Diamond Dolls Week 2!



  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    We aren't sore losers! Great job Dolls.... but this week is WAR!

    I love having this rivalry--it has me pumped! :)
  • Macy_R
    Macy_R Posts: 91
    Dang green :( I never thought we would be in last place!!! oh well this week we will try to get to the top!!!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Woo Hoo Great job Purple Team!
    We will kick butt next week, Orange Team!
    I'm starting to lose weight again!
    I hate TOM! He really kicks my butt every month!
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    My boy/f's mother as she has lost 2 stone healthily in 5 months in to be fit enough to travel to Uganda in September to be part of a Sporting Aids initiative.
  • psnow9127
    psnow9127 Posts: 17 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    My mother in law as well. She has battled with her weight for awhile and we have similar work stress, so seeing her accomplish so much has really motivated me. Most supportive has also been the scale! Seeing it move as I work so hard really helps me push through on days that I'm dragging
  • MeganLord
    MeganLord Posts: 28 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    I would say my husband.. because he helps make sure I stay on track yet still get to have a good now and then but when I tell him no to sweets he completely understands why-- and compliments me :)
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    I'm pretty fortunate in having a husband who's doing this with me. And a 17 year old son who is pretty body/health conscious. I try to not look to others for support/inspiration, and focus on self-motivation/self-inspiration. Although, I'd say my motivators at this point are the fact that I will be running a 5k in September, and I'm hoping to complete it in under 35 minutes (I know, not super fast, but I've got short little legs - LOL). And - I'd love to hear people tell my husband that his wife is hott! :blushing:
  • Macy_R
    Macy_R Posts: 91
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    Probably my brother...he's super in shape and has made litle comments here and there about how I'm doing well! But I don't really have very much "real life" support, so MFP really has been a huge support system!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    That's an easy one. My partner Karmiene is my biggest motivator and an amazing supporter in this journey. We have been together since we started MFP and joined this challenge together. We have consistently emailed one another for months now and we hold one eachother accountable. Deep down I know I wouldn't be as far along as I am if it wasn't for her.

    I should also give my husband some credit. He has been supportive as well but can't possibly understand fully what I am going through. I have to give him props though for dealing with my emotional mood swings through all this!
  • laceylovespink
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    so far I'd have to say my trainer because he's always there to push me and when i screw up he reminds me that we all screw up...I would've said my hubby but he brought peanut butter ice cream home this weekend so that knocked him off my 'support system' list for a while hahahaha
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    My husband has been by biggest supporter. He helps out with the kids so I can go to the gym or work out at home, he does 99% of the cooking and he has learned to make healthier meals and he tells me something positive about the "new me" a million times a day. He is amazing and I love him!!!
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    Honestly... Myself. I tell myself to do it and not complain. I motivate myself so that I can be a better me. :) I wish I can say my husband, but... well lol I can't haha.
  • Fergieberg
    Fergieberg Posts: 92 Member
    I don't have a ton of support through this, that's why I love MFP! My husband is trying to help, but he still has a long way to go.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    My daughter is my most influencial person. I'm doing this for her. I will be able to be the Mom she and her baby brother deserve, not some slob!
  • chasekilgannon
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    My little girl, I want her to be healthy and happy, she's going to be a nerdy kid so she'll probably be teased enough.

    All seriousness, I also have to rank better on the hot/crazy scale, so my boyfriend will put up with my *kitten*. :P

  • sayambular
    sayambular Posts: 205
    I would have to say my boyfriend seeing as how he supports me with whatever my decision is when it comes to my weight loss and he really inspires me to lose this weight to become more healthy. And if it wasn't for him, I'd still weigh 262lbs instead of 209.
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 29/06/2011(Sorry its late Dolls i'm a ditz) :

    Who would you say has been most supportive/influential in your weightless journey and why?

    My mom is my biggest support/influence…she has also had a weight problem her whole life and we have struggled together since I was in my late teens. From TOPS to WW and everything in between she has been there for me. She’s the one person in my life (aside from my new DD friends!!) who understands when I play those stupid psychological games with myself…and can help get me back on track…

    But I DO have to give my husband props as well…he has always been very supportive of me...he's stood by me through 19 years of fad diets/exercise machines/workouts/various programs out there…even when he knew in his heart they were just that…fads... When I ask his input, he is honest without being hurtful which I appreciate…but always tells me he wouldn’t care if I never lost an ounce… :love:
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Easy answer for me too... my partner and MFP BFF Lustris!! Like she said, we joined MFP at the same time and there’s been a supportive chemistry ever since. I’m not convinced I’d keep plugging away at this if it wasn’t for her. It certainly wouldn’t be as much fun. She’s funny, clever, and the one that actually suggested we join this challenge. She’s realistic and human. We can (and do) talk about everything. She’s accepting and understanding without enabling. She runs around her neighborhood and up mountains like nobody’s business. She’s beautiful, inspiring, amazing and absolutely my biggest motivator.

    I’d also like to give a shout out to the Diamond Challenge - to Miss Jamaica for creating it and Chase who helps run it. This challenge was just what I needed to refocus and kick it up a notch. I’m also appreciative to the women in the challenge that I’m friends with. When you show up every single day and post your amazing progress in my news feed, I’m inspired to do more (and eat less).
  • Peruminicana86
    I would have to say my best friend and little sister. They both go to the gym with me. Sometimes they have to drag me but I still go because of them. They have both have been amazing.