Leg day: Ouch!

yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
edited May 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
I slacked big time with strength training over the last couple of months.. well, basically since October last year. Good thing is: my muscles seem to remember how to look cool and I don't seem to need to much work to get back to my old look. The bad thing is: DOMs! I've only been doing YAYOG and so far focused on core and upper body as I figured my legs can't be in such bad shape. I mean, I run three times per week, can keep it up for two hours and do lots of hills. With poor weather predictions for the coming days I decided to do the first YAYOG legs workout earlier on today, and man! already now I can't walk anymore. Next two days should be fun!

Didn't do too much actually!
45 back lunges each side
40 slow one legged romanians each side
61 squats
55 swimmers each side

Just looking for cuddles, or some people to laugh about and with me. Gosh, was I wrong!


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Yea, noticed it already. I had to walk to a shop about an hour after the workout, and I did have massively wobbly legs. :#
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Sorry for 'liking' this, but it just made me giggle madly o:) Gosh, I thought about going to the local gym and try doing compound lifts again. I'm glad I decided to first do a bit of bodyweight only :o
  • 60to35
    60to35 Posts: 297 Member
    Walking down the stairs backwards helps for those 2 days post
  • cmtristani
    cmtristani Posts: 117 Member
    My leg day was today, I worked out this morning early. I can sympathize! About an hour ago I dropped a spoon on the kitchen floor. Squatted down to pick it up, and... Yeah, let's stay down here for awhile. Look at how these floors need to be cleaned. Hey, who knew the tile had this neat pattern in it. Oh, there's where that cheerio went last week. There's no need to get back up right now, is there?

    Yep, gonna hurt
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Lol! Thanks all :) I slept well and must say that my thighs are fairly ok so far... something I cannot say about my bum. Better stay in bed. It's nice and there's no reason to get up
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Still can't move properly, but I'll still try to run tonight. My training plan has intervals scheduled for today *sigh*
  • Bghere1
    Bghere1 Posts: 78 Member
    Yup legs were last night (and I have been neglecting them). I got back to work, had to go down some stairs, and I nearly took a nasty tumble right at the very first step. Good thing handrail was there. But a little advil works great for me
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    *giggles* I feel with you :smile: My sore muscles accompanied me for nearly a week. I did leg day again yesterday, so lets see how things go now.