Gum calories.....Seriously!



  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    Haahaa - too funny! There was a post a long while back about the calories in iceberg lettuce and should they be counted. I believe a cup of shredded lettuce has like 7 or 8 calories - you burn those just chewing!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I log mine (loosely), I chew about 10 pieces a day (sugar free and some of those are nicotine gum), I also drink about 8 cups of decaf black coffee (4 calories) which I also log...its not about the calories, its knowing what I was doing when I look back....this is the way I'm doing it, its MYfitnesspal. If you don't want to thats fair enough but if others want to why knock them?

    ETA. would you log a 50 calorie sweet?? Now would you log a 50 calorie sweet but ignore 5 sticks of 5 cal gum, 5 cups of 4 cal coffee, 2 cups of iceberg lettuce and a quarter cup of cucumber............

    but as i said its not just about the calories
  • Amber824
    Amber824 Posts: 51 Member
    I always think that you burn those gum calories by chewing it i don't count it :D

    Never thought about that...GREAT point! :happy:
  • Melbel85
    Melbel85 Posts: 240 Member
    I keep track of every single thing. Its just my way. It shouldn't really bother anybody.
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I log mine (loosely), I chew about 10 pieces a day (sugar free and some of those are nicotine gum), I also drink about 8 cups of decaf black coffee (4 calories) which I also log...its not about the calories, its knowing what I was doing when I look back....this is the way I'm doing it, its MYfitnesspal. If you don't want to thats fair enough but if others want to why knock them?

    ETA. would you log a 50 calorie sweet?? Now would you log a 50 calorie sweet but ignore 5 sticks of 5 cal gum, 5 cups of 4 cal coffee, 2 cups of iceberg lettuce and a quarter cup of cucumber............

    but as i said its not just about the calories

    I agree with this's not just about the calories - it's what works for you and your weight loss.

    No, I don't log gum - but I do log herbal/green/white tea - all of which vary from 0 - 6 calories. This is mainly because I don't log anything other than actual water as part of my liquid intake, but I want to see how much I have had to drink that day as a whole.

    Also, as the above poster pointed out...that way, if you had a good week (or bad week!) but were not sure why - you have a really accurate record of everything you ate and drank - regardless of how many calories they contained.

    Each to their own though...why was the gum question even asked in the first place? THAT'S what seems a bit odd...not those who responded with their own personal points of view and ways of making MFP work for them... Surely you can make that sort of call for yourself?
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I log everything I eat. All normal activities are included in lifestyle - sedentary, lightly active, active, very active so I log no activities unless it is sweat inducing, planned fitness related (and over 100 calories).

    If I don't log the 5 calories from the mint (did I just have 1? or did I have 5?) then I'm allowing myself an excuse to not log something.

    What else did I not log? The left over crackers on my daughter's plate? The 10 blueberries I put in my cereal? The 15 calorie drink? A tsp of suger in my coffee? The oil I cooked that chicken with? The breading I coated it with? The 3, or was it 4, tablespoons of ice cream from the carton while serving my husband? The single donut hole I snagged in the lunchroom? The 1/2 tin of mints I polished off while working? If I don't log each of those miniscule items, I have eaten what may very well be 495 calories MORE than I expected and completely demolished my deficit.

    That is why people don't lose weight and then wonder why.
  • LizC26
    LizC26 Posts: 319 Member
    I'm pretty sure you will burn at least 5 cals chewing the gum up...
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I'm pretty sure I burn 1950 calories a day too.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Careful! gum is a gateway snack! It can lead to larger and more un-logged calories. Next thing you know the rational is "this is sugar free. not logging it." "this says diet on the box. not logging it.""this says Weight watchers on the box. not logging it." "this says Fat free on the box. not logging it." The next thing you know there is nothing on your log and you starve to death while eating 5k un-logged calories.

    Seriously though I believe that many folks are here to unlearn some bad habits and to learn new and healthier habits. So yes, the uber strict "log everything" is a good idea for most of us. It helps us not get into the habit of a bite of this and a taste of that and a diet cola, nah I'll just log the actual meal I'm having later.

    For instance after I started logging everything I realized I was eating 200 calories of mints a day. Sure it was helping me quit smoking but getting mints with lower calories was also a good idea.
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    I record gum because I am counting carbs, each piece of gum (sugarfree Orbit, anyway) has 1 carb in it (I usually chew 2 pieces at a time), so that is 2 less carbs that I can have that day. Restricting my carbs to 20 a day, 2 carbs is a lot for just gum.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I personally like to add it. I add every calorie I consume. It's all part of the need to over estimate the calories I have eaten rather than under estimate. Do I count unloading the dishwasher? Nope, but thats because I rather think I only have 76 calories left and not eat more than think I have 300 cals left and eat them... and be over. Ya know? Maybe it's the little paranoid person in me, but I am always careful that way.

    I am with you on this one. I would count the gum, especially would count the gum if I had 50 calories worth in a day. If I eat 50 calories worth of M&M's but only do it 10 calories at a time is it not necessary to count them, because I ate them 10 calories at a time? I am not paranoid but I do have control issues. I like to be in control of what I eat and I dont like to scratch my head and try to figure out why I am not losing when I am right on the mark with calories and workouts when if I had logged those 10 calories here and 10 calories there I would know what was going on.

    If I eat a cheesecake and nobody sees me does it make a sound?
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Careful! gum is a gateway snack! It can lead to larger and more un-logged calories. Next thing you know the rational is "this is sugar free. not logging it." "this says diet on the box. not logging it.""this says Weight watchers on the box. not logging it." "this says Fat free on the box. not logging it." The next thing you know there is nothing on your log and you starve to death while eating 5k un-logged calories.

    Seriously though I believe that many folks are here to unlearn some bad habits and to learn new and healthier habits. So yes, the uber strict "log everything" is a good idea for most of us. It helps us not get into the habit of a bite of this and a taste of that and a diet cola, nah I'll just log the actual meal I'm having later.

    For instance after I started logging everything I realized I was eating 200 calories of mints a day. Sure it was helping me quit smoking but getting mints with lower calories was also a good idea.

    Yup. I log little things like gum and Jelly Belly jelly beans (though I admit I don't log my Crystal Light that I add to my water...I think that would just discourage me from drinking water altogether...) but I don't log every day activities like cleaning, walking the dog, etc. I was overweight when I was doing those things - I don't think they're contributing to my weight loss now.

    But - to each their own. As somoene pointed out, it's MY Fitnss Pal - we all need to figure out what works for our own lives.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Why is this so important to you? If you don't want to log it, then don't. I don't tell my pals what to eat, how much water to drink, how to exercise, etc. If they ask for my opinion, then I may give it, and if I do, I try to be kind and thoughtful. Otherwise, I go by "MYOB".
  • buttquack
    buttquack Posts: 10
    I counted the calories it took to type this I doing wrong?

    You win..for funny response of the day!!!!
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    i log my gum... as strict as you want to call or as much as you want to bash it, it works for me. i log my gum because i could have and used to go through a ton of gum in a day... now i try to keep it at a minimum because once i started realizing how many calories those pieces of gum could have added up to i realized that, "wowza, i dont need all that gum".

    now, you want to ask me if i log unloading my dishwasher or walking around the grocery store? no i do not. those are what i consider my lifestyle. i only log my kick-butt workouts or my walks that i take at work on my breaks.

    judge me if you want to for logging my 5 calorie gum but i do what works for me... and i'm getting results that i'm pretty darn proud of. :smile:
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    i log my gum... as strict as you want to call or as much as you want to bash it, it works for me. i log my gum because i could have and used to go through a ton of gum in a day... now i try to keep it at a minimum because once i started realizing how many calories those pieces of gum could have added up to i realized that, "wowza, i dont need all that gum".

    now, you want to ask me if i log unloading my dishwasher or walking around the grocery store? no i do not. those are what i consider my lifestyle. i only log my kick-butt workouts or my walks that i take at work on my breaks.

    judge me if you want to for logging my 5 calorie gum but i do what works for me... and i'm getting results that i'm pretty darn proud of. :smile:

    Exactly! you go girl!
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Oh my gosh too funny! I totally agree. If you are being that strict with your self you will never be succesful.
  • ladyluck5210
    ladyluck5210 Posts: 78 Member
    I log mine (loosely), I chew about 10 pieces a day (sugar free and some of those are nicotine gum), I also drink about 8 cups of decaf black coffee (4 calories) which I also log...its not about the calories, its knowing what I was doing when I look back....this is the way I'm doing it, its MYfitnesspal. If you don't want to thats fair enough but if others want to why knock them?

    ETA. would you log a 50 calorie sweet?? Now would you log a 50 calorie sweet but ignore 5 sticks of 5 cal gum, 5 cups of 4 cal coffee, 2 cups of iceberg lettuce and a quarter cup of cucumber............

    but as i said its not just about the calories

    I AGREE!!!

    And by the way, the last time I did chew gum, I DID LOG IT! I had 5, pieces at 10 cals each.. That's 50 cals okay? It matters to me! So joke it up why don't ya??
  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    Haahaa - too funny! There was a post a long while back about the calories in iceberg lettuce and should they be counted. I believe a cup of shredded lettuce has like 7 or 8 calories - you burn those just chewing!

    I track all the veggies I eat even if it's only 7 or 8 :) hehe
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Oh my gosh too funny! I totally agree. If you are being that strict with your self you will never be succesful.

    That's rather presumptuous don't you think...this weight is coming off, and more medical issues aside its staying off. If you read my post you will see that I believe its about more than simply calories. And I'm not that strict...If I want something I have it but I account for it

    But where do you draw the line. You won't log gum at 5 calories...even if you eat 2 or 3 (or a pack?) So that means you won't log the black coffee at the same calories or the cup of lettuce at a mere 8 calories, the 1/4 cup of cucumber, the 3 cherry tomatoes, the celery stalk, spring onion, a radish.....before you know you could be up to a couple of hundred a day because well its only a few calories and its just not worth being that strict is it? Hmmmm....