Does Herbalife Really Work?



  • amreadarrens
    amreadarrens Posts: 43 Member
    I am doing it too. This will be the first time I'll say this. It does not work for me. Perhaps, it works for others but not in my issue in losing weight. because gaining weight has many reasons. I have a problem with my metabolism. Of course it does work but it does not work the way it used to be working.
    I tried this one. I tried their calorie burning tea. But it is still like I am drinking laxative. I have still this stomach cramps and i feel like It punishes me. But I am not saying it does not work it's just "it does not work for me"
    I tried this one and I am in the midst of my journey
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    See a qualified doctor or ideally a dietitian.
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I used to sell and use Herbalife. I lost weight using Herbalife but you have to realize that programmes like that also recommend a healthy, balanced meal plan and regular physical activity in conjunction with their products. I ran out of products and couldn't afford to buy more but continued on the eating plan and still lost weight (substituted food of the same calorie value for the shakes). We also have Herbal Magic Weight Loss Centres in Canada that works on the same premise of "herbal products" used with a healthy eating and exercise plan.
    It's the low calorie eating plan combined with exercise that makes you lose the weight, not their product..
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    Does herbalife work for bowel problems I don't care about the weight loss although it would be a bonus I'm just sick of going to the doctors about my 'ibs' if that's what it is I feel I have intolerances my energy levels are low and I eat quite healthy although I do veg out now and then. Before I spend money on another scam am I better just sticking to protein shakes but bulking them with fruit and veg? my cousins just been diagnosed with crohns although I don't think that's what my problem is I've had trouble for about ten years now and will literally try anything at this point! Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

    I have had IBS for over 15 years, in that time I used Herbalife products and they made no difference. My GP suggested I try elimination of some common triggers since food allergies or sensitivities can cause IBS. Eliminating dairy made a big difference and subsequent testing showed I am lactose intolerant.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    If you have a lot of time to go to the bathroom, then yeah.. If you are going to drink any meal replacement I would go with something cheaper. I also wouldn't do the diet, I wouild just fit it into my macos like I would fit any other food in. Maybe as a snack.
  • Im excited to try herbalife & change my eating lifestyle. But first I was wondering if it works if I only drink the shakes & none of the exta stuff like the tea etc. . ? Or does it work better if you use the shake + the extras?
  • Let me squash this quickly...

    First and foremost I am a nutritionist in the uk with a BSc in Exercise Nutrition and have been successfully coaching nutrition for 8 years.

    Right, herbalife= full or corn syrup, soya, sucralose and GMO ingredients.

    Yes you will "loose weight" but I dare you to get a real body fat test from an air displacement machine known as the BodPod. The electronic bio impedance machines the reps use can be manipulated through water weight. So it will depend on your hydration levels.

    Now if I give you a drink instead of food then yes of course you will loose weight however, water is cheaper than herbal life.

    The people selling it to you are not fitness or nutritional professionals, they are an insult to the industry.

    Even as a nutritionist I would explore every avenue within a clients diet to eradicate problems before prescribing any type of supplementation.

    Portion control, eating for your body and eating the right foods "FOR YOU" is the key to longevity with health and body composition.

    This is a fad which I hope dies out quickly.
  • And be careful as to who you take dietary advice from... Too many people offering advice dependant on their experience.

    Let me put it this way.

    I have a friend called max and he is a vegan, ripped and strong so that must be the best diet right?

    But then I have a friend called dan and he eats paleo (meat and veg). He is in great shape. That's got to be the best diet

    Then again I also have a mate called Leon who eats whatever he wants and goes to all the fast food places but yet he has an amazing body...

    Catching my drift?

    Everyone has a different somatotype, endocrine system response, cell function, Gi tract etc. and this is what influences food and body composition. I don't care if it fits fake macros,.. It will not work in the long run

    If it has worked for YOU then great, but don't expect that to now give you the credentials to give dietary advice
  • tfixin2
    tfixin2 Posts: 3 Member
    I use the shakes twice a day. I drink their tea four times daily. I love it!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    It contains a lot of sugar!!!!
    And the reason why you might lose weight is because you are not eating!!! it's calorie controlled...thats all.

    They don't have a lot of sugar. A shake had 9 grams. Most weightloss shakes have around 20+
  • Hey everyone!

    My name is Lexie and I have recently started using herbalife. I have joined Myfitnesspal to track my progress and meet great new people! Just a little background about myself. I am 23yr old currently weigh in @ 211 – 5’3. I am an inspiring solo artist whose dream is to just have enough confidence to get on stage.
    This past year has a been a difficult year and over the course of this 8 I have gained about 55-60 lbs. Recently I stumbled across some youtube videos about “Herbalife fitness journeys” and it inspired me. It inspired me so much that I started a vlog via youtube to document my transformation while using Herbalife. As any over weight person would know I don’t have a lot of confidence when my clothes don’t fit right, or when they don’t fit at all. I have chosen the path with herbalife to help me overcome my life struggle with my weight. Through my journey you will see me change and become a happier healthier person. I will be posting videos every week with my updated progress weight and inches. My goal is gain more confidence and maintain a healthy life style. I am not an ordinary person and I know my weight holds me back from a lot of things. But I am here now, and I am not stopping until I reach my goal. I can not wait to share the tears of joys and accomplishments with my fit fam!
    Feel free to add me, we can motivate each other!
    My youtube channel is up and running, videos will be uploaded bi weekly.
    Being the person I have always imagined myself being.

    Day 1: vlog-
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Lexie and I have recently started using herbalife. I have joined Myfitnesspal to track my progress and meet great new people! Just a little background about myself. I am 23yr old currently weigh in @ 211 – 5’3. I am an inspiring solo artist whose dream is to just have enough confidence to get on stage.
    This past year has a been a difficult year and over the course of this 8 I have gained about 55-60 lbs. Recently I stumbled across some youtube videos about “Herbalife fitness journeys” and it inspired me. It inspired me so much that I started a vlog via youtube to document my transformation while using Herbalife. As any over weight person would know I don’t have a lot of confidence when my clothes don’t fit right, or when they don’t fit at all. I have chosen the path with herbalife to help me overcome my life struggle with my weight. Through my journey you will see me change and become a happier healthier person. I will be posting videos every week with my updated progress weight and inches. My goal is gain more confidence and maintain a healthy life style. I am not an ordinary person and I know my weight holds me back from a lot of things. But I am here now, and I am not stopping until I reach my goal. I can not wait to share the tears of joys and accomplishments with my fit fam!
    Feel free to add me, we can motivate each other!
    My youtube channel is up and running, videos will be uploaded bi weekly.
    Being the person I have always imagined myself being.

    Day 1: vlog-

    The MLM runs strong in this one.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    IDK but I heard it was expensive.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Sure it works...

    It works at taking your hard earned money out of your pocket.

    I agree, but don't take my word for it. All the evidence you need can be found here:
  • I have done 2 weeks on Herbalife now and have lost 17 lbs in total, 8 on my first week and 9 on my second week, so yeah its working for me, but i also wonder if those scales are accurate has i dont really feel or look different. Any views on this guys?
  • Joannespo
    Joannespo Posts: 1 Member
    I have been using Herbalife for just 3 weeks, I have lost no weight at all! I am loosing inches..but I think its from exercise. Its not working for me.4
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Necrothread, nearly 2 years old from the last post.

    If you have purchased Herbalife, see if you can return it for a refund or flush it down the sink.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Amazing bump from a person who sells it.
  • vengeyj
    vengeyj Posts: 1 Member

    It can work, but only if you take to heart the whole mantra of the plan; nutrition. It isn't magic. You can't drink a shake on a morning and then carry on as usual for the rest of the day. You really do need to embrace the snacking on healthy/high protein items and likely adjust your regular meal habits as well. The whole general idea is to reduce your calorie intake, increase your protein intake and curb hunger by regular nutritional snacks. As a result, you will naturally feel like you have more energy, weight drops off and you generally have hunger cravings under control.

    If you try to "adjust" this plan after a few weeks, which I'm sure many do after initial results, you can expect to gain the majority of weight back, as the vast majority of what you lose in the first weeks is likely to be glycogen and water, which the body can store a lot of from unhealthy eating. It takes serious time to lose real fat. 3500 calories burned for 1 pound of fat lost. Do the numbers.

    I do think you can replicate the majority of this through careful eating, particularly at breakfast, and adding a few protein bars to your diet.

    I personally use it because it is a convenient way for me to get what my body needs on a morning and I live in a country where its Herbalife OR really pro protein shakes aimed at weightlifters. If I had other options, I would probably opt for them, as I don't think Herbalife is worth the premium.

    One thing I'll say is that I really don't like Herbalife as a company. They brain wash their sales people into working for free, teasing them that they can refer a few people, effectively eat for free, manipulate them into trying to make a career out of it and investing for higher discounts and then it dawns on the agents that the only way they can make a living from it is to try and get other people to repeat all the things they themselves did to get to that stage. Herbalife popularity and growth is funnelled by a Ponzi like scheme. As a result, discussions with agents can often feel forced and desperate on their part.

    Balanced review.