Help with calories please

linziicb Posts: 42 Member
Hi i have started using the app this week after having lost almost 2 stone on my own. The weight loss stopped so i am trying this to give me a boost. i am 5ft 7 and 38 years old. and weight 15 stone 12, i want to lose another 3 stone to begin with. The app says i should be eating 1410 calories a day, i swim twice a week and use a rowing machine at home. Does this sound about right to everyone? i had a major back operation in November and hadn't been able to walk for almost 2 years so i am slowly building my exercise and fitness back up after gaining over 3 stone as a result. I have been eating healthily for months now and swimming for 5 weeks and had hoped that at my weight and the huge change in my lifestyle that the weight would drop off me but its going very slowly at around a pound a week. xx


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Do you weigh your food?
  • linziicb
    linziicb Posts: 42 Member
    i have just bought some scales to start weighing my food from today but in all honesty i have been really strict with myself, no treats except once a week i have a treat meal, i track everything i eat and i never cheat. ive cut out cheese, crisps, chocolate, i cook in coconut oil. a few years ago i could lose weight easily, 3-4 pounds a week, its so disheartening seeing such small results for all the hard work i am putting in x
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You don't have to cut out anything, but log accurately, that's what the calorie counting is for. And be patient, one week can't really tell which direction you are heading, and at what speed.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Pound a week is reasonable. You could shave a few calories off and increase it a bit but you're in it for the long haul starting at 15 st.
  • linziicb
    linziicb Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks, its just so hard to know if you're doing it right. some people say you are not eating enough and others say cut your calories, just wanted to make sure i start on the right foot.
  • Jamiempang
    Jamiempang Posts: 39 Member
    A pound a week is very reasonable. The reason some are saying eat more is because sometimes eating too little can mess up your metabolism and cause your weight loss to slow or even stop. This is why some people who end a diet gain back more than they lost. Their metabolism slowed down. Slow and steady weight loss is healthy weight loss and more likely to be permanent weight loss. Add some strength training in if you can. A good mix of cardio and strength training is a big help. I'm sure you are doing great!
  • _dixiana_
    _dixiana_ Posts: 3,262 Member
    Jamiempang wrote: »
    A pound a week is very reasonable. The reason some are saying eat more is because sometimes eating too little can mess up your metabolism and cause your weight loss to slow or even stop. This is why some people who end a diet gain back more than they lost. Their metabolism slowed down. Slow and steady weight loss is healthy weight loss and more likely to be permanent weight loss. Add some strength training in if you can. A good mix of cardio and strength training is a big help. I'm sure you are doing great!

  • LotusFlwr2013
    LotusFlwr2013 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi @Linziicb ... I have not actually tied this yet as I have not plateaued yet but others on this site have sworn by it... calorie cycling ... I have even read material on if from readers digest even ... here is one of the sites on it ... basically you switch between maintenance and deprivation on random days and it seems to kick start the body... again have not tried it yet but maybe it can help you? At any rate I agree with everyone else a lb a week is very good. Cheers luvie
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    1410 Cals/day sounds at least reasonable - I haven't run your numbers.

    1 lb per week is pretty good for most people.

    Carry on doing what you're doing, I'd say.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    To note - the 1410 is your non-exercise daily goal - because MFP assumes no exercise until you do it and log it.

    But you do more than daily activity - you should eat more. Or what may have been a reasonable deficit could become unreasonable.

    Usually the first difference between those deficit amounts is what is lost - fat only or fat and muscle mass also.
    Usually don't have to think hard as to which is to be avoided.

    Also, eating enough for your level of activity allows better workouts usually - that allows body to transform more than merely weight loss alone would cause.

    now, sadly logging those workouts is probably prone to error - at least swimming in the database has a pace element to it, but rowing doesn't, so probably change their estimated calorie burn to half as much.
    Then eat to your new daily goal when you do more.