Plantar fasciitis



  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,577 Member
    Many people say crocs helps them. I would love to know why exactly.
    stephbaim wrote: »
    I have a pair of crocs flip flops that I wear especially indoors. They have the perfect arch support built into them. Walking bare foot seems to make the issue worse, so being able to have a pair of slip on shoes with gentle arch support really seems to help.

    There is just something about the way the Crocs are made, the material, shock impact, whatever. I can even wear their wedge semi-high heel sandals without pain which is IMPOSSIBLE with any other shoe. Some Crocs feel better than others - some I put them on and I hate them. But the vast majority of my shoes - flats, sandals, and and even my winter boots are Crocs. I have sneakers that are OK and a pair of hiking boots that I wear if I'm going on rocky trails, but my feet get fatigued much more quickly when I'm not wearing Crocs.

    I have tried different name brands - Soft & Flexible, Naturalizer, (flats) New Balance, Asics, Nike (sneakers), a couple other name brands that I picked up but can't far the best comfort I've gotten comes from Crocs and Nike.
  • lisalewis7588
    lisalewis7588 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm an orthotist (I make orthopedic braces including custom orthotics) and I see maybe 10 people per week with plantar fasciitis. No two people are alike and everyone needs different interventions or combinations of interventions to find pain relief. I would recommend seeing a good podiatrist. There are all sorts of home remedies but a professional will be able to find the root cause(s) of the problem (collapsing arches? tight or weak calf muscles? heel spurs? overuse? too much too soon? combination of any of the above?) and target the appropriate therapies (OTS inserts, custom orthotics, proper footwear, ice, massage, physical therapy, night splints, cortisone injections, heel spur removal, plantar fasciotomy, etc.).
  • acbraswell
    acbraswell Posts: 238 Member
    I recommend using the Trigger point foot roller. I also like Oofos, which are similar to Crocs, but are made for recovery after running. They're super-supportive but not restricting. I've been battling PF since October. I bought a stabilizing running shoe from a local running store. Also as mentioned before, stretching, massage, and ice. Good luck!

    Trigger Point foot roller:
  • ekfulton
    ekfulton Posts: 24 Member
    CROC flip flops were the only thing that helped. I wore them constantly - even in the shower and my feet healed within about 6 weeks. Now if I start to feel pain I go back to the crocs. I also try to never wear flat soled shoes.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    ekfulton wrote: »
    CROC flip flops were the only thing that helped. I wore them constantly - even in the shower and my feet healed within about 6 weeks. Now if I start to feel pain I go back to the crocs. I also try to never wear flat soled shoes.

    If you have PF you need to wear shoes all the time, even in the shower. Great advice. :+1:
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    All I can add to this conversation is that it takes a long time to recover from. The sooner you catch it and start stretching that achilles tendon, the sooner you can get back to running. AS SOON as the PF pain returns, stop wha you are doing. Walk (limp) the rest of the way.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,577 Member
    I rarely if ever go barefoot. It kills me if I am barefoot. I keep my Crocs flip flops by my bed for when I get up in either in the night or in the morning...even if it's just to go to the bathroom, I need my Crocs.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Can someone give a link to what those croc flip flops look like?
    I only have a walmart, and a small mall, so I guess an amazon link would be nice.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,577 Member
    edited May 2016
    You can sometimes get great deals on on crocs, much better than amazon or the crocs website, but that is hit or miss. Sometimes they have them sometimes they don't. But here is the crocs website:
  • Miles_to_Go
    Miles_to_Go Posts: 48 Member
    I had it for 10 years - miserable!! When I first got it (both feet, severe) I went to a podiatrist and got custom orthotics. that I then wore for all 10 years. When I first got fasciitis I also got steroid shots in my heels. That helped ease some of the severe inflammation, but it didn't go away entirely. Rolling my feet on frozen water bottles was helpful. Other than that, find shoes with firm arch support, wear custom orthotics, do not walk barefoot on hard flooring (at least that's what worked for me). Eventually it went away, but it's important to avoid re-injury.
  • ameliadlt
    ameliadlt Posts: 64 Member
    I bought these arch supports at sports authority and wore them in my tennis shoes for three weeks straight, worked great. I have flare ups now and again after too many days wearing sandals or shoes without arch support.
    Rolling out my feet with Yoga Tune Up balls helps.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I had a bad bout last fall.
    I kept walking, but no running or dance :-(
    I wore ONLY a stability running shoe outfitted with superfeet orthotics for an entire semester of substitute teaching.
    I stretched and iced religiously.
    When it finally passed after 4-5 months I tossed all my pancake flat fashion shoes, even if they were cute styles or quality leather. I've replaced them with supportive comfort brands like birkinstock and Ahnu.
    I changed over to an arch support flip flop for wearing around the house and out to the trash cans or hot tub etc.
    I keep a quality trail running shoe and hiking boot on hand for walks longer than a few miles. I have multiple pairs of superfeet orthotics I pop in shoes like Vans or Doc Martens. I replace the trail running shoes & inserts every semester.
    So far, so good... I hope to never go back to that sort of pain.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Here is what I had to do:
    -Podiatrist. Resulting in orthotic inserts for high arches.
    -physiotherapist to get me in 3x week to do mean stretches and ultraviolet (or was it ultrared!?!?) lamp.
    -at home, freeze a bottle of water and roll it from arch to heal 3x day for abou10min each time. Do the stretches the physio gives you.
    -stay off high impact exercise until pain goes away.
    -when healed, always keep up with your stretches
    -don't walk barefoot... Find the right shoe for all, croc flip flops are the only ones which don't trigger plantar for me

    Google stretches for plantar fasciitis, you'll find many good things. Avoid steroid shot, it's only short term and will only exacerbate issues.

    Good luck, discipline will get you out of it!
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    what helped me was lots and lots of stretching. particularly this stretch


    the boot to sleep in also helped a lot, as it stretched my calves while i slept.

    also, i stopped wearing the super cushionie shoes and inserts they recommended. it treated the symptom, not the problem. i switched to a more minimal heel shoe, with proper arch support, and i've been symptom free for years.

    Great diagram. Note the straight knee in the leg being stretched-- that's the key to stretching out your gastroc muscle. If you let your knee bend, you'll just be stretching your soleus. Plantar fasciitis is caused by a tight gastroc limiting the natural movement of your heel bone, and the added stress causes microfractures where the plantar fascia (soft tissue along the bottom of the foot) attaches to the other side of the heel bone.

    Gel pads, icing, proper shoes will make it feel better, but stretching the gastroc will address the root cause of the problem.