disapointed in this site



    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I'm still relatively new, but the people here have been amazingly supportive. I think a lot of times, people skim the topics and see the same things over and over. A lot of the people who are answering our questions have been here for a while. They'be probably answered the same questions a million times when a new round of people come on board.
    I say get back on there and post.
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    anything worth doing takes time and lots of work I'm sure you know this.
    you'll be in wedding shape in the blink of an eye. hang in there girl
    and by the way I love the pic but maybe your right you should have one more up to date
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am sorry you feel this way. If I have an issue you really want answered, I will go back in and bump my thread until someone with experience sees it.

    If you post at 1 am, it may be there is no one around at that time. Some ppl dont read during the day, others dont at night.

    I had an exercise issue I bumped 3 times until Songbyrdsweet answered my question.

    As in life, it is trial and error that gets us the needed results.

    Have a nice day:flowerforyou:
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Gee, so sorry to hear you are upset. How many groups or forums or discussions have you joined or commented on or chimed in on?? Humm, you just joined in Jan 09.....

    There are several areas of interes on this site and I have never known any of us to ignore anyone.

    Welcome to the site......
    Glad to have you hear.....

    Great place to get involved.......
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I've been around on the internet for a good while, and I can say without a doubt this is a very supportive group of folks. You might not always get your ego stroked and they don't always tell you what you want to hear, but these people are real folks with real issues, real hearts and real feelings. I know several of these people who take time out of their day, each and every day, to support, encourage, welcome, answer questions and kiss cyber boo-boos (you know who you are, lol). Be patient and keep posting and you will find other people who have the same problems and understand what you are going through. Sometimes you will find people who have different issues but still support you just as much. This time of year there are so many new folks that topics are just flying through here. My advice to you is to pick a challenge thread and join in..you will meet a lot of folks that way. Read the board and PM people who seem to be in the same boat as you. Offer advice on topics that you are knowledgeable about. Reach out and be the kind of MFPer that you want others to be to you!

    Good luck on your journey, better luck with your wedding!

    I :heart: MFP
    and...I'm even shorter and heavier than you. 4 foot eleven and 154 lbs. I feel your pain on the shortie part!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey! I'm sorry you haven't gotten the support you need. I think a lot of people question great-looking pictures like yours because there are a few people each week who show up with some eating disorder calling themselves derogatory names, which brings down the entire atmosphere. I'm not saying you have an eating disorder, just that sometimes people question why lean people are around.

    As a side note, I trained for Figure for a while. I bought the horridly uncomfortable shoes even! :laugh: But school is a priority and I had to work more than I expected so I didn't have enough time to train like I needed to.

    What are your questions/concerns? :flowerforyou:
  • wrestler
    wrestler Posts: 1 Member
    I have been using this site for a while, although not consistantly. I have never posted before and I am usually to busy to chime in, however I think I may have traveled a similar road. I wrestled through college and then coached for three years after that. During wrestling season I would be about 4% body fat and on the off season not much more than about 7%. Over the years I have let myself be comforted by food and have almost stopped exercising all together. I am 5'7" and I would be between 165 to 175 lbs and now I am up to 213 lbs. and out of shape! I did it all by myself and we need to get back into shape all by ourselves. We need not get into competition shape, unless that is what you desire, however being fit is the goal. You had success once and you can do it again, as I will. Keep a positive attitude! You can't help others until you have helped yourself. You can't truely be happy for others until you are happy with yourself. YOU are important before all others....get it! Good luck on your journey!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I looked at the times you posted the posts that I saw. You are posting pretty late at night PST(my time)when there are not a lot of people on the boards. When you posted most of the East coast people were probably long in bed and West coasters were signing off or even out on the town it was a Saturday night. Don't take offense. Wait a bit and bump your post up. If I had not gone to your profile I would never have known your pic was you I would have thought that was a pic of someone you were using for inspiration so doubt that is the problem. I have posted several questions that have gotten little or no response. I don't take offense I just bump them the next day and see if a different group of people online can help me. They usually do and I get the help I need. Sometimes no one still responds and I have to search a member out like Fitness_Chick or TamTastic who I know might be able to help me find the answer. Hope that helps! :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194

    This is the first post of yours I have seen. I have been here for about 23 days.

    I looked at your other topics and yes I see the poster you are refering to and I agree it was an odd comment. But you also got lot of other warm welcomes.

    I dont understand how anyone can say your "weight" issues are different from everyones here did they take a poll ? I was also fit and athletic and a healthy weight most of my life so does that mean I cannot support someone who has been overweight there entire lives???That just doesnt make sense to me. Does that mean that I dont deserve support now? Please just ignore any rude comments trust me they say a lot more about the person making the comment then about you!

    The truth is you have weight you want to lose and you want to be healthier! That seems to be everyones goal here ( unless they are maintaining) so please do not let one posters personal issues affect you to much. I just ignore anyone who I deem rude and focus on all the wonderful supportive people here.

    Please stick around and give it another chance :flowerforyou:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member

    This is the first post of yours I have seen. I have been here for about 23 days.

    I looked at your other topics and yes I see the poster you are refering to and I agree it was an odd comment. But you also got lot of other warm welcomes.

    I dont understand how anyone can say your "weight" issues are different from everyones here did they take a poll ? I was also fit and athletic and a healthy weight most of my life so does that mean I cannot support someone who has been overweight there entire lives???That just doesnt make sense to me. Does that mean that I dont deserve support now? Please just ignore any rude comments trust me they say a lot more about the person making the comment then about you!

    The truth is you have weight you want to lose and you want to be healthier! That seems to be everyones goal here ( unless they are maintaining) so please do not let one posters personal issues affect you to much. I just ignore anyone who I deem rude and focus on all the wonderful supportive people here.

    Please stick around and give it another chance :flowerforyou:

    Very well put!! We are not all insensitive meanies. Stick around!:flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Congratulations on getting married. :smooched: :smooched: I to feel the same way. I have been asking to join one of the weight loss teams. I messaged they girl who is running last Thursday and still no respond. I hope after this post everything goes well for you. Good luck on your weight loss journey. Hope you stick around:love::love: :love:
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    aww AmyNVegas..thank you for the support ..I was a bit concerned about posting that because I was feeling a little heated lol...
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    The OP hasn't replied back here in her own thread yet.... even considering the bounty of responses.

    She says she's annoyed at the lack of response to HER threads - yet has only 7 posts of her own. I think she was just being a bit paranoid - I don't think her picture has anything to do with how people would respond to her.

    I'd not put too much worry into this.
  • mrhappy
    mrhappy Posts: 145 Member
    This is one of the reasons I stopped coming on the message board and posting. I use to ask questions that were related to eating, exercise...ect! But it seem liked if you weren't playing around nobody would respond. It got boring and became a waste of time to even post anything. I still read posts, but very rarely comment or start new posts.
    Best of luck to you, Kelly

    Ahh Kelly......:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: please dip your toes back in and begin posting again!:cry::flowerforyou: I'm so sorry you felt that way and the it seemed that way, I do know EXACTLY what you mean. I am a misfit here to the 'in crowd' but it's gotten to be ok, because frankly I'd much rather have real friends than those who run hot and cold.

    I have found I had to make my own way...it's not been easy, I was easy prey for those on the board that were feeling they ran the place and were...well, less than kind but I've decided that what really matters most is how I feel about myself not strangers on here I'll never meet.

    Would you like to chat?:happy: I am more than happy to hang out and get to know you, It's NO FUN to feel you are unheard on a message board most especially a supportive one, geesh what a crummy feeling.

    I've really had to dig my heels in to even decide to stay but here I am, pushed around a bit, poked at yet I still stick around because the folks that have done that to me and still sometimes do simple don't matter to me, we reap what we sow in life. My buddy Marla told me, forget THEM...they don't count, they are unkind stuck up ppl that every message board has, internet trolls simply trying to get a rise to get attention on themselves....

    I guess I thought this place was different too, but this is the internet after all:wink::noway: ...silly naive me for thinking MFP would be full of ALL kind folks. There are many many giving, kind, motivating and inspiring ppl here...but there are also the others who anyone here for even a bit of time will not be able to miss, I think from the sounds of it, you've already run across the players.

    Steer clear of them and you will succeed here and make some wonderful true friends. I found I cared to much what others thought of me, oops, my bad. It's really us and how we feel within ourselves. I have to say I have learned SO much even in the last week on what really matters here. It's me and my walk of health, my own journey, that's the most important thing. MFP is simply a tool we may all use to get results.

    Please try once again, I am sorry I'm not sure I can say I saw your post, if I see a post of new person I am always greeting and welcoming if I am online at the time. :flowerforyou: I was welcomed and I wish to pay it forward and make others feel comfy when they arrive.

    Here's to your journey being a postive successful one Kelly:flowerforyou: :heart:


    Ahh, thank you for speaking up FC; I haven't really had any bad experiences (on this site!) but you're right - its the internet and its open, so enough said.

    Kelly - you keep giving us a try girl. Whatever your fitness goals are, someone on this site will help motivate, guide, support & cheer you on. Don't even bother with the ones who want to question your goals. Life is too short (take it from an old geek) to mess around with negative people. You go girl!!!

    :wink: :happy: :laugh: :glasses:
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I think a lot of the comments stem from having that picture up there. When i see that picture i feel sick becuase i dont see that as a girl who should be on here to lose weight so when you say you need to lose weight and I see that visiual it churns my stomache sadly thinking of all of those with eating disorders or who no matter what they look like are never good enough in their eyes.

    i think if you took that picture down and put up a more recent one or no picture you'd have better feedback from others. its hard to identify or be in the same boat as someone who is 40-50 lbs over weight when they look at a picture like that. I'm new to this site too but the few ladies who i've talked to are extremely supportive. Change your outlook and you'll see that too!
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    I think a lot of the comments stem from having that picture up there. When i see that picture i feel sick becuase i dont see that as a girl who should be on here to lose weight so when you say you need to lose weight and I see that visiual it churns my stomache sadly thinking of all of those with eating disorders or who no matter what they look like are never good enough in their eyes.

    I remember a girl using a pic of Adriana Lima as her profile pic. And more of us said "girl, if you look like that, you don't need to lose weight". Then she said "this isn't me! this is my inspiration".

    And FC had this hot sporty lady as a profile pic. :wink: Maybe this is her on the inside, maybe this is inspirational for her, maybe she is telling us "judge me by what I say, not by my profile pic. Or else, I am what I am inside, not my looks".

    I think it's good to have something visual to sort of get the idea who you're talking to. I was long time uncomfortable with uploading my pics, until I realized that as curious as I am to see others, they might know who are they also talking to.

    As for the first post not being answered - I also felt frustrated in the beginning and also have posts with 3 answers only. Recent posts hop up in the list and the older ones shift on pages noone bothers to/knows hot toread, unless they've hooked them somehow. So... it just happens, there no better way of judging which post is most important and should be put on top.

    Just stay for a while. We need you, your experience and all the positive energy you can throw at us :wink: . And if you think you might need us, just hang on for a while :flowerforyou: ... you might like us even more.
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    Personally I dont judge on the pictures. I go and read the profile. She said that she used to be fit and then had put on weight so I figured that the pic was inspiration. If you have a doubt about someone who you think has an ED I think it is best to ask for current height and weight instead of making a snap judgement.

    If you feel sick seeing the picture then maybe you should read a bit more and talk to the person first before jumping to conclusions.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :flowerforyou: It is too bad that you feel that you have to post a picture like that to get attention. I have lots of pictures similar to yours of when I use to model but with out the muscle just the body:laugh:
    this is why I do not display my picture. I would like MFP friends to get to know me for me. I like you have a lot to offer perhaps not in the same way as you but in other ways.

    I did not read your post and maybe not everybody saw it, but as far as being a compulsive eater I can give you information and perhaps some encouragment in that area. I use to be a compulsive spender so I bought the book to help me understand why I was doing it. Send me a message and let me know how I can help you. :flowerforyou:

    Wow, we are such judgers on this site, I'm most especially SHOCKED at some of the particular folks on this thread that feel the need to cut down a brand new person when some of you have opened up your souls lately and ask for help and NOONE has cut you down on your own threads...can't we simply pay forward the same in kind that we were given ourselves when we were trying to reach out???:noway: :cry: :ohwell: ), I'm almost ashamed to be apart of this place sometimes.

    Who are WE to assume someone placed a certain photo of themselves or any other photo to get attention??????????????????????????? How about instead thinking it might be used by us for inspiration?

    My Dear friend Dew shared I had some very cool Yoga pictures and a girl dressed in white jumpin in the air..it gave me a sense she had found freedom & I was inspired by that..so that's why it was on my AV (I can't tell you how many unkind remarks and PM's I received from having it up, and it was THE VERY FIRST DAY HERE ON MFP for me, imagine how I felt:cry: , so far all I've heard with Tigger up is funny sweet comments...now that's not saying much about us using photo's for inspiration is it?) and the yoga pics were there because I do yoga and I didn't have any before pics because I never allowed anyone to take any of me, I was to ashamed. This place sometimes just makes me wanna vomit how much we all pick at what we think this person or that person is doing...... aren't we here for one another??? Isn't that really what a motivation forum is for? Am I wrong, please tell if I am misunderstanding what Mike began here....I though this was a place to come to share our good and bad and sad times, to be cheered on and then as we learn we can pay it forward to others so they to can learn.

    I was choicing not to get on the boards today and to simply use it to log and then I decided to pop in and see if there were any new folks to welcome to the site (my bad, I should have listened to my gut instinct). Then I got lovely message from the poster of this original thread (for the new person already judging the original poster..yes, she come back to read and contact some of us that shared...was sad when I read what that poster had written about the original poster as well:cry: )

    Oh sheesh enough of this, I can already see the nasty PM's stackin up in my box.

    I just was surprised when I looked at my topics and saw all this... makes me quite sad for all of us:cry:

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Personally I dont judge on the pictures. I go and read the profile. She said that she used to be fit and then had put on weight so I figured that the pic was inspiration. If you have a doubt about someone who you think has an ED I think it is best to ask for current height and weight instead of making a snap judgement.

    If you feel sick seeing the picture then maybe you should read a bit more and talk to the person first before jumping to conclusions.
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: Thank you Suldrun for opening up and posting, I NEVER have looked at a photo and judged by that....why would WE (folks that come here not to be judged but to get healthier, what I once thought was a safe place to be) judge another for their looks, human nature? Perhaps at times but on this forum? ppl are definitely showing their true colors now....:cry::brokenheart:

    Thanks again Suldrun for saying outloud what I bet many wanted to posted but chose instead not too out of fear of not running with the pack....

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I think a lot of the comments stem from having that picture up there. When i see that picture i feel sick becuase i dont see that as a girl who should be on here to lose weight so when you say you need to lose weight and I see that visiual it churns my stomache sadly thinking of all of those with eating disorders or who no matter what they look like are never good enough in their eyes.

    I remember a girl using a pic of Adriana Lima as her profile pic. And more of us said "girl, if you look like that, you don't need to lose weight". Then she said "this isn't me! this is my inspiration".

    And FC had this hot sporty lady as a profile pic. :wink: Maybe this is her on the inside, maybe this is inspirational for her, maybe she is telling us "judge me by what I say, not by my profile pic. Or else, I am what I am inside, not my looks".

    I think it's good to have something visual to sort of get the idea who you're talking to. I was long time uncomfortable with uploading my pics, until I realized that as curious as I am to see others, they might know who are they also talking to.

    As for the first post not being answered - I also felt frustrated in the beginning and also have posts with 3 answers only. Recent posts hop up in the list and the older ones shift on pages noone bothers to/knows hot toread, unless they've hooked them somehow. So... it just happens, there no better way of judging which post is most important and should be put on top.

    Just stay for a while. We need you, your experience and all the positive energy you can throw at us :wink: . And if you think you might need us, just hang on for a while :flowerforyou: ... you might like us even more.
    Thank You Dew:heart: for having such a beautiful heart and for being such a dear friend:flowerforyou:
This discussion has been closed.