My Fitness "Pal" upgrade to My Fitness "Friend"

cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
edited May 2016 in Motivation and Support
I'm all alone on this journey... seriously. I'm not looking for commiseration or pity; I'd like to find someone, or maybe even more than one person, who might also benefit from having a true friend on here. While I'd prefer to connect with someone in my area (KCMO), I'm open to the possibility of a purely online friendship. Gender doesn't matter to me in the slightest, but otherwise, it's important to me that we have some things in common. (My diary's open, if that matters to you.)

My body and my goals:
Starting weight - 260 pounds
Lowest (adult) weight - 148
Current weight - 180
Bodyfat (bioimpedance scale, I know, I know...) - 35.8%
Goal weight - 130 pounds
Dream? bodyfat - 18%

My nutrition:
Calories - 1509
Protein - 132g
Fat - 67g
Carbs - 94g
**I'm curious about keto but not currently following any particular "diet." I eat what I like, I just happen to lean toward "clean" eating most of the time. I am absolutely addicted to coffee, currently focusing on decreasing my creamer and stevia, would like to develop a taste for black coffee. I do drink 100 - 150 ounces of water daily.

My lifestyle:
I'm the single parent of two middle schoolers, so my life basically revolves around them. I'm underemployed and actively looking for a better job. I like to read (reading A Dance with Dragons right now) and hardly watch any TV. I do like Strong and American Grit on Thursday nights and carve out a couple hours for that every week.

I'm a certified personal trainer who basically fell out of the habit. I previously lost 100 pounds, but got way off track and gained 25 back. I eat pretty well, but I have no motivation to go to the gym or work out all by myself.

I'm a member of Planet Fitness, but I'm one of those horrible people who have only stepped foot in the gym once since I joined about three months ago. I used to run 5ks, but I'm also a horrible person who smokes :/ so cardio is my nemesis. I've had the great intention to do at home yoga, but again, no motivation. So... training interests... lifting, Couch to 5k, yoga, bootcamp style workouts. I tried Zumba, not a fan. I have a bicycle, but it's out of order.

I don't mean to be a jerk, but there are a couple of prerequisites. Firstly, even if you don't live near me, I'd really prefer someone from the US. Mostly because our food choices and measurements will be more similar. I could do the math, but I just don't process stones and kg the way I do pounds. Also, the difference between "loose" and "lose." Sorry, but I was an English major, and if you're a native English speaker, you should be able to discern the two.

I know this post has turned into a novella. You have my apologies for that, and my thanks for reading it all the way through. If you have any questions (as if I haven't talked enough about myself! Lol), ask away.

Edited to add: I'm 36.


  • beccaawalsh
    beccaawalsh Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! "loose" and "lose" comment had me in stitches of laughter!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I hate loosers but love losers. ;)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    A 2x horrible person? Dayum. All you need is tats and nipple rings to be super-horrible. "Clean" eating is like "Conservative" politics. It's a shibboleth with no intrinsic meaning.
  • lavender1742
    lavender1742 Posts: 5 Member
    You sound like me! Our stories are similar! I haven't even been on this app in nearly a year! I'm just tired, nearly forty and feeling like crap! Ditto to under employed but I have no motivation to fix that either. I'm still traumatized after having a great job fall through on me I think.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Haha. How about a nose ring instead of nipple rings? I have three tattoos. Good point about the "clean" eating. I'll do my best to clarify; again, my diary's open if you're tempted to look. I try to lean toward mostly unprocessed meat and eggs. Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and protein powder are my only dairy. I love all vegetables except okra and try to eat veggies several times a day. I rarely eat any kind of fast food or anything fried. I don't drink pop or sugary drinks (just water, coffee, and tea). Basically, I stay away from what I'd consider "junk food." Sidenote: between the two teenagers and being underemployed, my intake doesn't always reflect the way I'd rather eat.
  • royboy969
    royboy969 Posts: 218 Member
    Well let's compare. You are a young good look lady, I am just an old fart. You are a single parent. I am an empty nester, although I was a single parent for years. You like the gym. I go only when I have to. I would rather be outside walking or riding. You are a lifter, I am about cardio ( because I am an old fart). We are both readers, but I am a TV watcher. You're a clean eater. I do watch what I eat, but eat what I want. You have three tattoos, I have none. We do drink coffee. Can we be friends. Actually we probably can. I would recommend you looking thru my friends list and grab some of them. You or any of you feel like sending a request, I will help as much as possible. Except Jerome.. I am a conservative thinking old fart.