anyone taking celexa?

After taking this for a month, I put on 3 pounds. I asked my doctor if he thought it was the medication and he said absolutely not. He also said that it would not have any affect on my weight loss efforts. Have you gained/lossed while taking this medication?


  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    I was on celxa for two years. My doctor just a couple weeks ago took me off of it because he says it could be hindering my weight loss. I think you should trust what you gut says. Research it on the internet, if weight gain is a side affect it should be listed on the website. You can friend me if youd like and we can talk more :)
  • sfphill
    sfphill Posts: 19
    I have been on celexa for a few years now. I am also a pharmacy tech. It's not a common side effect for it, in fact, in my made me lose weight (Not a lot, mind you). I am an emotional eater, so that may explain the loss. I'd say that if you notice it for a second month.....any kind of increase in talk to your doctor about changing. Every one's body reacts differently to medications so this one just may not be right for you!

    Good luck!
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    I was on celexa at one point and I also gained weight. my doctor told me that nearly all of those types of pills can have those side effects, which is why i don't take them any more.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    i was perscribed it, and picked it up but i never started taking it becuase im nervous about the side effects-- i've been doing a lot of reading and seems like celexa is on the safer side of anit depressants that make you gain weight..meaning it doesnt. it shouldnt. but everyone is different and will react to medications differently.

    besides the three pounds- how do you feel otherwise? have you noticed an improvment? and what dose are you taking?

    I'm still too scared to take a pill everyday, i know that it could help me but im still such a believer in changing the way i eat and working out to change my insides...not sure..
  • smiley01x
    smiley01x Posts: 93 Member
    i am taking 20mg a day. It has been 3 months now that i haven been taking it. I haven't been very consistent in my eating habits so i can't totally blame the meds. I will stick it out for another month and see how it goes. I feel much better than i did without the meds.
  • sljenkins2188
    I have been taking celexa for quite some time since taking lexapro was too expensive. I havent noticed any weight gain. As far as weight loss, im not even exercising vigorously and focusing more on what I eat and portion sizes and I have actually lost weight. However, I do notice a little bit more flare ups with anxiety then when I was on lexapro, barely had anxiety flare ups. And also, with lexapro, no problems with weight gain. Add me if you want more info or add me to be friends! Would love to make some new friends on here and be here for motivation and support! My Fitness Pal has been the best expierence for weight loss. Take care hun!
  • monica1515
    monica1515 Posts: 65
    I take something very similar to Celexa and though it decreases my appetite as a side effect - I would imagine you could potentially gain weight on any type of medication prescribed of this nature.

    I tend want to eat when I'm sad. I tend to want to eat when happy. Emotional eatting isn't just eatting when you feel negative! I don't know if you tend to be an emotional eatter but I just wanted to throw my own personal experience out there.

    Hang in there, keep your head up, stay positive. You've done something good for yourself in recognizing you need something to help you enhance your quality of life. We don't chose to have chemical imbalances in our body, and often times people don't want to reach out for help. GOOD FOR YOU for taking control of your life! It's a process - you'll find what works and doesn't work for you.

    You're MFP are here for you!!