Start weight lifting now or wait?



  • kariplz
    kariplz Posts: 41 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    The sooner you start, the more muscle you will keep and the better you'll look when you're done. I can't possibly think of a reason to wait. I started day 1 and have lost 140 lbs in nearly 2 years. (I'm not saying my weight loss is all because of strength training, it's due to efforts in many areas.)

    Thank you! that's what I'm wondering exactly? How do you incorporate other things ? I under CICO, but I'm sure I have to do a good amount of cardio as well.
  • kariplz
    kariplz Posts: 41 Member
    KiyaK wrote: »
    As a beginner lifter, I've loved Strong Curves. the program is for women who want to grow a more curvaceous, lovely booty. I mean, who doesn't want that? I would recommend getting the book (especially if you're a reader) if you're new to weight lifting. He explains a lot of how things work & why he's written the program the way he did.

    And just a heads up, your weight loss will probably stall for the first few weeks of the new lifting program. That's OK. It's totally normal. Your body is just going "WTF is this?! Are you trying to KILL me?!" Things will level out over time. Just stick with it. You're in it for the long game.

    I would also suggest taking measurements every 3-4 weeks. Sometimes when you're lifting your weight might not be changing, but you are getting physically smaller. And that's truly the point of all this, right?

    Thank you! I did notice I haven't lost any weight in the past two weeks especially given my efforts but I was hoping it was due to my body .. thinking WTF are you doing! lol I figured I give it at least a month to adjust.
  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    I love lifting. I've done P90X and gym machines in the past, but didn't use heavy enough weights to really change my body composition. I'm doing strong curves now, plus some extra stuff for lats, calves, grip, etc to fill in some holes. Minus a lot of the ab isolation work. I think for anyone trying to lose weight, lifting is critical for the reasons the other posters listed, but also because it forces you to tune into your body more than the scale.
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    Definitely start lifting now and use one of the programs other people have listed above (NROL, Stonglifts, etc.). Make sure you focus on form and doing the lifts correctly, everything stalls if you injure yourself and you will never be able to push the weight you should with bad technique.
  • LiveLoveRunFar
    LiveLoveRunFar Posts: 176 Member
    Now. I wish I had done it earlier. It makes a big difference. Running helped decrease my appetite. But if I had to do it again ... I would incorporate at least some strength training maybe 2 days 60 minutes and cardio the other 3 days. Or some combo.
  • MrsHanson7421
    MrsHanson7421 Posts: 7 Member
    I lift, and I have lost 25pounds and my goal is 40. My results have been looking so good! By lifting I noticed a more toned stomach and my cellulite on my legs is gone! I'm stronger than I used to be that's forsure. I started with 10pounds and now I can do 50! You have to remember though, the gym does a little, the main thing to make sure your doing is eating healthier. They say abs are made in the kitchen. It's true in my case. But everyones goals are different. Good luck! Oh and one recommendation invest in gloves cause I made that mistake and got bad calluses on my hands. Have a good one girl!
  • YvetteJeannine
    YvetteJeannine Posts: 7 Member
    I didn't read thru every comment...but I just wanted to add [in case someone didn't], that weight lifting actually INCREASES your metabolic output. Who doesn't want a higher metabolism lol. Definitely start right away. Alternate weight and cardiovascular days OR do some cardiovascular and then some weights. Ideally, when I was working out 6 days a week [which I am slowly easing into again], I would do 3x/wk on weights and 6x/wk on cardiovascular. It made a hell of a difference adding the weight lifting.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    The sooner the better. Try Stronglifts 5x5 easy to follow and effective.
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    kariplz wrote: »
    Thank you! I did notice I haven't lost any weight in the past two weeks especially given my efforts but I was hoping it was due to my body .. thinking WTF are you doing! lol I figured I give it at least a month to adjust.

    Exactly! Good thinking
  • jammer1963
    jammer1963 Posts: 106 Member
    kariplz wrote: »
    I just started exercising and using MFP in hopes to lose 40-45 lbs to be at my goal weight. I want to keep seeing results weekly to stay motivated throughout the process (even if it's small ones). I'm counting calories and weighing my food. I don't have a specific time frame and I am committed to this as long as it takes.

    My question is, whenever I ask someone that's weight lifting after they lost all their weight, their advice to me is always ' I wish I would have started sooner' but what program is best for someone starting out, that wants to be lean and have muscle mass but also needs to lose a good amount of weight? I can't imagine that I would lose much weight just lifting. Someone please advice :)

    Start now! Building lean muscle, along with cutting back on calories will accelerate your weight loss. Good luck! :smile:
  • merr1cose
    merr1cose Posts: 176 Member
    I agree with the others here.. Start now :o)