
AndyHTu Posts: 5 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I'm Andy. I'm 5'2 152 lbs and 30 percent body fat right now. I don't know what happened! I was just 15 percent last year. :(

I live in San Jose, CA.
I use to do the ketogenic diet in the past and it was very good to me. I got off it for awhile to shift to a more carb based diet which was working well for me until I got out of hand, eatting bad stuff and stopped working out.

Now....I'm getting back into it, hopefully to try and get back to my previous healthy weight at 130 lbs.

Would love to meet to learn from other ketogenic lifestyle folks here.

Nice to meet you all. :)


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    AndyHTu wrote: »
    I'm Andy. I'm 5'2 152 lbs and 30 percent body fat right now. I don't know what happened! I was just 15 percent last year. :(

    I live in San Jose, CA.
    I use to do the ketogenic diet in the past and it was very good to me. I got off it for awhile to shift to a more carb based diet which was working well for me until I got out of hand, eatting bad stuff and stopped working out.

    Now....I'm getting back into it, hopefully to try and get back to my previous healthy weight at 130 lbs.

    Would love to meet to learn from other ketogenic lifestyle folks here.

    Nice to meet you all. :)

    The Low Carber Daily Forum here on MFP is the place to be for that! :)
  • AndyHTu
    AndyHTu Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you!