anyone out there over 5ft 10 with around 80lbs to lose?



  • Layneyfox
    Layneyfox Posts: 3
    I am amazed at how many tall women are on here - why do I feel like the only female in the world who is over 6ft when there are clearly so many lol!!! I have only started using this site today - am 6ft and a quarter inch (dont forget the quarter! lol) and have about 90-100lbs to lose!! I am fed up of hearing 'well youre tall so you can pull off extra weight' People still say that to me now and I have put on 6 stone!!!! I laughed out loud at the comment about it taking twice as long to notice and your goal weight being most peoples start weight - so true and so funny now that I know there are other people who feel exactly the same.

    Grateful to offer/receive any support atall, still getting to grips with this site and how it works!!

    LF x
  • jetbax
    jetbax Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm a six footer, I'm 243 right now, but would like to get down to at least between 170 and 180 because then I look I need to lose at least 60 that will be a long journey, will take almost a year!
  • sarahq21
    sarahq21 Posts: 40 Member
    Don't exactly fit the category. I'm 5'9" and aiming to lose another 65 pounds. Feel free to add me! Motivation never goes astray :)
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    soooooo many fellow taller people out there - welcome to everyone :o)
    am sure we all realise how different it is for taller people to lose weight - i know ill never be super slim
  • Libelleak
    Libelleak Posts: 11 Member
    Wow- we have a LOT in common! I am 6'1" and have a end goal of 120lbs to lose. We have similar starting weight (mine was 295lb), although I am only 2 weeks in and 9lb down. Great to hear there are many others like me out there!
  • cowiness
    cowiness Posts: 28
    Hey there!

    im 5'9" and need to loose about 80-85 lbs aswell. Im always looking for new friends to add on MFP so please feel free to send a friend req =D
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    anyone else?
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member