Easy breakfast ideas, please



  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    my favs..........

    - multi-grain waffle with peanut butter
    - skillet scramble with veggies. whatever veggies i have on hand, dump into skillet with some eggs. make a scramble or fritatta.
    - fruit with yogurt
    - yogurt with granola
    - french toast with wheat bread and bananas and sugar free syrup
    - oh, and put the scramble into a tortilla. this is very filling!
  • shannon138
    shannon138 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a Kellog's Strawberry Protein Meal bar with lipton diet green tea. It gets me half way to lunch and then I have a banana.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    I toast a whole wheat english muffin and make myself a homemade egg mcmuffin. Add a poached egg, slice of american cheese and a slice of turkey bacon. Since I keep turkey bacon cooked and in the freezer, it is really quick and easy prep! And it is quite yummy!

    Along those lines, I sometimes make a homemade McGriddle. (I need to get back to the store to keep making these).
    This is just a copy and paste from a previous post of mine:

    De Wafelbakkers have great pancakes. (http://www.dewafelbakkers.com/pancakes.html). I've tried the Maple ones and the A+ Cinnamon Sweet Potato ones. The Maples ones taste great and work well if you want to make something like a McGriddle, but the ones that come in the box are healthier - they contain more PROTEIN and FIBER and can usually be found with the natural and orgainc stuff. I ADORE ADORE ADORE the Sweet Potato ones, but nutritionally speaking, the Whole Wheat or Flaxseed ones are your best bet. I'll let you be the judge...

    Anyways, pop two pancakes in the toaster. Fry or scramble one egg (with yolk) or two/three/more egg whites. Add cheese. (Personally, I prefer a half a slice of sharp cheddar - when it comes to cheese I try to eat strong ones; you eat less of it). Cook up a turkey sausage patty, sausage crumbles, turkey/pork bacon, whatever you want without going overboard. Sometimes I add jalapenos or red peppers or avocado. This makes a friggin awesome breakfast sandwich!!!! Tastes great and it's guilt free.

    Use cooking spray - no oils when cooking the eggs and meat. Bacon can be popped in the microwave too.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
  • Lholford
    Lholford Posts: 34 Member
    I make a homemade Egg McMuffin similary to above, the only difference is I keep boiled eggs in the fridge, I peel and slice one on top of a toasted English Muffin, add 1/2 to whole slice of cheese, microwave it to melt cheese and warm up egg...that's it! Sometimes I add bacon but rarely since this is pretty filling.

    One other quickie for breakfast or snack is spread a tablespoon of peanut butter on a caramel rice cake, slice 1/2 of a banana on top. If you want to make it more of a dessert, drizzle 1-2 teaspoons of caramel ice cream topping on it.
  • jms11416
    jms11416 Posts: 25 Member
    1 cup bisquick heart smart
    1 cup egg beater
    1 bag any frozen veggie
    1 bag low fat shreaded chease

    mix & bake in geased pan till golden brown & firm

    cut in 6 pieces for a healthy filling bfast slice
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    I usually do some type of microwave egg sandwich - I've been using peppers and onions but you can really use anything!

    1 Whole wheat or "light" whole wheat English muffin
    1-2 slices of fat free American cheese (I use the 25 calorie kind)
    1/4 cup chopped peppers
    1/4 cup chopped onions (pre-chop the peppers and onions on Sunday and keep it in a container)
    3 egg whites (you can sub Egg Beaters or whatever)

    Split the English muffin and lay the cheese on one or both sides and toast to desired crispiness. While muffin is toasting, take a large mug (a small one won't contain the eggs when they expand) and crack the 3 egg whites into it then beat them like they've misbehaved real bad. Gently mix in the peppers and onions cause you love them - they enhance your breakfast and are yummy. Pop that mug in the microwave and heat about 2:30 or until it's done to your liking.
    Then you can just make a little sammich and wrap it in foil to go or eat it then!

    I'm pressed for time in the AM because a) I'm lazy and I snooze a lot and b) I have to be at work at 7 AM. Soon as I wake up I pop a whole wheat English muffin in the toaster with 1-2 slices of fat free American cheese. Then I microwave eggs and hop in the shower, put it together in a sandwich before I run out the door - plus I've managed to hoard ketchup packets at work and I have some hot sauce there so I'm good to go. If you don't, you can always buy little souffle cups from amazon.com (usually advertised as jello shot or plastic shot glasses - just make sure they come with lids!). I get the 1 oz ones cause that's 2 tbsp and then I can use it for salad dressing too. 250 of them were $13 - lasts forever. Just have to search a little to find a smaller quantity.

    www.hungry-girl.com has lots of these listed but those are usually pretty complex =)
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    I take .5 cup plain oatmeal and cook it on low on the stove for a good 10-15 minutes with 1 cup vanilla almond milk, then stir in a half tablespoon of nutella and a half of a banana....I can't even tell you how good this is!

    I'm definately trying this as the regular oatmeal with brown sugar is getting a bit old.
  • kremsergirl
    WOW! I had no idea what I was missing eating plain boring cereal every morning!!! You guys rock for such great ideas-I'm definitely going to pick up ingredients for the muffin sandwich! Sounds yummy!
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    Oh I never get tired of cereal! :smile: But if you are looking for something new, I just recently bought the whole grain eggo waffles 170 calores for two. They are pretty tasty. I usually put some jam , PB or if I am indugling a tablespoon of Nutella with berries. It's an easy and quick breakfast when you don't have time to make 'real' waffles.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    2 eggs over-easy, each atop a Kellogg's® Eggo® Nutri-Grain® Low Fat Whole Wheat waffle with garlic and spices.

    I toast the waffles in a non-stick pan first, set them aside on a plate, then while the eggs cook, spread the waffles with minced garlic (I buy the huge jars of the stuff). Lay eggs on top of waffles, sprinkle with your favorite spices. I use garlic powder, chili powder, smoked paprika and cayenne. Then, you can eat them with your hands or, if you don't like messy food, a fork and knife.

    Super good. Super easy. Under 300 calories and filling. Good morning fuel.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member