Hammer and chisel back pain

trueblu3 Posts: 62 Member
I started the hammer and chisel workout today the first one being chisel balance and now I have really bad lower back pain which I've never ever experienced in all the time I've been working out! I worried that I won't be able to do the programme now. Can anyone suggest what's gone wrong or what I can do to stop it happening?


  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    IIRC, Chisel Balance has a lot of squatting. I would suspect that you're rounding your lower back excessively due to trying to keep up with the video pace instead of using good form. Form first, speed later.
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    Sounds like a form issue to me as well.
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Still check your form next time you do the movement. It may have cleared up quickly this time, but if you're using incorrect form every workout, you will eventually develop more extensive issues.
  • CoachDavidJ
    CoachDavidJ Posts: 8 Member
    How were you mobilizing? I know tight hamstrings and tight hip flexors gave me a lot of issues with my lower back until I worked them out. Hamstrings are pretty straight forward to stretch but google the "couch strecth" and "MobilityWOD" for some great hip flexor action. This is the review that got me to try it: Hammer and Chisel