Who can believe this is the LAST WEEK of our 8wks challenge and that the 4th of July is almost here?!?!?! That went by way too quick!!!

So here's this week's check-in!

Current weight:
Pounds lost since last week:
Pounds lost since the start of our challenge:
Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet? If so, post a pic of it! No need to post a pic of yourself in it though (unless you want to), but we'd all love to see some cute bikini's out there.
What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?

Would anyone be up for another 8wk challenge after this one is complete??? I have chatted with a few girls who are interested... I figured it would just be a "Finish out Summer Strong" challenge w/ similar weekly check-ins.

Also for anyone else interested I'm running a Summer Fit Challenge for the month of July on Facebook complete w/ prizes and group motivation, everyone is invited to participate. You just need to RSVP for details. More info is here...

Have a great LAST WEEK girls!!!!!!!


  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    bumping ready for my weigh in this week x
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    Current weight: 137
    Pounds lost since last week: 0
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 1.5
    Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet? If so, post a pic of it! No need to post a pic of yourself in it though (unless you want to), but we'd all love to see some cute bikini's out there. I have a beautiful bikini I wore a few times back a few yrs ago. I want to be able to wear it again- soon!
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?
    Weight lift upper body
    Weight lift lower body
    All about 30-60 min each.
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    TOM is here and I temporarily moved my weigh-in day to Wednesday because of it. :) I'm certainly up for another challange!
  • pixycats
    pixycats Posts: 62
    Wow, I can't believe it's already been 8 weeks! I'm definitely up for another challenge after this one, and I went ahead and signed up for the July facebook challenge too. The more motivation, the better!

    Current weight: 127.4
    Pounds lost since last week: .4
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 12.6
    Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet? Not yet, but I think I know which one I'm going to get.
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week? Something like this...

    Monday: Was planning on a hike with a friend, but thunderstorms have thwarted us! So, thinking of a Pilates DVD.
    Tuesday: Group Power and C25k
    Wednesday: Group Ride
    Thursday: C25k
    Friday: Group Power
    Saturday: Group Centergy and C25k
    Sunday: Probably a hike!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Username: dyiaane
    First Name: Diane
    Height: 5'4
    Starting Weight: 127
    GW by July 4th: 122 NOT MET
    Current weight: 125
    Total lost: 2lbs. This is my last weigh in. I am leaving for vacation tomorrow. I hope to loose the last few pounds in July. I have 3 bikinis from last summer I am bringing with me. Last summer I was about 3 pounds lighter. I am very close. I must get there by the end of July. Enjoy your week!
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Current weight: 175
    Pounds lost since last week: up two pounds
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 18
    Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet? If so, post a pic of it! No need to post a pic of yourself in it though (unless you want to), but we'd all love to see some cute bikini's out there.
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week? I'm working on toning up so light weights lots of reps... working all my core muscles since that's where I need to lose the most inches so toning work outs at least 3 days this week. Eclyptical or Gazelle training at least 5 days this week and then my normal everyday activities.

    And as far as up for another challenge sure... I've seen some loss in my inches and pounds since I started this one and plan on continuing till I get to my goal size/weight. I guessed on what the number on the scale will be though I'll know once I get my body to where I want it which is with most of the excess fat if not all of it gone with nice lean muscle in its place. I'll know I've reached it when I don't have excess areas I'd consider love handles LOL.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Current weight: 111.5lbs
    Pounds lost since last week: GAINED 0.4lbs (boooo!)
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 5.9
    Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet? If so, post a pic of it! No need to post a pic of yourself in it though (unless you want to), but we'd all love to see some cute bikini's out there.

    NOPE :(

    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?

    Monday 27th: 6 Week 6 Pack and Run
    Tuesday 28th: 6 Week 6 Pack and Brazil Butt Lift High & Tight
    Wednesday 29th: Run and 6 Week 6 Pack
    Thursday 30th: 6 Week 6 Pack & Brazil Butt Lift
    Friday 1st: 6 Week 6 Pack & Run
    Saturday 2nd: Not sure - moving day.
    Sunday 3rd: Yoga - maybe Brazil Butt Lift High & Tight
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Well since I am almost 10 shocking weeks pregnant my weight has not changed. For those who don't know the shocking part is I was "fixed" and well this was a shock. So here is my stats:

    Weight: 153.3
    Total weight lost: 1.5 lbs
    QOTW: I bought a tankini and am very happy with it. I have had many compliments on how much weight I have lost since I started my whole process (43 lbs) and how great I look!

    Workout Schedule:
    Sun- Off
    Mon: Zumba and 45 minute power hour (lifting)
    Tue: I am undecided if I am going to restart the push phase of ChaLean or restart the whole thing
    Wed: ChaLean
    Thurs: Walking and Zumba
    Fri: Running
    Sat: Rest
  • MommyAleong
    Current weight: 149
    Pounds lost since last week: 0.5
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 7.5

    I haven't yet bought the bikini but have been trying on my old bathing suits!

    Workout schedule:
    Tues - p90x
    Wed - p90x
    Thurs - p90x
    Fri - p90x and lots of walking (Canada Day)
    Sat - p90x
    Sun - off
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Current weight: 143.5
    Pounds lost since last week: .5 (a miracle considering vacation over the weekend!)
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 4.5lbs

    Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet?
    I did!!! I bought mine!!!!! It's this one and so cute on!!!!

    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?
    Monday: New Rules of Lifting for Women
    Tuesday: yoga/walking
    Wednesday: NROLFW
    Thursday: HIIT
    Friday: NROLFW
    Saturday/Sunday: on vacation for the 4th of July!!!
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    Current weight: 155.8
    Pounds lost since last week: 0
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 8.4
    Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet? i have bought the bikini... it's the first bikini i've had in my entire life!
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?

    monday: L2 30DS
    tuesday: 3.7mi jog/walk L2 30DS
    wednesday: L2 30DS
    thursday: 3.7mi jog/walk L2 30DS
    friday: vacation!! (swimming in the lake)
    saturday: vacation!! (swimming in the lake)
    sunday: vacation!! (swimming in the lake)

    thanks for doing this challenge!! i would love to do another one!
  • SoUnaware
    SoUnaware Posts: 85 Member
    I'm all the way back up to my starting weight of 127. Not exactly sure how this happened.
    I do have the bikini though.
    Looks like I won't be wearing it until August.
    RPNKA Posts: 28
    Current weight: 159.8
    Pounds lost since last week: +1
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 3.5
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    Current weight: 119
    Pounds lost since last week: 0 but I have lost more inches :)
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 7
    Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet? If so, post a pic of it! No need to post a pic of yourself in it though (unless you want to), but we'd all love to see some cute bikini's out there.
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week? Week 4 of Ripped in 30

    Would anyone be up for another 8wk challenge after this one is complete??? I have chatted with a few girls who are interested... I figured it would just be a "Finish out Summer Strong" challenge w/ similar weekly check-ins. I am certainly up for another challenge
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Current weight: 166
    Pounds lost since last week: I was actually up 1.5 pds last week so I'm down 2 pds
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 4
    Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet? Yes...I have a pic of me in it in my profile pics.
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?
    Mon - 60 mins Zumba class & 20 Mins StairMaster
    Tues - 50 mins Spin class & 20 Min Run Treadmill
    Wed - 6 mi bike ride
    Thursday - 30 Mins StairMaster & 30 Mins Arc Trainer
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - Turbo Jam class (60 mins)
    Sunday - ?
    Would anyone be up for another 8wk challenge after this one is complete??? Yes!!!

    Congrats everyone who made it thru till the end!! Can't believe how fast that went by. :drinker:
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    phew the 3lbs i put on last week i have now lost so back down to 127lbs :)
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    I am back from my holiday and i gained some kilos. I would love to to join you for an other 8 weeks challenge just tell me where i can find the topic. Looking forward to meet everyone again.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    So here's this week's check-ineven though I know it is super late!?

    Current weight: 178
    Pounds lost since last week: 2
    Pounds lost since the start of our challenge: 8
    Question of the week: Have you bought that bikini yet? I did not buy the bikini yet... I am waiting till the end of summer since I will be at my goal weight and the clearence sales!.
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?
    I finished out my C25K and that is about all... but it was a good week!
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Sorry for my late weigh in as of this past Sunday I was 172 which means I am down 3 pounds from the previous week... was MIA due to some spider bites. If you guys continue the challenge I'd love to join.