I need help with coffee ...



  • yourfriendlaurie
    yourfriendlaurie Posts: 32 Member
    This has been such a struggle for me! If you live near a Trader Joe's, their cold brew coffee concentrate is delicious (specifically the cold brew version in the blue jug). It's so good that I drink it black now over ice, but it's also delicious with Torani sugar free salted caramel syrup and a splash of half and half or milk / soy milk. I weigh out my half and half with a food scale to make sure I don't use too much but you don't need a lot with the coffee concentrate if you only mix it with a little water. I like a lot of the Torani sugar free syrups - Belgian Cookie is one of the best. I do get sick of them though after awhile so now I usually just drink this iced coffee black.
  • yourfriendlaurie
    yourfriendlaurie Posts: 32 Member
    Oh and you can order that identical drink at Starbucks since they have cold brew iced coffee and they use Torani sugar free syrups as well.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Unsweetened skinny latte. Yum!
  • absentmindedhousewife
    absentmindedhousewife Posts: 68 Member
    Here is my recipe for iced coffee.

    72 ounces of black coffee...or one pot. Choose a nice flavored variety. (18 calories)
    1 can of sweetened condensed milk. (1300 calories)

    Brew coffee, transfer while hot to pitcher, add entire can of milk, stir until dissolved. Place in fridge until chilled.

    This makes twelve 198 gram servings or a bit over 6 fluid ounces each. 109 calories per serving. If you brew the coffee good and strong you can blend it with ice easily enough. The milk makes it sweet and creamy.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    I put vanilla extract and imitation caramel extract in my coffee with 2 TBSP 2% milk and my sweetener of choice. A few drops of extract will do you and it only contains a calorie or two. Each cup for me is 20 calories. I use a concentrated liquid sucralose sweetener (sucradrops). You can try out all the different flavor extracts. Gives much more flavor than any syrup I've tried.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I think you will find that you get used to it the longer you go without it. I indulge in one purchased coffee drink a week, but I always get a small one. In fact I'm due for a Dutch Bros carmelizer ASAP :)

    Keep paring it down, and eventually it won't feel like you're missing out daily. That, and coffee is an acquired taste afterall. Pick ingredients you can have every day and then get to getting used to it. I now can take coffee nearly black, not quite but closer than at the start. My sister started off drinking only sweetened Starbucks lattes and now is actually a huge snot face about how cool she is for drinking black coffee lol. You adapt :)
  • MissCaroline71
    MissCaroline71 Posts: 24 Member
    tahxirez wrote: »
    I eventually decided that the calories in creamer weren't for me and I'm not a fan of artificial sweetener (taste) so I just switched to black. It was a shock at first but I buy the Folger's Caramel Drizzle or Vanilla Biscotti and its like having a sweetened drink (almost.)

    I have just switched to black coffee for the same reasons.... I was "ignoring" my coffee milk as it was "just a splash" and skimmed- then realised I was buying a gallon every 10days or so! Thats 100 calories a day!

    Since giving up milk in my coffee - my weight is heading downwards....rather quickly!

    This is just another small change in a series of smal changes...... but has certainly tipped the scales!! (in more ways than one)
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    I found that vanilla Pure Protein (11 oz in a bottle) tastes good in coffee. Works better with hot coffee rather than iced, in terms of dissolving right.