Your most intense pain ever?



  • daniellek30
    daniellek30 Posts: 171 Member
    I used to work in a FROYO joint, and when I was pouring the liquid mixture into the hopper of the machine, I must have overextended because I felt a sharp pain in my ribs.

    I could barely move, and so my husband took me to the hospital. They gave me two shots of dilaudid, and it didn't work for the pain. So after a TON of tests, apparently I tore the muscle that is attached to my rib cage. Very painful and to this day, 5 years later, I still get a dull ache if I press in the right spot!
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Here's one for ya....It didn't happen to me, but to my brother-in-law's friend....they were out in the bush playing capture the flag. A group of them would go out old logging roads and find forested area with no trail to set up their boundaries. Anyway....he was running, but there was a little drop off.....because the height of the growth around him was about the same as the height of the taller bushes and trees coming up from the bottom of that mini cliff, he didn't realize the ground would drop off and just kept running. I picture this like Wiley Coyote running off a cliff and hanging in mid air while his legs keep running and then down he goes. wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the fact that there was a skinny, dead, branchless tree sticking straight up below him. He fell onto it straight up and down....straddled the thing. It pierced him right between his front and back bits.....gave him what we now fondly refer to as a "panus" (or maybe "painus" would be more accurate) since a new orifice was created at the halfway point. Rescue folk had to "top" the tree and leave it in to get him to the hospital....which would also have sucked. Luckily, although I'm sure he'd probably say that was the most painful thing to ever happen to him, his new "piercing" missed everything important on the way up and didn't cause any permanent organ damage. Yay!!
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    Ive had some really debilitating headaches

    Then I started drinking
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    One time when I was younger I had a large burn on my arm and I didn't change the bandage for like 2 weeks. I then had to rip my own skin off to get the bandage off. That was...awesome.
  • InfoomaousTete
    InfoomaousTete Posts: 1,383 Member
    Writing the college tuition checks for two boys! :D
  • miakristmann
    miakristmann Posts: 27 Member
    Running races with a herniated disk, would come through the finish line bawling my eyes out. Or soaking a very infected road burned foot bone exposed and all.
  • shank35l
    shank35l Posts: 102 Member
    GSW to the L. hip that cracked my illiac crest. Felt like some one hit me with a sledgehammer in the hip, then drove ice picks in for fun.
  • MarkaStone
    MarkaStone Posts: 55 Member
    Diverticulitis (Diverticular Disease) not something I'd wish on anyone felt like someone had ripped a hole in my side and was pouring lava into my guts.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    MarkaStone wrote: »
    Diverticulitis (Diverticular Disease) not something I'd wish on anyone felt like someone had ripped a hole in my side and was pouring lava into my guts.

    Abdominal pain is the worst @MarkaStone I have Crohn's and it's oh so fun
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    edited May 2016
    Probably Charlie horses
  • HoolaHoopsMcGee
    HoolaHoopsMcGee Posts: 2,749 Member
    I snapped my tibia in half skateboarding. That hurt a lot. For a month straight.

    So did I!! Plus two places in my ankle. I was going to put that, but the gall stone pain was worse.
  • TJnTexas
    TJnTexas Posts: 44 Member
    Kidney Stones. Largest was 9MM. Ouch.
  • backontheattack
    backontheattack Posts: 3,178 Member
    In no particular order, getting methotrexate injecting into my bone marrow during chemo, migraines, and tearing my ACL, then trying to run on said torn ACL and having my knee give out again...
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    When EA discontinued SKATE games. -__-
  • dozenmonkeyz
    dozenmonkeyz Posts: 150 Member
    Broke my tibia and fibia is a sort of twist fracture but was in shock so fast the pain wasn't terrible... until they set it by sitting me on the edge of a bed and letting it drop down and twisting my ankle back straight.

    But worse, was breaking my metacarpal bone in my hand behind the pinkie (boxer's fracture). To numb it before setting, they shot Novocaine straight into the marrow of the cross section of the bone. Instant white hot fire from my groin to my ears, only felt for a second before I passed out from the pain. Never felt anything like it and hope to never feel it again.

    So many awful stories in this thread but I can't help but read :p
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    So many awful stories in this thread but I can't help but read :p

    riiiiiiiiiight? it's like a bad car don't WANT to see it. You just can't look away.

  • rockgoddess2016
    rockgoddess2016 Posts: 8,663 Member
  • kingjethro
    kingjethro Posts: 17 Member
    Got hit broadside by a car running a red light while on my bike. Got thrown about 30 feet. Shattered tibia, fibula, and ankle with a severe compound fracture. Unbelievable pain and nearly a year of recovery.

    Good times.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    edited May 2016
    So the top pain written here seems to be stones. I've promptly Goggled my risks of getting a stone. After reading these stories, I'm relieved to see that my risk is low.

    I guess I'm somewhat lucky in that the most intense pain I've ever contracted was a leg cramp. I'm not sure why it happens, but for as long as I can remember, every so often, in the middle of the night, I'll get a terrible leg cramp that's mostly in my calf. It usually goes away really fast, but there have been a time or two where the pain dragged on for a good hour or so. These cramps never last past the night though, thankfully.