)
  • irishwitch
    irishwitch Posts: 21
    I do agree Zumba is fun, and I throw it in for a mix now and then. But I prefer P90X and Insanity. Though you do need about an hour for P90X and at least 40-55 mins for Insanity depending on the day. And both are 6 days a week.
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    They both helped tone me up in different ways. P90X has you use weights or resistant bands which ever you prefer. Insanity however you use your body for resistance.

    I've been doing Insanity now for 25 days and a lot of people have already said they can see changes in my body. Even though I have only lost a few lbs since starting it.

    Personally I love Insanity it is a crazy workout. But I feel really good after. But I would suggest P90X before Insanity if you aren't use to working out intensely.

    Yeah I'm not a beginner, but I damn sure ain't ready to hold myself up on one hand either :laugh:. Maybe I should stick with the easier of the two and work my way up.
  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    I am a huge fan of Chalene and the Turbo work outs. They are super fun and actually keep me motivated to keep going. The music really helps too. I started out with the turbo jam series and lost 9 inches in 4-6 weeks and I felt I was fit enough & moved on to Turbo Fire. Now Turbo fire is high impact and intensity so unless you are used to high impact i would say start with Turbo Jam. I have friends doing P90X and Insanity- I have seen them both in action and Insanity is for the very driven and pretty fit, hard, fun but higher percentage of burn out, P90X is much the same intensity as Turbo fire but Turbo fire is more dance moves/kick boxing. For all together less impact then the above Zumba is the most fun thing I have tried and JM Shred was kinda slow for me and a lot more strength and targeting. I do my own strength training and use turbo fire as cardio so i didn't like the Shred as much. The best wayI found to help me decide is going onto you tube. I watched clips of all the programs I was interested in that I could not find a friend doing and it helped me narrow down what i liked. Good luck to you in your journey!
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    I have lost not just pounds but inches! 6 inches off my waist. How? Playing on my Wii :) Yes on the Wii. I bought Zumba! It is soooo much fun! It has a Workout Calendar so you can set it up to how ever many times a week u want! I have some friends that do that crazy P90x thing and have not been able to do half of my 45 min workout of Zumba. It is a total workout! The good thing about it is that if you go out of town or a travell alot you can just pack up your Wii console and take it with you any where! GirL I have alot of fun, and it has sown results in just 2 months. Look in to it and I hope you like it and lose alot! ;)

    I rented Zumba for the Kinect just to see what it was like before I spent the money on it and I was sooooo uncoordinated. I wouldn't do it in front of my OH and we have 3 kids together so there's not much he hasn't seen but I am awful at it. I'm actually glad I didn't go to the class at the gym right away lol.
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    The 30 Day Shred video and Xtreme Time Saver Training with Jackie are two of my favorites. Being a busy mom I love that they are hard cord shorter workouts (27 minutes and 33 minutes). There's also a lot of great videos on in demand. I second the jogging trampoline but be warned, if your kids see you doing it, they're going to want a turn.