Hell Yeah Fat Lady!



  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    What would you do if you knew you could not fail? I like that quote. Because it's really only the voices in our own heads making us think we can't. The other one I like a lot is about the mountain. People never trip over mountains, they trip on pebbles. If you stop paying attention to the pebbles you might find you have crossed the mountain. Best advice I've found on MFP was to talk to yourself like you were encouraging your own child. Would you talk to your own child like the negative messages you tell yourself? Or would you encourage and show them the little successes are there, and they do count/add up?
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Besides, at the pool if you are not a bikini pre-teen you are a overweight parent running as best you can after toddlers. So any big person blends in there. Thats what I always told myself when I was an overweight parent running as best I could after toddlers!
  • kayjen2
    kayjen2 Posts: 1
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Nice post!

    And just an aside, but a big 'hell yeah' to OP - yes you have a neck and it's lovely! :flowerforyou: :glasses:
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    When I first started at a group fitness studio I weighed 304 pounds. I was scares and intimidated. I couldn't do a sit-up a well
    As struggled through every thing else. I was amazed at how supportive my class mates were. They would lap me and encourage me a they went by. Every success I made they were my cheerleaders much like mfp friends are. So keep cheering for the "fat" lady. Unless you have been there, most people have no idea how hard it is to get started.
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    That's right!! And so AWESOME that she's doing it!
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    when i used to go to the gym and saw someone REALLY big going at it - even if they were just leisurely walking on the treadmill - I ALWAYS thought "good for them". At least they're trying. People who think otherwise are morons.

    ditto. WTG lady in the pool :)
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    This is why Nammy is one of my favorites. I was the 530-pound girl not confident enough to be at the gym after all the stares and pointing I'd get... so, I took my stuff home and did it from there. I'd get all sorts of rude remarks from passing by cars, etc., but it's nice to know that there are people out there who are also saying... HELL YEAH!

    I would have never ridden on a bike in public 217 pounds ago... NEVER. I'm finally learning just to say to hell with it and do it anyway. No stupid, immature person is going to stop me from doing something. One of these days I'll work up to the pool... even if I have to start in a pair of shorts and a shirt!
  • WonderNoodle
    WonderNoodle Posts: 549
    one of my motivating moments is when a LARGE woman was jogging on the sidewalk as my son and i drove by. he said "good for her" while i was shoving a casey's donut in my face.

    i was afraid to try to run in front of others because if i had to stop....i'd fail in front of them. i'd live up to what they "must be thinking" about me.

    NOW I KNOW that myself, all my MFP pals, and my SON are cheering me and other's working hard regardless of size!

    GO FAT LADY! :drinker:
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    This just made me so happy.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    thats fantastic. talk about awesome. seriously. more encouragement less negativity.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Hell Yeah !!!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Love it! Motivation is what it takes!!! Getting up and moving is what it takes!!! Like you stated, not a video (guilty I have turbo fire) but swimming and being outdoors moving is fun and more people are out to stick with it. Cheers to you lady in the pool!!!:drinker: :bigsmile:
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    This post definitely made my day. I get more than a few negative looks as I'm huffing up a hill with a beet red face, but it's always encouraging to think there might be strangers cheering me on as well. :)
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    one of my motivating moments is when a LARGE woman was jogging on the sidewalk as my son and i drove by. he said "good for her" while i was shoving a casey's donut in my face.

    i was afraid to try to run in front of others because if i had to stop....i'd fail in front of them. i'd live up to what they "must be thinking" about me.

    NOW I KNOW that myself, all my MFP pals, and my SON are cheering me and other's working hard regardless of size!

    GO FAT LADY! :drinker:

    Heehee. I'm living on both sides of that. Started out running at 240 thinking everyone was staring at me. Even though I was doing the C25K intervals, if there was another runner coming toward me when it was time for me to walk, I'd keep running until I passed them, knowing they would be judging if I walked. As I mentioned, it took a while to realize that the majority are just happy to see you trying (or don't even notice because they're trying so hard themselves).

    Now, my normal running route passes by a McDonalds and while passing people walking with their take-out bags I'm so proud of myself and I HOPE they're noticing me and start wanting to do better for themselves. I try not to judge too much though because you never know if that's their once-every-6-months treat though - plus, you never know what's in the bag. ;)

    Bottom line, be happy for (and supportive of) people who are trying, and don't judge based on what you see!
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm a little intimidated by all the buff bodies at my gym and usually keep my iPod on and head down as I work out. We all know the un-buff people stick out like a sore thumb.

    I finally got the nerve up to walk over to a heavyset guy at the gym this week and make this comment: "I started at this gym back in April and I just want to say that you have made so much progress and look wonderful! Keep up the great work!" He just gave me the BIGGEST smile as I turned to walk away.

    I don't know his name or what his story is, but sometimes a little encouragement goes a long way. It made me feel good too!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Aww man ... This made me tear up a bit! "Hell Yeah Fat Lady!" is about the coolest thing I've heard today.
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    ‎500lb, or so, woman at the pool yesterday when I was swimming laps. It took her the entire 30 minutes I was in the lane to walk across the pool at neck deep water. When I was first starting to get going I did 10 minutes in my slippers in my bedroom on a piece of equipment and that was all I could do.

    Know what I thought watching that lady that looked more like she was loitering than exercising? HELL YEAH! Last time I huffed and puffed across the pool fat the lifeguard snickered at me. It was humiliating.

    Remember, there will always be 3 other people thinking HELL YEAH you go lady, I should be doing that! If all you can do is 5 minutes, then HELL YEAH to you too! It doesn't take "insanity" "really ripped abbs" video's. It just takes you getting your body moving and eating better. One step at a time, but always at least 2 steps forward for every one backward.

    A very loud AMEN!
  • Bonnie1974
    Bonnie1974 Posts: 58
    Every time I see someone bigger than me jogging, running, working out. I always smile. Becus we all have to start some where. So I say Hell Ya...good for her...
  • WonderNoodle
    WonderNoodle Posts: 549
    maybe she is on mfp and will read this :smooched: