Any empty nesters with a full house now - how are you keeping on track with your MFP plan?

Balaru Posts: 203 Member
2 weeks ago we were empty nesters. Now we will be having 5 for dinner most nights.

My plan is going to be to get my walking or bike ride in first thing in the morning before everyone gets up. And to stick to my water aerobics in the evenings.

Breakfast and lunch they will be on their own and we can eat dinners together depending on everyone's schedules.

Another challenge is snacks. I did make a shelf for my son to put his snack foods. Will probably do the same for daughter. Chips are a red light food for me. And we usually keep them on top of the fridge out in plain sight.
I have pretzels but if I see the chips the brat in me picks the chips.

What's your plan when your 20 somethings are home. Son is only here for the summer but daughter - not sure how long it will take her to find her wings again and move forward.

Need some success stories from those who've been there done that.....
