flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
We are all on here for the same reason right? To start living healthier and get our body in shape. Support each other and when people asked for advice we give it. We aren't here to judge what people eat, how they do their workouts or what they whine about. We all do things differently and we all have our little complaints about ourselves. It's what's right for us and nobody else. And we shouldn't critisize people for being too skinny or too fat. If you do choose to critisize someone then keep it to yourself and not post it and hurt peoples feelings. Again I say THIS IS A PLACE FOR SUPPORT NOT JUDGMENT!


  • sche1amy
    sche1amy Posts: 86 Member
    Someone actually really did that? I totaly agree with you. Who are we to judge each other. I believe this is here for support not judgement and cutting others down. So Amen to your post!
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    agreed! i get tired of reading negative comments left because one person thinks they know whats best for EVERYONE! there is a disclaimer about people on here not being experts but offering their own opinion...they should offer friendly advice and encouragement. i hate when i am reading a forum that someone posted because they are having a bad day and someone tells them to get over it and stop whinning.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm with you... I know I'm old school, but my mom always said... "if you don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing". I don't think that saying ever goes out of style. Sometimes I think that anonymity of the internet allows people to say things they would never say to your face. Too bad. I don't agree with everything I read on here, but I don't think it is necessary to let everyone know that either.
  • fultzjaf
    fultzjaf Posts: 141 Member
    We are all on here for the same reason right? To start living healthier and get our body in shape. Support each other and when people asked for advice we give it. We aren't here to judge what people eat, how they do their workouts or what they whine about. We all do things differently and we all have our little complaints about ourselves. It's what's right for us and nobody else. And we shouldn't critisize people for being too skinny or too fat. If you do choose to critisize someone then keep it to yourself and not post it and hurt peoples feelings. Again I say THIS IS A PLACE FOR SUPPORT NOT JUDGMENT!

    Wow, that is sad, but I totally agree. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable asking questions or whatever....We should all be here to help, not hurt. You are right. People need to feel comfortable enough to ask ofr help or post different things. Sometimes this site is all the support they have. Good post!!
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    im with you
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    not really sure I completely agree with this. I mean, think about what the forums are. They are a place to post publicly accessible things for anyone to read and comment on. That being the case, you have to expect differing opinions. If you don't want those opinions to be posted, then you shouldn't be posting in the public forums, or at the very least, you should make it perfectly clear in the post that you do not want critisizm of any kind.
    The opportunity for debate and differing view points is one of the things that makes MFP a great place. Not everyone here has to follow the same cookie cutter plan. While yes, sometimes feelings are hurt, and arguments happen, that's what should be expected when you post publicly.

    I know that when I post, I fully accept the responsibility of that post, and expect it to be critiqued. I should hope everyone else does the same. If you don't then you probably haven't read the rules, and you probably should.

    In fact, I don't even agree with the first statement. I'm no longer here to start living healthier and get my body in shape. I've completed that portion of my journey a long time ago, I'm now here to offer support to the site and the users, to offer guidance when asked, to show my support of all my MFP friends, and to get the word out about what I consider a healthy lifestyle. I know there are plenty of other reasons to be on MFP as well. And while that's a different reason to be on here, it's still just as valid.

    with all that said, I absolutely feel that you should be respectful and courteous to the users, the site, and the rules; and if you DO offer critisizm, it should be done in a way that provides constructive input, not in a way that hurts feelings or upsets others purposefully.
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    Yeah, people should not be judgemental here. I know I need all the support I can use and if someone were to say that I'm not losing fast enough or eating the wrong kinds of foods, I would be very upset. Now, I do accept suggestions on what I could maybe do differently, but in the end it is my body and my choice.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    not really sure I completely agree with this. I mean, think about what the forums are. They are a place to post publicly accessible things for anyone to read and comment on. That being the case, you have to expect differing opinions. If you don't want those opinions to be posted, then you shouldn't be posting in the public forums, or at the very least, you should make it perfectly clear in the post that you do not want critisizm of any kind.
    The opportunity for debate and differing view points is one of the things that makes MFP a great place. Not everyone here has to follow the same cookie cutter plan. While yes, sometimes feelings are hurt, and arguments happen, that's what should be expected when you post publicly.

    I know that when I post, I fully accept the responsibility of that post, and expect it to be critiqued. I should hope everyone else does the same. If you don't then you probably haven't read the rules, and you probably should.

    In fact, I don't even agree with the first statement. I'm no longer here to start living healthier and get my body in shape. I've completed that portion of my journey a long time ago, I'm now here to offer support to the site and the users, to offer guidance when asked, to show my support of all my MFP friends, and to get the word out about what I consider a healthy lifestyle. I know there are plenty of other reasons to be on MFP as well. And while that's a different reason to be on here, it's still just as valid.

    with all that said, I absolutely feel that you should be respectful and courteous to the users, the site, and the rules; and if you DO offer critisizm, it should be done in a way that provides constructive input, not in a way that hurts feelings or upsets others purposefully.

    well put :bigsmile:
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    Not sure why this posted 3 times...guess I really wanted to get my point across. LOL
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Not sure why this posted 3 times...guess I really wanted to get my point across. LOL

    I deleted the dups for you.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    If someone truly did that on this site.....that is just utterly deplorable...sickening really. This is a site about SUPPORT!
  • tab143
    tab143 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for that. It is so true!
  • franny27
    franny27 Posts: 11 Member
    Girl rite on. I so Agree wit u people now a days wana complain about everything. Lifes 2 short!! When will people figure it out? Thanks girl for ur opinion. Good luck on ur weight loss!!! :):happy:
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Honestly, I cannot express how much this needs to be a re-post under multiple topics. People that ask for advice then become negative or offended when others were just trying to help. Also People that do "rant and raves" posts not because they had a rough day and just wanted to share, but about the efforts of weight loss about another person. This absolutely should be a place to look for support because not everyone in our everyday lives want to hear about how much of a struggle it was to avoid eating donuts from the break room.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Umm But what if they are wrong? Do we just agree and wait for their next post on how they failed or are sick from their 12th try at a fad diet. Or trying out some new pill on the market that eventually will make them sick down the road? If someone asks a question i will answer to the best of my knowledge and i dont sugar coat it why bother? that is how they got to this place to begin with.
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    I specifically said "when people want advice we give it". We don't have to be rude about it or judge them for it. U can't make somebody listen bcuz u think u are right. U may be right but nothing is going to change the persons mind until they realize themselves. If they choose not to listen it's their business. And if they post again about their failure why would u want to tell them the same thing u said before? As long as u know u gave good advice that's all that matters.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I totally agree.
    This is a place of help, support, encouragement and motivation.
    There's no room for people to be catty.
    We all have our own battles. Just because some's battle is bigger or smaller than our own
    doesn't give us a right to criticize and judge or make rude comments.
    If that's what people are here for, they need to leave and mature some.