Small "tips" you use for your journey!

JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
edited May 2016 in Health and Weight Loss

I see you guys reading it ;) come on and post!

I figured it'd be kind of fun and probably helpful to hear what everyone does to lose that extra few pounds/gain that extra muscle. Whether helpful or silly :)

For example I focus on ALWAYS leaving Atleast a little on my plate.

It's weird but I try to fidget whenever I think of it, every calorie counts right :p

If it's junky and I can live without it, I leave it for a time when I can't (like a burger bun or that third piece of chocolate, sometimes even just half the bun,or 1-2 pieces satisfies fine)

I used to swear by the power of boiled eggs. Low calorie and always filled me up.

Within a few weeks of eating healthy and hating black coffee, I suddenly tried it again and it was great. Just cooled it down with a bit of extra cold water. So if you think you don't like black coffee, try it again :p

I can't think of anymore off the top of my head, what about you guys? Anything weird you do :p?


  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Oh and when I walk I always say "one more block this way" which adds 3 blocks because I also say I can only go a block if I do it in a c shape :p definatly helps easily add on the cardio
  • MynameisChester
    MynameisChester Posts: 107 Member
    I use smaller plates, it makes my serving size look bigger. You can also apply taller skinny glasses when drinking soda in the same vein.

    When making sandwiches or a burger, I replace the bun with lettuce wraps. Same goes for taco shells/tortillas

    I park my car far so it forces me to walk to the store

    I buy fruits/veggies that require little to no preparation (apple, bsnana, celery, cauliflower, etc) Great for on the go!

  • justjennnnn
    justjennnnn Posts: 33 Member
    Nice thread! Green tea to curb hunger helps...just staying busy with activities that take my mind off of eating when I'm not even hungry.
  • wickedmaineah
    wickedmaineah Posts: 50 Member
    One more episode....I use my ipad and headphones to walk the fat away on our treadmill while catching up on my favorite shows.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Add veggies to everything!
  • kaitfin94
    kaitfin94 Posts: 35 Member
    I add tons of veggies to a meal to add a bunch of volume and make myself think I'm eating a ton! Also I try to prepare veggies in ways that I haven't really done before. For example I just got a veggie spiralizer and it seriously makes me want to try all sorts of different veggies in it!
    I use cashew milk and walden farms chocolate sauce for super low calorie chocolate milk!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    I put my scale at a friends house today, He lives 4 miles away so if i want to weigh myself (and i do) i have to work for it :p + i have someone to hold me accountable so ima want to lose extra weight :3
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    edited May 2016
    * Before I go grocery shopping I choose at least one or two new recipes to try out that week. It makes cooking more fun, prevents me from thinking we have "nothing" (and ordering crap as a result), and keeps me from getting board of eating the same things all the time.
    * Eating off smaller plates
    * Bringing my book and phone (for music) to the gym on non-swimming days. Makes the time go by faster (and secretly, I loooove having the me-time to read!)
    * I started buying popsicles and 100-cal mini ice cream cones to satisfy the sweet tooth without going overboard.
    * I LOVE pho but started ordering it without noodles. Now I enjoy more of the goodies instead of noodles and still end up full!
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    sugar free gum
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited May 2016
    Use taco shells/tortillas, as a topping; instead of the base.

    Cut up food as you eat it, so that it takes longer to consume; instead of cutting it all up before.

    Use tasting spoons/forks, so that it takes longer to eat; since not much can be applied to them.

    Put down the utensil/finger food between bites because it increases consumption time.

    Drink before eating because it might be thirst, instead of hunger and/or because it'll help fill you.

    Designate the kitchen, nook & dining room, as the only place; that's appropriate to eat because most people don't desire to stay in those rooms, for as long/as many times; that they mindlessly eat & it'll help you realize just how much time, you spend eating.

    Eat something (a couple of bites) as your cooking, so that by time it's time to eat; you won't eat as long & therefore consume less and/or take a bite of your food, in between serving others/cutting up a child's food.

    If you have children, allow them to play with their food (within reason) & also participate because it'll take longer to eat & thus you'll consume less

    Use a shot glass, for consuming caloric beverages.

    Keep your hands busy, doing something besides; placing food in your mouth.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited May 2016
    What helps me is to not cut foods out of my 'diet' (no cheat days or meals to derail my progress) and drink diet drinks and flavoured teas. I also like drinking club soda with my meals.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Oh... AND carry a large water bottle with you everywhere you go. Everywhere! It quickly becomes an addiction
  • LookingforWhatsHerName
    LookingforWhatsHerName Posts: 37 Member
    My problem has been that I never really know what my wife will serve for dinner from one day to the next (not to mention the occasional snack when I get home or whatever), so I can only guess what to eat/not eat for breakfast and lunch during the day. So now, I just log my dinner for tonight into tomorrow's diary entry. That way, I can figure out what to eat for breakfast and lunch tomorrow in order to hit the right goals for the 24 hour period (tonight's dinner through tomorrow's lunch). Then I start over again with tomorrow's dinner going onto the next day's diary. It's much easier for me to control what I eat for breakfast and lunch, so I base those meals on whatever I ate the night before.

    This. Is. Brilliant.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    cecsav1 wrote: »
    Oh... AND carry a large water bottle with you everywhere you go. Everywhere! It quickly becomes an addiction

    I have drank 10 litres a day for as long as i can remember by carrying a 1L bottle around XD I never got addicted to any other beverages as i was never thirsty :p its great
  • musicfanlh
    musicfanlh Posts: 13 Member
    Boiled eggs are def my friend! Also budget saver Popsicles are a great 50 cal. Snack with only 12carbs! :)