If you had to choose one: CARBS or FAT?



  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I am a certified personal trainer. In school they teach us that Carbs needs to complete 60% of your daily calorie intake. Fat needs to be 40% and protein 10%-15%. The trick is not choosing carbs or fat, its choosing the correct carbs and the correct fats. There are good carbs and bad carbs, good fats and BAD fats. You can google lists of these to keep with you. Basically no processed carbohydrates (white bread, white pasta, cereals, sugars, ect). No saturated or trans fats.
    If you need to loose a good bit of weight I would suggest keeping you carb intake (good carbs only) and do a lower fat diet. Eat fat, just eat the good stuff!

    I also work for a doctor and he agrees that what physical activity you do is really just as if not more important than what you eat.

    You do need some saturated fat.

    I think you mean fat needs to be 20-35%. Otherwise the math doesn't work. :) Carbohydrates can range from 40-60% and protein from 10-25%. There is no exact amount, just ranges based on your lifestyle.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Here is a hypothetical:

    If I have two options of food to chose from, and they both have the EXACT same nutritional information EXCEPT for CARBS and FAT, which would you choose?

    I.e.: If one was higher in CARBS, but the other was higher in FAT?

    Which one would you stay away from? Which is the lesser of two evils: CARBS or FAT?

    For me, it depends on the source of the carb and the type of fat. Neither carbs nor fat technically makes you fat. All that is a bunch of mythological hoo ha that sells fad diets. But, if the carb is mostly refined simple sugars and the fat is mostly unsaturated and filled with Omega-3's, then I choose the fat. But, if the carb is a complex carb or perhaps even a simple one accompanied by fiber (like an apple) and the fat is trans fat or saturated fat, then I choose the carb.

    There are highly nutritious qualities of carbs and fat, and to vilify one or the other does your body a great dis-service.

    Perfectly said.

    Would also depend on timing of the meal for me.

    The only thing to add to this, is that it also depends on the rest of your diet and lifestyle. If you've just eaten a salad with olives avocado and lots of flaxseed oil and maybe some nuts, the extra fat is just going to be converted to energy, since you'll already have met your fat requirements. But if you haven't eaten any fat that day, you should probably try to get some. If you've already eaten enough fat, then feel free to go for the carbs, especially if you're intending to be physically active later, since you'll benefit from feeling energised.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    I am a certified personal trainer. In school they teach us that Carbs needs to complete 60% of your daily calorie intake. Fat needs to be 40% and protein 10%-15%. The trick is not choosing carbs or fat, its choosing the correct carbs and the correct fats. There are good carbs and bad carbs, good fats and BAD fats. You can google lists of these to keep with you. Basically no processed carbohydrates (white bread, white pasta, cereals, sugars, ect). No saturated or trans fats.
    If you need to loose a good bit of weight I would suggest keeping you carb intake (good carbs only) and do a lower fat diet. Eat fat, just eat the good stuff!

    I also work for a doctor and he agrees that what physical activity you do is really just as if not more important than what you eat.

    The notion that animal fats (saturated) are BAD for you is out dated. Coconut oil is a highly saturated oil and is one of the healthiest oils one can add to your daily regime. There are so many studies that are showing that animal fats are not responsible for raised lipid panels. It is the ingestion of too much sugar and insulin response that is raising cholesterol numbers around the world! Eat fat, get thin and health!
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Between the two, carbs are the non-essential ingredient. When I say essential, I am referring to a nutrient that is required for survival, AND can't be made by the body.

    Although the body cannot create enough glucose to support high intensity exercise, it does product enough to support what the brain and a few other tissues in your body need.

    But with that said, given sufficient protein, it doesn't matter if the rest of your diet is 20% fat, 30% fat or 40% fat. From a body composition standpoint, it isn't going to make a noticable difference.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'll take the fat over carbs ALL day !
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Carbs, Because I appreciate a higher level of athletic performance.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I'll have an order of fat, hold the carb please...
  • plentyoo7
    plentyoo7 Posts: 38
    So much hostility on this thread against carbs!

    Neither carbs nor fat should be classified as evil. They are both necessary for your body to function properly. To really choose, you would need to know what the two items you are choosing between actually are. Take this example, 2 items that are approximately 120 calories each, the only difference is one has more carbs and the other has more fat. Many of you will automatically choose the one with the fat without knowing what it is because you have given into the "all carbs are bad" hype. Some of you will choose the one with more carbs without knowing what it is because you perceive it as having more substance and being more filling. But what if the two items were a tablespoon of olive oil (more fat) and a large banana (more carbs)? I don't mean for my example to come off as anti-fat. 100 calories of healthy fat is a better choice over 100 calories of refined sugar. I'm just saying you can't really choose the healthier option without knowing what exactly it is you are choosing between.

    Highly agree. Fats (healthy) keep me full, lubricate my joints, and give me good skin. Good carbs give me the energy I need to get through PT. More energy means higher PT scores!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Between the two, carbs are the non-essential ingredient. When I say essential, I am referring to a nutrient that is required for survival, AND can't be made by the body.

    Although the body cannot create enough glucose to support high intensity exercise, it does product enough to support what the brain and a few other tissues in your body need.

    But with that said, given sufficient protein, it doesn't matter if the rest of your diet is 20% fat, 30% fat or 40% fat. From a body composition standpoint, it isn't going to make a noticable difference.

    If you put it that way, protein isn't required either. We only need a couple single amino acids to produce all the amino acids necessary through transamination. That's not the actual meaning of an essential nutrient, either.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I am a certified personal trainer. In school they teach us that Carbs needs to complete 60% of your daily calorie intake. Fat needs to be 40% and protein 10%-15%. The trick is not choosing carbs or fat, its choosing the correct carbs and the correct fats. There are good carbs and bad carbs, good fats and BAD fats. You can google lists of these to keep with you. Basically no processed carbohydrates (white bread, white pasta, cereals, sugars, ect). No saturated or trans fats.
    If you need to loose a good bit of weight I would suggest keeping you carb intake (good carbs only) and do a lower fat diet. Eat fat, just eat the good stuff!

    I also work for a doctor and he agrees that what physical activity you do is really just as if not more important than what you eat.

    The notion that animal fats (saturated) are BAD for you is out dated. Coconut oil is a highly saturated oil and is one of the healthiest oils one can add to your daily regime. There are so many studies that are showing that animal fats are not responsible for raised lipid panels. It is the ingestion of too much sugar and insulin response that is raising cholesterol numbers around the world! Eat fat, get thin and health!

    Coconut oil is also very high in medium chain triglycerides, which is why it is so readily absorbed through the intestinal wall and generally doesn't have a pathogenic effect with long-term usage. It's the long chain fatty acids which have to be packaged into chylomicrons that are the culprits for manipulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Exercise is the #1 influential factor in those levels, though.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member

    If you put it that way, protein isn't required either. We only need a couple single amino acids to produce all the amino acids necessary through transamination. That's not the actual meaning of an essential nutrient, either.

    Just setting some parameters to make a point...that's all. All three sources of energy are obviously needed for good health.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    If you put it that way, protein isn't required either. We only need a couple single amino acids to produce all the amino acids necessary through transamination. That's not the actual meaning of an essential nutrient, either.

    Just setting some parameters to make a point...that's all. All three sources of energy are obviously needed for good health.

    It's okay, just trying to change the carb dogma haha :)