Let's try this again!! I could use some friends to keep me motivated.

I'm a wife and a Mom x4 and work full time. I put myself last usually. But I'm trying to refocus and put my health at a much higher priority. I'd love some accountability from people doing this.


  • elizabethtownsend78
    elizabethtownsend78 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a wife (got married in January) and not sure why but I have hained weight since...not a mum.but trying to get fit enough to try to be one...I need to have somewhere to record the food I eat and to stop myself overeating. I am moving more (more steps).
    What diet regime are you trying?
  • lynsipeterson
    lynsipeterson Posts: 2 Member
    Starting tomorrow trying to be more active and watch my calories while still enjoying life. I love Spark and some nutition supplements for energy. You?
  • CharleneD80
    CharleneD80 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello I need some friends also ☺️ not sure how to add friends
    On the same journey as u ☺️
  • DylsGrandma
    DylsGrandma Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • 20by46
    20by46 Posts: 1 Member
    I am right there with you. This is my second go around of trying to use this as motivation and accountability. I too work full time and have a couple kids that ALWAYS rank over myself as a priority. Just like char978mfp, I am needing a refresher of how to join you gals.
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Hey ladies.. We have a great group called "Daily Accountability Group" You should check us out :)http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/113004-daily-accountability-group
  • Asherberry
    Asherberry Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me!! I need some more friends to help with motivation
    BWILLIS22 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies, I've been using my fitness pal for about 5 weeks now, and am looking for friends to help keep me motivated and I will do the same for you. If you want you can add me. I haven't figured out how to add people yet, but it would be nice to have people in the same boat as me. I am a wife, mom of 2 boys, and I work full time. I've always started workout programs and either made excuses to stop or my body would give out. I finally, got to the point where I just got tired of the way I looked and decided I finally needed to put myself, my health, my body first, so I can have a better attitude, more energy, and just be happy with my husband and my boys. When I started, my goals were to go to the gym Monday-Friday, with weekends off as my rest days. I had to do cardio for 40mins daily, and with myfitnesspal totaling my calorie intake at 1290, my goal was to drop 10lbs in 5 weeks. This Saturday will be my first weigh in, and I'm so nervous. This is the first time I've ever stuck to any program, even though this was my own personal goals set for me. I'm so anxious to see if all my hard work has paid off. Anyway, add me if you like, like I said it would be nice to be able to talk with other people in my same situation. Good luck to you all.

    -Brandie (Bwillis22)
  • JillG698
    JillG698 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey girls! I am looking for people to keep me motivated and accountable as well, add me if you'd like :) Married mom of a busy 3 year old trying to get back to a healthy weight where I feel comfortable and good about myself again!
  • AuthorNicholas
    AuthorNicholas Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm a wife and a forty-something mother of a daughter, 6, and a son, 7. Right after losing 52 pounds, I gave birth to my back-to-back babies! Nearly eight years later, I'm back up to my pregnancy weight and am ready to lose the weight for good and be Fit for Life! Yes, I've given this journey a slogan! I know that we are more apt to reach our goals if we take this journey with friends. Everyone here, feel free to add me.
  • Eran1315
    Eran1315 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm on here a while but never really used the forums! would be lovely to make some mfp friends!

    I'm 28, from Ireland, Happily married with A handsome 1 year old boy and beautiful 2 and a half year old girl!
    I've always been bigger.. dieted on and off a loooong time! started back feb 29th at my biggest ever of 226lb (I'm 5'1) ... I'm down to 206, counting down to onederland now lol.. my ultimate goal for now is 147.7lb.. i'll still be considered slightly overweight then, but i'll be delighted to get there!!
  • SugarySweetheart
    SugarySweetheart Posts: 154 Member
    Add me :)
  • Terrafide0
    Terrafide0 Posts: 15 Member
    Add me! I am new and welcome any accountability partners!
  • Kelbel921
    Kelbel921 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd like to find friends to motivate me in a much-needed 20 lb loss. 40, mom of 2, work and travel. Trying to kick the sweets and carbs/emotional eating and sedentary behaviors!
  • ftwmc
    ftwmc Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, everyone I'm a 49 yr old husband happily married 3 kids, 1 still at home. Ive been ttying to loose weight for the last 3 years but now my health has caught up and have to maintain a healthy weight and diet. Not working anymore so have plenty of time for the good life (food and alchol ) Looking for people who can help me keep motivated excerises other than vooking and eating
  • irisheyes1622
    irisheyes1622 Posts: 3 Member
  • emilyecho50
    emilyecho50 Posts: 6 Member
    How do you add people?
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    When I started the only thing I did for the first 7 days of logging in was to record my weight and log all my food. I didn't have a scale at the time and was trying to be accurate, but it was intentional to do nothing but log food for a week. With that data, in the second week I began making small adjustments to my eating in ways that were ok for and with me. Soon I started developing goals, such as I wanted to get to low sodium and I wanted to get to high protein. Eventually, I got into a habit of eating a good and nutritious breakfast, a good and nutritious dinner, very little lunch, and achieving high protein and low sodium and low calories. You can achieve your goals, just record everything you eat, expose your food diary to public or friends, and be honest. The real magic happens in your head.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    How do you add people?

    Click on their name. Then click on their name again. Then click on "Add Friend".
  • rhuj
    rhuj Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2016
    Add me <3