Need some help..all advice welcome.

tapp52000 Posts: 52 Member
Hi...I have been using this site for almost two years now. I had great success and lost about 125 lbs initially...needless to say I have gained back some of the weight. About 60 lbs worth...I am back on the fitness train but find myself at a plateau before I even start it seems. I started again at 263 lbs and I dropped 10 lbs fairly quickly, the problem is I seem to be stuck here at the 252-255 point no matter what I do. I am pretty sure I am eating the right foods in the right amounts and I am excersising plenty. I have started P90X (again) and I bike ride as well as jog. I use a polar HRM so I know pretty much how many calories I'm burning. I usually only eat back about half (or a little more) of my excersise calories. It just seemed like it was easeir to lose before and now I am getting discouraged because the weight just seems to stay on no matter what I do. Any advice or words of wisdom would be welcome. My diary is open to all to view. I appreciate any help that could be given. Thanks. :smile:


  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Have you looked into getting a Bodybugg?... They're supposed to be very accurate on your actual calorie burn per day. I'm saving to get one. Try to change up your routine too- your body could just be used to the exercise you have been doing?... Wish I had more to offer you... :-/

    I have the Polar FT7 HRM and I still want the body bugg to know how many calories I burn just day to day not just from exercise. I have heard that our HRMs aren't as accurate as we think they are. The Bodybugg will do everything.
  • When I first started I had a plateau at 9 lbs lost for just over 2 weeks.
    I think your doing great ...dont give will pay off again for you!!!
    Maybe zig-zag calories?? Keep that metabolism guessing!!
  • mxmandani
    mxmandani Posts: 109
    Don't be discouraged! Keep at it. I saw an amazing quote on here, and I use that for inspiration all the time. Hope it helps:

    The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    All I can say is that you're going to get plenty of people telling you to eat ALL your exercise calories back, so maybe try that for a bit and then also be a little patient with yourself. It's common to lose weight right off the bat the then get a little discouraged/confused when the loss slows down. My guess is that your body is adjusting to the healthier changes and less calories and that you're gaining some muscle which is going to initially keep your weight up. Not an expert by far, but just some things I've noticed for myself! Good luck!
  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    Took a look at Your Diary < wondering where all the fruits and veggies are ?
  • marmitegirly2
    marmitegirly2 Posts: 35 Member
    Have you used the Basal Rate calculator on here? I'm not sure what yours would be, but I thought in general (obviously non personalised) men were aiming for 2500 cals a day. Well done on all your success though, although you have put some weight back on, think about all that remains OFF. Keep on going.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Yeah where are all the veggies? It looks like you're eating quite a lot of processed food. Also you're not watching your salt or sugar, maybe have a look at that as I expect it could be very high.

    Not saying that will be your answer but I'm sure that by eating more fresh foods and homemade things with plenty of veg, you can at least be confident you're eating right.
  • dpetre
    dpetre Posts: 22
    You are doing great! I understand how easy it is to get discouraged - especially when you are doing all the right things and the weight is not coming off like before. I agree with a lot of people here that "mixing" it up every day food wise and exercise wise is the key to pushing through your plateau. Maybe place more veges and fruit in your diet every other day to mix it up. Also, your exercise regimen sounds great so just keep it. I am not a believer in eating all of your workout calories. I think it allows for plateaus for me when I do that.

    Keep it up and dont be so down on yourself. You will see those pounds melt off soon enough!!

    Good luck!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    If you just started P90X, it likely that your muscles are holding onto water, since you're ripping them up with intense exercise. This can definitely show itself on the scale as no loss, or even a slight gain. Once you're in the groove again, your muscles will let this go, and you'll start losing again.

    Also, if you are getting fairly accurate calorie burn amounts with your HRM, I would suggest eating MOST of your exercise calories back. Having a quick look at your diary, it looks like you're leaving a lot of them on the table most days.

    Also, you may be overtraining by doing P90X plus running/biking/etc., which is not only stressful on the body, but also can cause you to start burning a higher percentage of muscle as opposed to fat, and also makes it more difficult to eat back your exercise calories. P90X combined with a healthy nutritious diet, plenty of protein, and keeping right around your calorie goals (including exercise calories) should get you the results you want.
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    im in a similar boat...lost a ton of weight, have gained some back, and find myself getting discouraged because now that i want it gone again its not coming off as easily as it did before...i think, for me, its because i know how it is to be the smaller weight and i want to be back there so bad i get frustrated when it doesnt happen as fast as i want it to or think it should. i just have to keep reminding myself that as long as i keep up the exercise and eat right things will change eventually. also i keep an eye out for changes in my body, my fingers get smaller lol, and try not to focus totally on my weight. im doing the p90x now too :)
  • tapp52000
    tapp52000 Posts: 52 Member
    My veggies are in the form of meals that I prepare using the recipe builder. For example: My spicy veggie and bean soup is loaded with black beans, cabbage, mushrooms, bell pepper, jalapeno, onion, and celery. Lots of veggies. As for the processed foods...I have cut back on those, was using them for convience.

    Thanks to everybody for the advice. Like spuraddic said I remember when I was 200 lbs and now I just want to get back to that so bad and the fats not coming off as easily as last time that I'm beating myself up.
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    First, try to start motivated. This isn't always easy, but maybe think back when you lost all that weight. Look at pics, remember how you felt, how accomplished you were, etc. It always help me to look at success stories, they really keep me motivated. If you are here, you are already on a good path.
    Second tip, always, always plan, prepare, and carry snacks with you. If I get too hungry, I will chose burgers rather than healthy food. I east yogurt, carrots, crackers (whole grain) and cheese, fruits. Whatever works for you. Try to enter your food diary ahead of time. I don't always stick to it, but at least it gives me an idea of portion size and what kinds of things I can eat. \
    Take this as a game. Play around with your calories, gain some through exercise...
    you've done it before, I am sure you can do it again!

    also, you might want to go see your doctor to eliminate any issue that might be causing this, if any

    best of luck
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