Week one and no pounds lost



  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    being a woman, where you are in your monthy hormonal cycle plays a big part as well. Something else to consider when you don't see expected losses.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited May 2016
    You're going to get a lot of conflicting advice, but here's mine: it's too soon to worry. The first week means your body is experiencing a lot of changes and it may still be adjusting to them. It's not a bad idea to double-check that everything is right, but I would wait it out for just a little longer and see what happens.

    Also, if you haven't had a chance to read the stickied "must read" posts, they have a ton of good information. Like these:


    @krflurry2016 As @diannethegeek said you will be getting a lot of conflicting advice. In each of the Message Boards you will find stickied "must read" posts such as under Getting Started and General Diet and Weight Loss. There are more but this is a lot of information to read through. One that I refer back to is the links in this Important Posts to Read. There is a lot of great information in it.

    You need to adjust your expectations/mindset. My average was about 1kg = 2.2 lbs per month and I am down 79 lbs. Relax - Slow down you will get to your goal/destination with a lot less stress.
  • Dove0804
    Dove0804 Posts: 213 Member
    1800 is too high

    You should net 1400 and eat back your exercise calories

    Thank me later

    With all due respect, OP never stated her height or starting weight, or how much per week she's trying to lose. It's hard to determine how much one should or shouldn't be eating if you don't know someone's starting point. Right now I could be consuming around 2,000 calories at my weight and still lose 0.5 lb/week. If she has more to lose and is pacing herself, 1,800 could be just right.

    But yeah, give it some time. Make sure you're accurately weighing everything and try to be patient. I know water retention is a killer for me regarding motivation, but I ALWAYS have that "fake plateau" after changing up my exercise regimen or around that time of the month. It's like clockwork. I am able to recognize it now so it doesn't discourage me, but you could definitely be holding onto some water if you only JUST started all of these changes.

    Hang in there!
  • Rogstar
    Rogstar Posts: 216 Member
    Agree with hanging in there. One week is not enough time to see a trend, up or down. And it absolutely may depend on where you are in your hormonal cycle. I always compare myself at the same point in the cycle from month to month, rather than week to week (or day to day as I weigh myself daily.)

    Using myself as an example:
    My period is due to start tomorrow or the next day. I weighed 215.6 today. One week ago, I was 214. My low 5 days ago was 212.8. But, looking back one month ago, I was 220-222 the days before my period started. So while I'm higher than last week, I'm about 5lbs lighter than I was this time last cycle.

    If you keep at your plan and are honest with yourself, you will see changes. If over a month or two you're not seeing any progress, then you can reevaluate. Good luck!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Only one week--be patient! BTW--how tall are you, how much do you weigh, what is your goal?
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited May 2016
    Don't be discouraged. A week is nothing! Rome didn't fall in a day, it took centuries and lots of barbarians.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    dmariet116 wrote: »
    Try cutting your carbs. That is usually helpful not only to flush out excess water weight but to jump start the fat burning process also. And definitely drink your water! Good luck!

    Waaaaah no dont.

    There's no need to cut out carbs. Seriously. Think of the first month as practice and the learning curve, it takes time to get used to all the logging rules and how to be sure you're actually only eating 1800. Get yourself a quality food scale and make absolutely sure that's all you're eating. You could be over eating by enough to stop weight loss.

    Also, yes new exercise could absolutely cause enough water retention to hide any weight loss. It's just too early to tell. I am going to begin cautioning everyone against using the scale too much. Put it away for the month. Be SURE to only eat 1800 (by weighing all food, and using the proper entries in the database, which can take a few extra minutes when you're just starting but it's worth it). Take measurements this week, and check them again in a month when you weigh in. I can guarantee if you set MFP up correctly and you weigh your food you will see the change you want.

    But before you get those changes you have to build up the good habits that will help you get there. Focusing on those good habits versus results will help you build confidence in yourself and your ability to do this. Suggestions to begin weight lifting (or even just body weight things, push ups squats lunges and planks need no equipment) you will see more physical changes in your body and shape beyond simply weighing less.

    Getting caught up in a lack of results after a week isn't helpful. Let go of results and get to learning about what foods help you feel the most satisfied while still meeting your calorie goal. You can do this but it's about more than just a diet, you have to change so much and you can't do it all in a week. Give yourself the gift of patience. It will work.
  • an0nemus
    an0nemus Posts: 149 Member
    Hello, I'm new to my fitness pal.
    I'm supposed to be eating 1800 calories a day, which I am.
    I'm also exercising on the treadmill at my local gym for 30 minutes at 3.0 miles an hour with an incline
    I cut out sodas and junk.
    After one week being a heavier person, I expected to lose a few pounds, but stepped on the scale and I was still the same weight.
    I'm very discouraged. Please help

    How many pounds are you looking to lose? The less you have to lose, the harder they are to lose.

  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    1800 is too high

    You should net 1400 and eat back your exercise calories

    Thank me later

    What? Why? Without any information except she's been at this for a week? No.

    OP, this isn't a sprint, this is cross country. You're in it for the long haul. Some weeks you'll see a 2lbs loss, some 0.4lbs loss and some weeks you'll see a 0.8lb gain. It's all part of the process. As long as you see an overall downward trend that's all that matters. As a woman also as you cycle, menstruate and so forth you'll see this reflect on the scale as well. No need to freak out, give it time stick with this.
  • krflurry2016
    krflurry2016 Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thanks for all the quick responses! I really appreciate it
  • ernestrodgers82
    ernestrodgers82 Posts: 204 Member
    Hello, I'm new to my fitness pal.
    I'm supposed to be eating 1800 calories a day, which I am.
    I'm also exercising on the treadmill at my local gym for 30 minutes at 3.0 miles an hour with an incline
    I cut out sodas and junk.
    After one week being a heavier person, I expected to lose a few pounds, but stepped on the scale and I was still the same weight.
    I'm very discouraged. Please help

    It's only been a week. Keep doing what you're doing (logging your food, exercising, making good food choices) and you will soon see the results.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited May 2016
    Can you open your diary?

    If you don't weigh your food, get a food scale. Weigh all solid and semi solid foods in grams. Choose accurate database entries that reflect packaging info,

    And, 1 week is nothing.

    You also started a new exercise program. That causes temporary fluid retention. Give it some time.
    Watch the macros not calories.
    Watch the calories. Too many calories = weight gain. I can go over on any of my macros, but if I am at or below my daily calories, I won't gain. Macros don't cause weight gain, excess calories do.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    My scales never shifted for 1 month, you know all them newbie losses you hear about? I never had them.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I lost inches before it showed as a loss on the scale. so use a tape measure and gauge how your clothing fits.if your clothing feels looser than you are losing.
  • OlyCapitalChick
    OlyCapitalChick Posts: 236 Member
    1800 is too high

    You should net 1400 and eat back your exercise calories

    Thank me later

    how tall are you? and what is your weight?
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    By the way, I think OP is gone. I clicked on her profile and got
    "Page cannot be found"

    1800 is too high

    You should net 1400 and eat back your exercise calories

    Thank me later
    How do you know this without knowing her age, height, current weight and goal weight?
  • knappy_dog
    knappy_dog Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely don't get discouraged. It's completely normal. I'm on my second go around using MFP and a calorie deficit diet. And both times I've done it, I've lost nothing in the first week. I think in the first week, you are turning your body into the fat-burning machine it will become. It is becoming accustomed to the changes in diet and exercise. In essence, you are shocking the Hell out of it. Come the second week, your body starts saying, "Oh, I get it. This is what we are doing now." And it begins to shed pounds. Like I said, same thing happened to me. Lost nothing the first week, in the 4 weeks that followed, 12lbs. Stick with it and good luck!
  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    you already have a ton of advice. I've been there but it's a lifestyle change. Is it easier to walk now than a week ago? just keep at it!