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Hi my name is Re and I'm trier of being obese

I'm a 7 year survivor of breast cancer, and been in and out of hospital since. I'm ready to take my life back once and for all. last month I have start walking one mile each day. I'm love to quilt, bead, draw, and make cakes. Looking forward to meeting online friends along my journey losing the weight.


  • judshank
    judshank Posts: 2
    Hi, I just joined today and I am ready to take charge of my life again also. Please add me as a friend if you would like.:smile:
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    welcome, good luck, you can do it
  • fitmomma613
    fitmomma613 Posts: 15 Member

    Good luck!
  • hewitt366
    hewitt366 Posts: 5
    Hi, welcome. I've only been on this site for about two weeks or so but i really love it!!!! Add me as a friend if you want! :smile:
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    any way I can help, I nave 34 years working with overweight folks
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Re! Welcome to MFP! You'll be in great company here. If you need support, I'll be there for you. ((((HUGS)))) You are amazing for surviving cancer!
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    You conquered breast cancer, therefore, you can conquer this weight!
    Good luck on your journey
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome, and congrats on kicking cancer's butt :) I just sent you an add.
  • diann67
    diann67 Posts: 1
    Hi RE,
    I just join this site on yesterday. You can do it. In March I decide I was tried of being obese. When I went to the doctor in February and he told me how much I wait and my blood pressure was up. The doctor changed my medication and I was determine to do something about this weight. I join WW in March and as of today I have lost a total of 35lbs. I exercise 5 to 6 times a week. With exercise I have so much energy and my hip, back and legs doesn't hurt anymore. Add me as a friend if you wish.