Get Ripped in 30

Today I started the Get ripped in 30, it wasn't too bad, i sweat my butt off, but that is good. I was wondering if anyone knew a guestimate as to how many calories that might burn?


  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    It is similar to circuit training so you could guesstimate through that. I do 30 Day shred and use a HR monitor and I burn roughly 250 for 25 minutes but it depends on weight and age too.
  • BArdovino78
    I completed Ripped in 30 2 weeks ago and still do it here and there as it is very effective. I also wear a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor. I burned 313 calories doing level 1 last week. I'm 32 years old, 5'4" and 122 lbs but it all depends on so many different variables. I recommend investing in a HRM as that's the only way to know what you're burning. You could guess like I used to do, but I was underballing myself by about 75-100 calories when I did that.
  • lcjwilson34
    lcjwilson34 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks ladies!! I really have been lazy the past couple of years of my life, not caring about exercise and eating what ever.. thankfully i am not too out of wack. I am hoping to slim down and tone up a bit. I hope I can stay focused for the next 29 days!! :)