Looking for fellow New Zealanders

roly14 Posts: 25 Member
Have been here before and did quite well with the support of friends. Hoping to make new friends living in New Zealand so we can support one another


  • GirlBossNZ
    GirlBossNZ Posts: 7 Member
    roly14 wrote: »
    Have been here before and did quite well with the support of friends. Hoping to make new friends living in New Zealand so we can support one another

    Hi @roly14 I'm in NZ and returning to mfp to focus on my health goals. Whereabouts are you living and what are your goals? I'm in West Auckland. Keen to drop probably 10kgs. But doing it baby steps at a time. Just getting back into tracking is my first step!
  • twinkletoes62
    twinkletoes62 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi @roly14

    I;m from NZ. Add me if you like, so that we can support each other
  • 00babyk00
    00babyk00 Posts: 21 Member
    Nz er here add me if you want.
  • jennys123
    jennys123 Posts: 3 Member
    Chch here, looking forward to tracking along again!
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    Hi :) I'm in Hawkes Bay & looking for more kiwi friends
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    I'm a fellow kiwi too :) Looking for more friends who understand metric measurements :)
  • ivylyon
    ivylyon Posts: 172 Member
    Looking for more friends who understand metric measurements
    I hear ya! I recently joined a challenge group which is all in pounds, so I'm having to think in imperial, but at least pounds come off faster than kilos!

  • MishaWest79
    MishaWest79 Posts: 166 Member
    I'm in Australia but wish I was in NZ does that count? :)
  • gennanz
    gennanz Posts: 6 Member
    I live on the Kapiti Coast!!
  • Mark_Thompson_833
    Mark_Thompson_833 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm mark, I'm from west Auckland feel free to add me
  • treenzdreamz
    treenzdreamz Posts: 301 Member
    I'm in Christchurch Yay there are others from nz on here :)
  • ivylyon
    ivylyon Posts: 172 Member
    Oh forgot to mention my goals. I'm in the process of losing 10kg. I've lost 6 so have the last 4 to go.

    The long story is that my weight used to be pretty stable but a few years back I gained a lot of weight (20kg) over a short period do to a medical issue, so I'm getting back to my 'true' size. I lost a bit over half the weight and then went down and up and have been at about half way for a while (I was overseas, travelling) but I don't want to accept this as my size or get comfortable here. I still see myself as my old size (and I have a closet of clothes!!). I'm not very fit but I love being outdoors and life is just easier if you're not lugging around an extra 10kgs. So I'm pretty determined.
  • roly14
    roly14 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks to you all. Look forward to sharing our ups and down and of course our success stories