Early Morning Workouts....



  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    This week has not been good for me... I am coming off oral surgery and I think that is why I have had problems getting up.

    I pack EVERYTHING the night before. All my food, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack. protin and my second set of clothes for after work , work out and my work clothes shoes and jewlery EVERYTHING . I also write down my morning workout like a checklist. I have a locker at the gym and I keep a whole set of morning get ready for work stuff so I don't have to pack that. I have found that packing everything means I don't have to think when I get up to leave the gym. I get out of bed pull off my pajamas and get into gear pick up my bag for the day and go on out the door... simple and painless. On the way I do stop and get a small coffee black with 4 splends and ice and turn up some energizing music to get ready for my workout... :-)

    Hope it helps...
  • Make it a part of your everyday schedule, and just do it!
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I HAVE to. I get up at 5am every single morning and work out. If I didnt, I wouldnt work out because I would talk myself into something else or end up being too busy by the end of the day. I actually feel better starting the day after a good work out- plus then it is done and not on my mind for the entire day.
    Oh and I dont consume caffiene (mostly becasue I hate coffee and soda....)
  • kimdoes
    kimdoes Posts: 90
    Ewww! I am so guilty of hitting snooze a million times! But to be honest with you, if you start your day with a workout, you are truly energized throughout the day. It also helps you to rest at night and wake the next day to do it all over again. There is no way on Earth I would wake up at 4:00am though. (Hell, I'm hardly in the bed by that hour anyway... hahaha) I just wake up about 45 minutes earlier than I normally would, use the bathroom, splash my face with cold water, start cooking my lunch, grab a bottle of water, and start my morning exercise routine. Normally I wake up about 5 minutes into it. :) I also I love that even after breakfast (and sometimes lunch) I'm still working on nearly -0- caloric intake for the day! HAHA
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    Just think after you work out you can log your exercise in and you have all those extra calories for the rest of day.
    Makes me feel better, than trying to work around the calories all day hoping to get some exercise time in after work to give me a little cushion and then something comes up and I don't get to exercise, now I only have so many calories left for dinner : (
    An odd rational but most days it works for me...
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Set alarm for 4am, get up, allotted 30 minutes of blank stare time, work out.

    i have found that massive doses of b12 help, but that's not safe.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    When I was commuting I had to get up early to catch a bus - now that I'm no longer commuting I get up at the same time and work out instead. I know that doesn't apply to everyone but once you're used to getting up early it really does get easier.

    My only advice to you if you're looking to start getting up early is to do it now while the sun is up early. If you try to get up before the sun (like in the fall!) it's never going to happen. I'm a firm believer that no-one should have to get up before the sun :)
  • DebbieLaviolette
    DebbieLaviolette Posts: 89 Member
    WOW!!!! Thanks for the feedback and encouragement. I think the biggest thing for me is knowing that once I get my "main" workout in then anyhthing I do in the evening is lagniappe (a little something extra). I LOVE that idea because I am on the go alot in the afternoon.

    The first thing I'm doing when I get home is moving the alarm clock to the other side of the room. !!!! Tomorrow morning I
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I work full-time and am a single mom.

    I have to get a workout in in the morning otherwise it won't get done at all.

    1. Set everything out the night before; shoes, socks, sports bra, shorts.
    2. Set alarms (I have two set) for 4:15am - if I hit snooze, it just makes it all the more difficult to get up. Alarm - feet hit the floor. (takes practice)
    3. Rice cake, sunflower seed butter, coffee. I have to eat something before my work out.
    4. Push play!! My workouts are on the dvd so I can workout while my baby is sleeping.

    It takes practice, it won't be easy at first, but you can do it!! Then you have the rest of the day to eat your calories back and not think about exercise until the next day!

    Best of luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • DebbieLaviolette
    DebbieLaviolette Posts: 89 Member
    My only advice to you if you're looking to start getting up early is to do it now while the sun is up early. If you try to get up before the sun (like in the fall!) it's never going to happen. I'm a firm believer that no-one should have to get up before the sun :)

    I like this idea....it is so true..better to start the habit now than when the darkness lasts all morning :-)
  • DebbieLaviolette
    DebbieLaviolette Posts: 89 Member
    Just think after you work out you can log your exercise in and you have all those extra calories for the rest of day.
    Makes me feel better, than trying to work around the calories all day hoping to get some exercise time in after work to give me a little cushion and then something comes up and I don't get to exercise, now I only have so many calories left for dinner : (
    An odd rational but most days it works for me...

    that is EXACTLY what has happened everyday this week!!!!
  • DebbieLaviolette
    DebbieLaviolette Posts: 89 Member
    I just do it! I know that's completely unhelpful, but it's true. I just suck it up and go and am always glad I do. The alarm goes off at 4AM and I'm usually on the pavement by 4:45 (a few snoozes and a few unladylike words:)) It does get easier and become habit.

    what time do you go to sleep at night!
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    I used to have a hard time with early morning workouts have never been an early person. But I have learned that once the alarm goes up I am up I do not stay in bed snoozing the alarm.
  • lucycaz
    lucycaz Posts: 191 Member

    I can’t motivate myself to get to the gym before work however I have found the swimming works for me in the morning.

    I swim 45 to 60 mins 4 mornings a week and use my time in the pool to plan my day in my head... (Sad I know) I find that I get to work relaxed and energised....

  • Shanell802
    Shanell802 Posts: 37
    Ok, this may be a silly question, but do all of you wash your hair after every workout? My hair is pretty dry, so I don't have to wash it every day...But if I sweat a lot in the morning, I would have to wash it every day. I would not want to have to do that. It takes a while to fix it when I wash it. Anyone relate to this?
  • kimdoes
    kimdoes Posts: 90
    Ok, this may be a silly question, but do all of you wash your hair after every workout? My hair is pretty dry, so I don't have to wash it every day...But if I sweat a lot in the morning, I would have to wash it every day. I would not want to have to do that. It takes a while to fix it when I wash it. Anyone relate to this?

    I have to wash my hair everyday anyway because it's oily. I just do my workout and jump straight into the shower. (I sweat like a buffalo!) Of course, I'm easy maintenance- Towel dry, blow it a little more dry, brush & throw it in a ponytail. Taadaaa! :)
  • radioloren
    radioloren Posts: 26 Member
    I'm definitely not a morning person but I try to get up at 5:30AM, get a full hour workout and then have breakfast and go to work. I'm slowly getting into the groove but I like it because it's easier for me to input my exercise on MFP in the morning so I can see how much exactly I can eat without going over. Plus I like leaving work knowing that I've done my exercise for the day and can go home to relax if I want :) I'm less likely to skip working out if I do it in the morning and get it over with.

    I feel the exact same way! I do it in the morning so that I can see how many cals. I have for the day...plus it's done! If I go to exercise later, it's like bonus exercise, not because I have to!! I am not a morning person at all....but I feel so much better getting it done early...if I don't, I feel disappointed in myself.
  • lazirlott
    lazirlott Posts: 42 Member
    There is no way I could have my hair dry if I washed it in the morning. It is too thick. I pull it in a ponytail and either braid or bind all the way down so it is not hanging loose on my shoulders or back and it doesn't get sweaty.
  • lazirlott
    lazirlott Posts: 42 Member
    Ok, this may be a silly question, but do all of you wash your hair after every workout? My hair is pretty dry, so I don't have to wash it every day...But if I sweat a lot in the morning, I would have to wash it every day. I would not want to have to do that. It takes a while to fix it when I wash it. Anyone relate to this?
    There is no way I could have my hair dry if I washed it in the morning. It is too thick. I pull it in a ponytail and either braid or bind all the way down so it is not hanging loose on my shoulders or back and it doesn't get sweaty.
  • eillims13
    eillims13 Posts: 18
    I put my alarm on the other side of the room, have my workout clothes and preworkout snack ready to go, and everything in my workout bag ready.

    If I feel like just staying in bed I remind myself of how crappy I feel the rest of the day knowing I should have gotten up...it's the best motivation I have!
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