MFP as a Community

(Warning: Extreme Sappiness Ahead)

I just felt the need to voice my feelings about MFP. It goes without saying that the tools here are exceptional and have contributed greatly to any success I've had in improving my health. Tracking has been a huge factor in helping me to see what needs to be done to improve my diet and exercise. I love the way MFP is set up, and I find it easy to use. But, to be frank, there are lots of places to track and it could be done on other websites, or even (gasp) on paper (if I was a glutton for punishment).

What makes MFP different is the community. As a group, MFP is the most supportive, encouraging, helpful, thoughtful and friendly bunch of people I've ever seen (and I've been around teh webz for a while). You can ask a question, seek advice, or simply need a shoulder...and someone will be there in minutes (if not seconds.)

As individuals, the friends I've found here are some of the best people I've ever known. Despite having their own worries, challenges, jobs, families and needs... they take time out of their day to offer whatever they can to help me, whether it's a kind word, a kick in the *kitten*, advice/information, or simply a laugh.

One of my friends here (who will remain nameless) recently did an extremely kind, thoughtful and selfless thing for me, which will truly have a long-lasting effect on my success in getting and staying healthy. Words simply can't express how much it means to me. You know who you are.... Thank you.

I fear I'll never be able to repay all of you for what you give to me, or do justice to the kindness I've seen and received here on MFP. But I felt the need to try to express it. So all I will say is, you're a wonderful group of people that give strength to others each day, whether you realize it or not. :heart:


  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I agree 100%!
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    AS DO I 100%

    I think it "works" because it is full of people that are trying to do the same thing, and everyone understands the hardships and the struggles that we all go through.

    I use this more than Facebook and i truly feel i have made REAL friends on here
  • MB1967
    MB1967 Posts: 94 Member
    Its not sappy, its true...
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    The community is definitely why I'm still here. I barely use the tools anymore, but the community helps keep me on track and pushing forward. There's no way I would be where I am right now without the community that's here.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    +1 to everything you said

    (and I want to be able to find this thread later!)
  • Crystalchaos72
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Aww cute. <3
  • R4z0r4Mm0
    R4z0r4Mm0 Posts: 131
    ...just knowing that there are almost-complete strangers in different parts of the world who care enough to read about my calorie burns, goals and nsvs, and then take the time - even if it's a few seconds to type "wtg" on their iPhone - is one of my main motivators that keep me coming to MFP. The knowledge in these forums and the tools provided in MFP are invaluable - but the members is what makes this site priceless!
  • gothicprophet
    ...just knowing that there are almost-complete strangers in different parts of the world who care enough to read about my calorie burns, goals and nsvs, and then take the time - even if it's a few seconds to type "wtg" on their iPhone - is one of my main motivators that keep me coming to MFP. The knowledge in these forums and the tools provided in MFP are invaluable - but the members is what makes this site priceless!

    QFT! And I want to be able to find the thread again. :D
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I used this site as a tool on my iPhone app for the first three months. In February, I started interacting in the forums and making friends on here and as it stands now, I may have actually found my soulmate on here and I wasn't even really trying to find just happened...I love all of my friends on here and am making concerted efforts to meet as many as I can in person!
  • imsmellie
    imsmellie Posts: 103 Member
    That wasn't sap. Just the truth. Wonderful site. Inspiring people.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Very well said!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    :flowerforyou: ♥ LOVE IT!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    I have to add that you yourself have an amazing spirit & contribute a lot in supporting, giving feedback & advice & adding to our learning everyday. You are an intrinsic & invaluable part of this fabric. So thanks to you too:)
  • rachelw16
    rachelw16 Posts: 90
    I agree, people here are awesome!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    I have to agree. The support here is amazing and every time I think about copping out all I have to do is think about everyone here and I have the motivation to move forward.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Wholeheartedly agree!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member


    I do agree with you, LadyHawk! =) When I struggled and was MIA for a couple of months, I kept thinking about my friends on here and how I was letting them down. One of the most upsetting things when I came back was the knowledge that one friend had been facing very similar struggles as me during the entire time, but because I was hiding from doing this, I missed out on supporting her and being supported by her. And another friend seems to have left completely, and that breaks my heart. These are people I haven't met, but because we share one of the hardest common struggles there is, we're bound in a way that is just inexpressible. But I get it. And thank you for expressing it so well.

    Kumbayah! :laugh:
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    ...just knowing that there are almost-complete strangers in different parts of the world who care enough to read about my calorie burns, goals and nsvs, and then take the time - even if it's a few seconds to type "wtg" on their iPhone - is one of my main motivators that keep me coming to MFP. The knowledge in these forums and the tools provided in MFP are invaluable - but the members is what makes this site priceless!


    One small, one word comment shows that someone is there cheering you on. It takes a second to show you care.