30 day shred started 6/22...



  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    Day 6 level 1 done! I can still feel the burn! Hope everyone else is doing well!!!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
  • Sandeeday
    Sandeeday Posts: 12 Member
    Today was my first day level 1. Wow kicked my butt I made it through with out stopping, I'm going to try again tommorow with lighter weights tge 5lb was hard
    I can't wait to see the results
  • taurus39
    taurus39 Posts: 26
    D5L1 I am getting ready to jump in and do it. I am wondering if I'm the only person who has to stop and breath lots of times through this workout? If I was graded on this I would have started off flunking , yesterday I did better though and would have gave myself a B...LOL. I am praying today I can do better with fewer rest. She said not to stop longer than 5 sec. So I stop and breath for 5 sec. and jump back in. I feel like such a wimp at the end with those bicycle crunches they really do a number and I haven't mastered that at all yet. But I'm going to push forward and get it done.
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    D4L1 went better last night, still having some soreness especially in my quads but last night I felt like I might actually make it through the 30 days. I'll probably think that until I get to Level 2 eek!
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    D5L1 I am getting ready to jump in and do it. I am wondering if I'm the only person who has to stop and breath lots of times through this workout? If I was graded on this I would have started off flunking , yesterday I did better though and would have gave myself a B...LOL. I am praying today I can do better with fewer rest. She said not to stop longer than 5 sec. So I stop and breath for 5 sec. and jump back in. I feel like such a wimp at the end with those bicycle crunches they really do a number and I haven't mastered that at all yet. But I'm going to push forward and get it done.

    the bicycle crunches are what get me too!!
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    D5L1 I am getting ready to jump in and do it. I am wondering if I'm the only person who has to stop and breath lots of times through this workout? If I was graded on this I would have started off flunking , yesterday I did better though and would have gave myself a B...LOL. I am praying today I can do better with fewer rest. She said not to stop longer than 5 sec. So I stop and breath for 5 sec. and jump back in. I feel like such a wimp at the end with those bicycle crunches they really do a number and I haven't mastered that at all yet. But I'm going to push forward and get it done.

    Nope I had to several times the first 3 days, yesterday was day 4 and I didnt stop but I did miss the last few butt kicks and jump ropes ... today is day 5 and I need to get up and get moving!!
  • taurus39
    taurus39 Posts: 26
    Woohoo, day 5 L1 done with only 15 sec. pauses (5 sec. 3x's) and I am proud of my self. Usually my right quad will bulge out I was a little worried about but today it feels like it's used to it. So hopefully the next 5 days will go smoother than the first 5. Good luck everyone let's keep going. We can do this.....
  • jesguinn
    jesguinn Posts: 94 Member
    I just started 30 Day Shred yesterday after I saw everyone's awesome results on the success stories board. Jillian really kicked my butt! If Level 1 is this tough, I'm afraid of what Level 2 will be and terrified of Level 3! Hopefully it will get easier as my body gets used to it. This is really my first stab at an exercise routine since I had my son in October 2009. Thanks for starting this thread- it gives me the motivation I need to do it again tonight!
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    Day 7 level 1 complete! my muscles were feeling better so I pushed myself more today by squatting/bending down more...my legs can feel it!

    Sooo proud of everyone continuing on with the shred! When I have had a bad day or just dont feel up to the shred, I just come on here and read everyone's posts seeing how amazing you all are doing, to get me motivated...it works! Thank you all!!
  • kaittx13
    kaittx13 Posts: 88 Member
    okay so i have been seeing a lot of stuff about the 30 day shred (aka 30DS).. is this the Jillian Michaels one?
    if so i saw on someones profile that it was 20 minutes? i looked it up and as far as i can tell it is 60 min long? which one is it?
    bc if it is 20 min i totally have time for that everyday.. not so much the 60 minutes.

    help pleaseee!!!

  • rachelllk
    rachelllk Posts: 63
    there are 3 levels...each level is a little bit longer than 20 minutes, but that includes warm up and cool down. each level also consists of 3 cycles of 3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min abs. I got mine in iTunes and just finished Day 7 of Level 1 and am getting a lot stronger already!
  • kaittx13
    kaittx13 Posts: 88 Member
    ohh okay!! i think i might get it then!!

  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    When are you girls going to move up to Level 2? Do you think you will wait the full 10 days?
    I upped my weights from 3 to 5 lbs today because I was feeling good. . . . felt great in the workout but wowsers my outer thighs are SORE!
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    When are you girls going to move up to Level 2? Do you think you will wait the full 10 days?
    I upped my weights from 3 to 5 lbs today because I was feeling good. . . . felt great in the workout but wowsers my outer thighs are SORE!

    Great job on upping the weights! I still use 3lb. I just did day 8 level one. I will be doing the full 10 days for each level. My legs feel it everytime! I naturally have really tight calf muscles, so doing the jumping jacks followed by jump rope KILLS! I usually cant do all the jumprope it hurts sooo bad. Does anyone else feel this or have any advice to how it wont be so painful? Day 9 tmrw!
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    When are you girls going to move up to Level 2? Do you think you will wait the full 10 days?
    I upped my weights from 3 to 5 lbs today because I was feeling good. . . . felt great in the workout but wowsers my outer thighs are SORE!

    Great job on upping the weights! I still use 3lb. I just did day 8 level one. I will be doing the full 10 days for each level. My legs feel it everytime! I naturally have really tight calf muscles, so doing the jumping jacks followed by jump rope KILLS! I usually cant do all the jumprope it hurts sooo bad. Does anyone else feel this or have any advice to how it wont be so painful? Day 9 tmrw!

    jumpropes - basically calf raises BURN!! This will sound silly but what gets me through them is thinking of myself actually jumping rope like when I was little on the playground, makes it easier to jump higher. . . instead of just doing the motions. I'm kind of a dork though!
  • Sandeeday
    Sandeeday Posts: 12 Member
    I did day 2 Tuesday it went allot faster and easier I push myself through stopping. I took yesterday off and let my muscles rest. but back at it today. My legs def feel it especially when I go up stairs. Sounds kind of crazy but my butt does feel different already. I have been using some moves in the pool too which feels great. Good luck all
  • Lydvicious
    Lydvicious Posts: 28
    I completed Day 7 Level 1 last night and I did my measurements. I have lost 1 inch off of my thighs and 1/2 inch off of my hips!! I can actually fit into a pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans!
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    I completed Day 7 Level 1 last night and I did my measurements. I have lost 1 inch off of my thighs and 1/2 inch off of my hips!! I can actually fit into a pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans!

    Great job! I havent taken anymore measurements yet. I am going to wait until each level is done...tmrw will be day 10 of level 1! HopeFully I have lost some inches!! Keep up the great work!!
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    I completed Day 7 Level 1 last night and I did my measurements. I have lost 1 inch off of my thighs and 1/2 inch off of my hips!! I can actually fit into a pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans!

    yay!! I haven't lost any weight since starting the shred (really ready to see the ## coming down again!) but I can tell a difference in my body. Need to do some measurements and see :)

    had to add - getting into pre-preg jeans is a big victory and I bet you are feeling GREAT!!