Lazy skinny-fat teen in need of advice

Okay, so during the past couple of years, I have struggled with minor eating disorders and have had trouble maintaining my weight.
It seems to me that my weight has either been going up or down but never staying where it's supposed to be! I've been dieting for so long that I don't even know how to eat properly any more! Fml... =_=
For example, mid last year I weighed a light 46 kilos - come Christmas and my weight had hiked up to a shocking 52 kilos! The horror! I am now content with my bearable weight of 48 kilos though am still struggling to maintain it.
I'm trying to eat at least 2 full meals a day (because I often skip breakfast) and at least 2 fruit per day as snacks. I also want to ration my sweet treat intake to one per day.
I am an awfully lazy person so I do intensive exercise 0 times per week, 0 times per year, 0 times in my whole damn life. I go for slow 60 minute walks every few days.
Bottom line is that I am an incredibly lazy person.

Who out there is struggling like I am? And who out there is a total pro at maintaining weight? (I'm so jealous)
Advice would be greatly appreciated and feel free to criticise my non-existent exercise regime.
~ thanks
(P.s my height is 163cm or about 5'3)


  • rabbit_f00d
    rabbit_f00d Posts: 5 Member
    I am in the exact situation as you. Same height, weight, disordered eating, and being a teen. The only advise I can give is to see someone. A therapist and dietician to be specific. I'm in the same boat as you but I started from a past from a much higher weight (of 69kilos), am probably older (18 years) and have been struggling with disordered eating and depression for three years. Get help, nothing will change if you don't change it.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Start with counseling. I suggest the same whether someone is ED or obese and using food as a coping mechanism. The mental is every bit, if not more, important than the physical in these cases and the body will not do what the mind prevents it from doing.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Yes. Get off of this website, it's meant for adults and the nutritional information may be detrimental to growing teens. is for teens.

    Her profile says she is 19 so she can be here.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm just going to comment on the exercise regime - the disordered eating you need to get some professional help. I think you know this already.

    You already know that you don't exercise. Your excuse is that you are lazy. You want people to criticise you for that (?!?). If you are looking for another word, or excuse, or reason that is going to magically change how much exercise you will actually do then you've set yourself up for disappointment.

    Exercise is not a motivation thing. Give the magic lamp a rub and a genie pops out...If he gives people the choice of going for a run or sitting on the couch with the tv on and bag of crisps, and choosing either option had no consequences whatsoever....everyone would choose the couch. Exercise is a discipline thing. Period. So being lazy doesn't matter.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    48-52kgs.... hmmm! thats a low weight and that's even if you are petite.