My name is Melissa and I love food and beer!

wh33ligurl Posts: 11 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I am yet again on a journey to lose weight. I have a love affair with being my perfect weight but I cheat on myself with fried foods and craft beer wayyy to much!! I love exercise that is fun, softball, tennis, volleyball, any sport honestly but finding time is a challenge and excuses come way too easily. I just started couch to 5k last week and tracking my calories so far I've lost 6lbs and need to keep the motivation! If you can relate add me and we can help motivate each other!! Best of luck in your journey!
~life is too short to miss out on the things you love (like beer) so try to do them in moderation.


  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    I feel your pain lol
  • Mikestruggle
    Mikestruggle Posts: 28 Member
    Good luck, starting my journey also.
  • KeepingUpWithKari
    KeepingUpWithKari Posts: 287 Member
    Add me.. Im 5'4 and am working on 99 pounds..

    You're not alone÷
  • Dannigreen31
    Dannigreen31 Posts: 557 Member
    Don't we all aha good luck!
  • wh33ligurl
    wh33ligurl Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'9 and looking to lose about 30 lbs to be my happy weight!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you love food and beer?? sounds like you'd make a great triathlete.
  • SofaKingRad_AZ
    SofaKingRad_AZ Posts: 62 Member
    I love food and beer too. Both are essential for life!
  • wh33ligurl
    wh33ligurl Posts: 11 Member
    edited May 2016
    Yay fellow beer and food lovers unite!!
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    married? rofl.
  • nikkibrojak
    nikkibrojak Posts: 4 Member
    I honestly could have written your post myself. LOL.. i just finished C25K about 2 weeks ago, good luck!
  • wh33ligurl
    wh33ligurl Posts: 11 Member
    I honestly could have written your post myself. LOL.. i just finished C25K about 2 weeks ago, good luck!

    Thanks Nikki!!! I look forward to motivating each other!
  • kfloen
    kfloen Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. Saw beer and clicked. I'm a home brewer, and beer is a big deal to me, but keeping fit is sacred, so I exercise regularly and cut away solid carbs in my everyday diet. This allows me to enjoy a fair amount of liquid carbs without gaining weight. I also manage to lose weight with beer in my diet. It's a matter of tracking and dicipline. The way I see it, I drink beer, but I work hard for it, and it tastes even better because of it. In the same spirit, I think you will enjoy youtube channel "the life of Brian", a regular video blogger, professional Rugby player, home brewer, food enthusiast and body builder. His channel has been a great inspiration for me in the context of beer, food and keeping fit. Cheers!
  • ima58er
    ima58er Posts: 37 Member
    Substitute beer for other carbs. Rice bread ect.
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    I love food and love beer..and by beer..I don't mean your Buds and Millers..and if it says Lite..fuhgettaboutit..I am already planning on replacing some calories with Beer this summer! To all of you..enjoy your life on this journey..have a few cold ones along the way!
  • dbkyser
    dbkyser Posts: 612 Member
    I had to put beer on hold for now, I can allow for the calories from beer, but the food I eat after I drink kills my weight loss.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I LOVE beer and I love burritos and all kinds of other food! I agree that moderation is the way to go. I can't cut these things out for life, so I choose not to cut them out when I'm losing weight. I greatly reduce them but I'll never do away with them.
  • Meesamoop
    Meesamoop Posts: 31 Member
    I love food and wine!

    I've found that tracking all of the food and alcohol I consume has made me more conscious about it's effect on my calorie intake. That in turn has surprisingly helped me, on more than one occasion, not eat/drink to much.

    Although some days I just throw caution to the wind with regards to the wine :)
  • wh33ligurl
    wh33ligurl Posts: 11 Member
    kfloen wrote: »
    Hi there. Saw beer and clicked. I'm a home brewer, and beer is a big deal to me, but keeping fit is sacred, so I exercise regularly and cut away solid carbs in my everyday diet. This allows me to enjoy a fair amount of liquid carbs without gaining weight. I also manage to lose weight with beer in my diet. It's a matter of tracking and dicipline. The way I see it, I drink beer, but I work hard for it, and it tastes even better because of it. In the same spirit, I think you will enjoy youtube channel "the life of Brian", a regular video blogger, professional Rugby player, home brewer, food enthusiast and body builder. His channel has been a great inspiration for me in the context of beer, food and keeping fit. Cheers!
    kfloen wrote: »
    Hi there. Saw beer and clicked. I'm a home brewer, and beer is a big deal to me, but keeping fit is sacred, so I exercise regularly and cut away solid carbs in my everyday diet. This allows me to enjoy a fair amount of liquid carbs without gaining weight. I also manage to lose weight with beer in my diet. It's a matter of tracking and dicipline. The way I see it, I drink beer, but I work hard for it, and it tastes even better because of it. In the same spirit, I think you will enjoy youtube channel "the life of Brian", a regular video blogger, professional Rugby player, home brewer, food enthusiast and body builder. His channel has been a great inspiration for me in the context of beer, food and keeping fit. Cheers!

    ❤️ this thanks!!! I will have to check that out!!!
  • buckman803
    buckman803 Posts: 48 Member
    I drink any alcohol and not always in moderation, add me if you want the journey could be a laugh!!
  • chris_thomas93
    chris_thomas93 Posts: 14 Member
    Got to love the ale! Feel free to add me anyone!