Exercise Hater, Here



  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for all the new responses!

    To answer a few questions: the kiddo is going to be 2 next week and we don't have a dog (or bikes! Geez ...), but we do like to go for walks as a family, and Mr. LuckyNumbers has said he'd like to do that at least a few times a week after work. I would love to just stop at the gym after work, but the whole family carpools and that would be a bit difficult to swing. If I did join a gym, I would likely go early morning, before everyone is up, so I didn't miss out on any family time.

    @Gwinny2016 - I've started and stopped C25K a couple times, before having a kid. I liked how easy it was to start, but I just didn't stick with it. Maybe now is the time. And summer is for beer, right?!

    @Cindy01Louisiana - What sort of workouts do you do at the gym? I see all of these women on MFP who are lifting, and their results are AMAZING. I feel like that could be something I could get into, but I am completely intimidated by it.

    I know I just need to try a few different things. I am going to sign up for a fitness pass through work for summer classes. They offer a variety of different things, several times a week at different times of day. I was going to yoga last semester, but stopped when it got cold because I am a weenie. But I think instead of doing just one thing, I will take full advantage and try different types of classes and see if I can find my "thing."
  • capetownz
    capetownz Posts: 3 Member
    If you are intimidated by lifting exercises at the gym, try Fitnessblender for free in the privacy of your own home? They have a great range and definitely introduced me to some new exercises! I also watch their videos with some mad music on which adds to the fun for me.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    The trick is to make exercise as rewarding and fun as possible.

    I was the kind of person who always said, "if you ever see me running, you better be following because somethin' nasty is comin' after me!" I always liked the IDEA of running, but the few false starts I had were so discouraging and unpleasant that I always gave it up.

    I did two things: I found an app that made it fun for me, and made sure I had good music. I gave myself a goal and ample time to work with it. I got a FitBit - and running drills just happen to be a nice "cheat" for me to get my steps in during my friends' weekly challenges.

    Basically... make it fun. Gamify it. Reward yourself. Do as much as you can to make it less like "exercise" and more like "being active".
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    A gym membership might motivate you to try new things because you will have already invested the money. Look for someplace you can pay a monthly or per visit fee. Don't pay hundred$ up front for a membership.

    I never liked exercise, but once I started personal training and experienced the results, I got hooked. Even walking is good for you and a fitbit has definitely helped motivate me and keep me accountable.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Thanks for all the new responses!

    To answer a few questions: the kiddo is going to be 2 next week and we don't have a dog (or bikes! Geez ...), but we do like to go for walks as a family, and Mr. LuckyNumbers has said he'd like to do that at least a few times a week after work. I would love to just stop at the gym after work, but the whole family carpools and that would be a bit difficult to swing. If I did join a gym, I would likely go early morning, before everyone is up, so I didn't miss out on any family time.

    @Gwinny2016 - I've started and stopped C25K a couple times, before having a kid. I liked how easy it was to start, but I just didn't stick with it. Maybe now is the time. And summer is for beer, right?!

    @Cindy01Louisiana - What sort of workouts do you do at the gym? I see all of these women on MFP who are lifting, and their results are AMAZING. I feel like that could be something I could get into, but I am completely intimidated by it.

    I know I just need to try a few different things. I am going to sign up for a fitness pass through work for summer classes. They offer a variety of different things, several times a week at different times of day. I was going to yoga last semester, but stopped when it got cold because I am a weenie. But I think instead of doing just one thing, I will take full advantage and try different types of classes and see if I can find my "thing."

    For lifting:
    1) Pick a program. Strong Lifts 5x5, Strong Curves, New Rules of Lifting for Women, etc. Read about all the exercises. Watch videos of form. Try doing the moves at home without any weight.

    2) Most gyms come with an orientation when you sign up. If there's no orientation, pay for one personal training session. Get the trainer to check your form for all the lifts in your program.

    3) Follow the program. Don't be afraid to ask for help from the regulars who know what they're doing if you need it.

    4) Remind yourself you have as much of a right to be there doing your thing as anyone else.

    5) See awesome results.

    I hate exercise, I really do. Most days it's a chore. I'd much rather sit on my butt and never move, preferably with wine in one hand and chocolate in the other. But I really like how awesome it feels when I hit a new PR on a lift, or when I see muscle definition, or when I get a lower 5K time. And I don't get to feel awesome unless I put in the work.
  • neafus55
    neafus55 Posts: 9 Member
    LuckyNumbers: There was a point where I loathed the thought of going to a gym. I have a treadmill in the basement, but stopped using it because it was in the basement (hubby didn't want it anywhere else). I'm a morning person; I enjoy getting up with a cup of tea and listening to the birds with the sunrise. Then two years ago for Mothers Day hubby and I got bikes. Not mountain/race bikes, but cruiser bikes, the ride-around-the-neighborhood kind of bike. I started riding in the morning before work. First just around the block (about 5-10 minutes--I was taking my time, it had been a long time since I was doing any kind of exercise), which soon turned into 30-45 minute rides through several local subdivisions.

    But enough about me. It doesn't matter what you do, just move. People are saying now 10-15 minutes a couple of times a days is just as beneficial as a full-blown, long, sweaty workout in the gym. You mentioned you have a desk job, and that you are trying to increase steps walking around the floor as part of your bathroom visits or breaks. Is your job in a multi-floor building? Have you considered taking the elevator only part of the way to your floor, and the steps the rest of the way? Or instead of eating in the break room, go out at lunch and walk around the building. Or walk around the city block; before you realize it you may want to go past that one block walk and it may turn into seeing how far you can go and return in 30 minutes. For that first visit to a gym, as you start, set a time, say 5 minutes for whatever exercise or machine you want to try. At the end of that time, stop. Congratulate yourself. YOU DID IT--five minutes on the machine! Over time gradually increase the time and exercise.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i guess find things that don't feel like exercise.
    dance, zumba, a fun group fitness class.
    i took up aerial yoga
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2016
    I was a lazy slug two years ago. I work at home and had all the time in the world to get up an exercise before. I did not really hate it per se, but putting in any effort to get dirty and sweat, or put forth more effort than picking up my fork was ridiculous.

    I now cannot live with out my exercise. This is just as important as brushing my teeth and eating of course.

    You can be inspired by all others that will post here .. what they have done to continue to keep moving or why they exercise in the first place, but you have to find your own reason for exercising, and find what it is that you love to do for exercising and make it as important to you as it does to the rest of us.

    The other thing, what I get out of exercising will totally not be the same to others.

    What will you like? Well I did not have one weight in my house and did not own a pair of real walking or running shoes. I just started walking in the beat up shoes I had and got started. Now I have bedroom turned into a total weight lifting room and I own more running clothes than I need...

    Just get up and move.. try something, anything.. got to start somewhere.. or NOT... it may be that you are just one that really cannot move past what it is that you hate about doing any exercise. But you won;t know unless you put in effort to rule out true hate for the benefit you will receive in return.

  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    edited May 2016
    @LuckyNumbers good luck! Let us know how it goes!

    Quick update, just so you all know that your words were not wasted on me.

    Started C25K today. Even though I didn't want to, even though it was raining outside, I did it! Did not enjoy it per se, but I certainly feel better and more energized already. I feel like this could be a good thing to help get me started on the road to fitness. I'll start getting more adventurous later.

    Again, thank you all for the ideas and motivation!

    ETA: And to keep myself accountable, I promise to come update here once I have actually FINISHED C25K. :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    @LuckyNumbers good luck! Let us know how it goes!

    Quick update, just so you all know that your words were not wasted on me.

    Started C25K today. Even though I didn't want to, even though it was raining outside, I did it! Did not enjoy it per se, but I certainly feel better and more energized already. I feel like this could be a good thing to help get me started on the road to fitness. I'll start getting more adventurous later.

    Again, thank you all for the ideas and motivation!

    ETA: And to keep myself accountable, I promise to come update here once I have actually FINISHED C25K. :)

    Good for you!
  • chelseasuther
    chelseasuther Posts: 2 Member
    I'm with you! But I've been doing 30 minutes per day. Just 30 minutes. It goes by really quickly, and it's not mentally overwhelming. And because I'm not going all out and jumping in with both feet like I have in the past, it feels very sustainable. On the weekend I've been going hiking with the family, and we love that. The strangest thing has happened. I don't dread exercising! I did have to change my perception. I was full of excuses. I hate working out, working out by myself in front of a tv is so boring, I can't afford a gym, etc.etc.etc. I just don't care anymore about any of that. It's no excuse. If I want to quit feeling like the fat kid and being miserable I have to workout. I CAN do 30 minutes. I'm sure I will increase that at some point, but right now I'm just focusing on making it a habit. Also, I've been checking out all kinds of dvds from the library. I don't think I've done the same workout twice yet! It makes it fun when I get to try something new. Today it was Jillian Michaels. Friday it was a strength training yoga session (kicked my *kitten*). Tomorrow? Haven't decided yet!
  • chelseasuther
    chelseasuther Posts: 2 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I was a lazy slug two years ago. I work at home and had all the time in the world to get up an exercise before. I did not really hate it per se, but putting in any effort to get dirty and sweat, or put forth more effort than picking up my fork was ridiculous.

    I now cannot live with out my exercise. This is just as important as brushing my teeth and eating of course.

    You can be inspired by all others that will post here .. what they have done to continue to keep moving or why they exercise in the first place, but you have to find your own reason for exercising, and find what it is that you love to do for exercising and make it as important to you as it does to the rest of us.

    The other thing, what I get out of exercising will totally not be the same to others.

    What will you like? Well I did not have one weight in my house and did not own a pair of real walking or running shoes. I just started walking in the beat up shoes I had and got started. Now I have bedroom turned into a total weight lifting room and I own more running clothes than I need...

    Just get up and move.. try something, anything.. got to start somewhere.. or NOT... it may be that you are just one that really cannot move past what it is that you hate about doing any exercise. But you won;t know unless you put in effort to rule out true hate for the benefit you will receive in return.

    I hope to be you in 2 years!!!
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    Excercise is everywhere. Instead of leaving the toy your child left on the floor squat and pick it up. Do calf raises while doing dishes. Chase your daughter , dance party with your Family ( my favorite ) have crazy wild xxx with your husband. Go run and fly a kite ..... I think you get he idea start just being more active and you will see that you will naturally start doing more and you will then want to do more...... And then the exercise will follow. When you are tired and out of shape it's hard to go to the gym but when you are active and alive then the will to exercise will follow! Good luck.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    As a former couch potato (now a runner at 52 years old!) I do it 10 minutes at a time. First, I go to a gym because now I am in a place specifically designed for exercise (it's a mindset thing.) I have to do that; I used to have a home gym but couldn't get motivated because home is where I go to sit and watch TV. Also, I run on a treadmill to keep my speed up.

    Like I said, I do it 10 minutes at a time. I warm up by walking for 5 minutes, then I begin running, and I promise myself at 20 minutes, if I want to stop I may. At 20 minutes I tell myself "just 10 more minutes, if I want to stop then, I may." At 30, 40 and 50 minutes I tell myself the same thing. Then, at 60 minutes I tell myself I might as well finish the run because I only have 5 more minutes until cool down, anyway and at 65 minutes I begin walking. Then I lift for about 20 minutes and I'm done. During this whole time I'm usually watching Netflix, Google Plus or Hulu Plus. I catch up on my soap opera and binge-watch whatever series interests me at the time. After the first 20 minutes the time usually flies by.

    I hope this helps.
  • gibsonpraise
    gibsonpraise Posts: 1 Member
    Do Brazilian jiu-jitsu. You won't even realize you're excercising.
  • FaatSara
    FaatSara Posts: 14 Member
    I hear you! I hate it as well. I always say I will do it and I don't. So, a couple of days ago I said enough is enough. I went on Facebook and told all of my friends that for each like I get on the post, I will walk a mile this month and I will provide proof. I post a screenshot of the MapMyWalk app when I finish walking. So far, I went a mile and a half yesterday... nothing today because I had a TON of housework and actual work. But I promised my friends I would do it and give them proof, so now I feel motivated to not feel like a loser when the end of the month comes and I haven't met their goal.
  • Katwin2013
    Katwin2013 Posts: 23 Member
    Do you like to dance ? Do you like to look at nature Play with kids play volley ball To lose weight you just have to keep moving and watch your calorie intake Do not call it excercise.
  • evilina
    evilina Posts: 1 Member
    I am not an "exerciser". I am an excuse maker - too tired, too late, can't wake up... blah blah blah. What I found to get me started is my treadmill (which also works as an excellent clothes stacker) and Netflix. The only way I will allow myself to watch an episode of a series is if I'm on the treadmill. Start getting addicted to a series and you have to walk or run to watch it...
    It started with The Walking Dead, caught up... Now it Sons of Anarchy - still in the first season but I have to walk to watch!