Starting over...

Well back at it again...again..again..hoping to keep going this time and reach my goals. Looking for friends who are supportive and can help keep me accountable! Lol, I need all the help I can get!! I struggle with all or nothing mentality which has been a huge struggle with my weight loss! Thanks!


  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    I have been like that my whole adult life! I am finding CICO to be great for me. I am learning moderation and I get to have my sweets instead of severe restriction and then a week or more of binging on them:/ I believe you can do it!!! You are stronger than you think;)
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    I feel like I start over every day. . .
  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    Feel free to friend me :) It doesn't matter how many times you start over because every time you get closer to your goal.. at least, that's what I tell myself.