100 also

I also need to lose 100# I have done 50# before with a personal trainer and nutritionist. To poor for that now


  • Jamiempang
    Jamiempang Posts: 39 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race! Think baby steps. 100 pounds to lose... that's less than 2 pounds per week. Not too scary! You can do it. :) Too many people try to lose 5 pounds, 10 pounds in a week. Ok... but they usually gain it back. Slow and steady is good for your metabolism. :) Reach out for support from people who are informed about weight loss and nutrition, and find an accountability partner. Best of luck!!
  • Amaris_uk
    Amaris_uk Posts: 19 Member
    I also need to loose over 100lb. Feel free to add me. Small steps, one week at a time and we will reach our goals!