Post here if you'd like more positive and supportive friends



  • panchob1919
    panchob1919 Posts: 22 Member
    Newly back myself.. Lost over 250 lbs after wls but but on 60 over the last year and a half.. But getting back in control.. Positive and encouraging help needed!
  • jessicaleehumble
    jessicaleehumble Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I am two weeks away from being 24! Really looking to loose 12 pounds and gain lean cut muscle! Could really use the help and motivation in the food department! I fell off the wagon for a while but as of today I am motivated and ready to get on track!
  • panchob1919
    panchob1919 Posts: 22 Member
    Newly back myself.. Lost over 250 lbs after wls but put on 60 over the last year and a half.. But getting back in control.. Positive and encouraging help needed!

  • aparviainen
    aparviainen Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi everyone! I'm Ali from Canada - I've slowly lost 20 lbs over the last 6 months or so, but I'm back on here looking to spice things up to get through a slump! Looking for more friends on the app so we can encourage each other to keep making healthy choices!
  • MelMaria9009
    MelMaria9009 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey everyone, my name is Melanie. I weigh 210 and I'm trying to get down to 170 by mid summer...main goal is 145...please add me so we can motivate and support eachother.
  • witheredbonniesteam
    witheredbonniesteam Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! I am two weeks away from being 24! Really looking to loose 12 pounds and gain lean cut muscle! Could really use the help and motivation in the food department! I fell off the wagon for a while but as of today I am motivated and ready to get on track!

    Happy early birthday !!!! Could also use motivation too, add me if you like :smile:
  • eldaem1
    eldaem1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm think I'm a recovering food addict.
  • hrw2112
    hrw2112 Posts: 5 Member
    Huxley from Australia.... 83kg looking to get down to high 70s where i was previously very lean... self confessed workout addict diet is my weak point...experimenting with IIFYM and IF... new on here...
  • mposter7
    mposter7 Posts: 6 Member
    I used MyFitnessPal several years ago and saw results....then got lazy and went back to bad habits and gaining more weight. The last time I did not join any communities or set goals, so it was easier to fall away. This time I'm going to do things a little differently. Thank you for starting a group to encourage beginners! Please add me. Oh yes - as for the goals? I'm going on what I call the C-Diet. Most of my downfalls begin with the letter C - chocolate, cookies, chips, cheese, and cereal. SO beginning today - I'm going to have to muddle through without the first three on that list, and seriously curtail the last two. Best wishes and good luck to everyone here.
  • fitnessjustin01
    fitnessjustin01 Posts: 239 Member
    Always good to come across one of my friends post! Trying to gain weight slowly. Very active here and love the positivity of my friends here!
  • Tomm88
    Tomm88 Posts: 733 Member
    would be cool to have some new mfp buddies! if you're into lifting even better!
  • shana4ever
    shana4ever Posts: 11 Member
    Was just introduced to MFP a week ago and love it. I am glued to my computer and phone for work so this makes it simple and easy to track what I am consuming. Nearing forty, one child she just turned 7 and at the heaviest I have very been. Not crazy over weight but my husband is super slim because his job is so demanding on his body while I sit at a desk all day and get fat just watching him eat everything in sight. Really looking forward to using this APP to help me be accountable.
  • towhook
    towhook Posts: 5 Member
    I could use positive support if anyone want to add me.
  • derekgetsfit
    derekgetsfit Posts: 4 Member
    hi just started and looking for friends
  • libertygurl
    libertygurl Posts: 37 Member
    Always looking for positive support... I'm from the UK, and I'm losing it for the last time. I've been yo-yoing for almost two decades and I'm really, really done.

    I am 14 lbs or one stone from my goal weight. I find losing the weight the easy part really, but maintenance is the challenge for me. I've spent a lot of time reflecting on the habits I've developed to lose the weight and the behaviours that I need to keep for ever going forward... I feel ready, and confident... I can do this.

  • thinkthink50
    thinkthink50 Posts: 5 Member
    Im Angelique im from iowa im looking forward to loose around 60 pounds. Im looking to learn to reach for healthier snacks and less soda. Im looking for tips and recipe exchange. I work in a kitchen so its hard not to snack. I am on everything
  • Hi! :) I'm nicole. New to myfitnesspal but not new to weightloss! Lost over 22 pounds now but at one point it was 30 pounds lost lol. Oh well. I'm not really concerned bout weightloss even tho it'd be nice to lose weight. More about being healthy. I'm positive! Friend me anyone if you like! I love meeting new friends and would love the support to become healthier! :)
  • shamimhz64
    shamimhz64 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi. I'm shamim I'm 30 years old. Have lost 5 kilos so far and need to shake of three more kilos and then maintain my weight which is the hardest part I know.
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    feel free to add me :)