Help: weight loss not happening despite excercise and dieting

I go to the gym almost every day, and I have been avoiding sugar and other carbs like bread, rice, pasta etc.
I do 45 mins - an hour and a half of cardio and always 30 mins of lifting.
The weight isnt coming off?!!
I dont know what i'm doing wrong but it's so discouraging honestly.
I'm trying to feel confident and be healthy but this is taking forever.
Ive been on this set gym cycle for about a month and a half.
Can anyone suggest things to help, or stuff that can kick start metabolisms/ weight loss?


  • rusty_balls
    rusty_balls Posts: 9 Member
    I eat from 1,000-1,200 calories a day, sorry i didnt mention that
  • MikilouB
    MikilouB Posts: 56 Member
    When you say the weight isn't coming off, do you mean your aren't losing anything or not as fast as you want? Slow is better for you and more sustainable in the long run. 1-2 pounds a week makes the most sense. Limiting carbs is ok, but watch your total calorie intake...remember, more calories out than in will result in loss.
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    I eat from 1,000-1,200 calories a day, sorry i didnt mention that

    Are you using a food scale to weigh everything?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I eat from 1,000-1,200 calories a day, sorry i didnt mention that

    How are you measuring those calories? 1000 is below the recommends minimum (1200), so if your logging is 100% accurate you should be losing.
  • rusty_balls
    rusty_balls Posts: 9 Member
    Ive lost like 5 pounds in a month and a half and I really feel like im busting my *kitten* here for little take away :/
    I think im just gonna really look even closer at the calories i eat, even in veggies and stuff
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    You haven't told us how much you weigh and your height. Your stats are just as important if you want anyone to give you helpful advice. If you don't have a lot to lose it will come off slowly, painfully slowly.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    You haven't told us how much you weigh and your height. Your stats are just as important if you want anyone to give you helpful advice. If you don't have a lot to lose it will come off slowly, painfully slowly.

    she replied saying she has lost 5 lbs in a month and a half so that's good progress
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Ive lost like 5 pounds in a month and a half and I really feel like im busting my *kitten* here for little take away :/
    I think im just gonna really look even closer at the calories i eat, even in veggies and stuff

    This makes me think that you are not weighing your food or logging consistently. Even with that, you're losing just fine.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    It sounds like you are making good progress. How much do you have to lose? What does MFP have as your daily calorie goal? If you don't have a lot to lose, you don't have my leeway for errors in logging. That being said, if you aren't using a food scale, you should invest in one. It makes a world of difference.
  • Jacob1020
    Jacob1020 Posts: 115 Member
    edited June 2016
    1000-1200 calories a day by how much of a deficit is that for your weight/height & gender? Your deficit in the begginging should be close to your manitance level around 200-300kcal below would be a good starting point. Also long steady-state cardio wich will down regulate metabolism not to mention the amount of calories your eating wich are dropping you metabolic rate rapidly & cutting carbs drastically is not a good over a long period of time ( 5 months in your case ) Get out of low carb and start reintroducing carbs again & upping calories by 100kcal weekly until you hit manitance level, there are all types of metabolic adaptations that have occurred in your body for 5 months to effect your hormones that inevitably determine if you will lose weight safely. Personally to me this looks like the typical "Quick Rapid Fat Loss Solution" Wich is never-ever the way to long term healthy weight loss and or body-recompistion. I've seen this over & over again, You need to Reverse Diet. That's it.
  • Jacob1020
    Jacob1020 Posts: 115 Member
    pebble4321 wrote: »
    You've lost 5 pounds in 6 weeks.

    That is progress, even though it's not as fast as you want.
    The reality is that it takes time to lose weight, especially if you aren't too heavy to start with. This is real life not a TV program, and you have to put in the effort over a prolonged period of time to get the results you want.

    As you have lost weight, you are clearly doing something right. Just keep on doing that (though you would be better to keep your calories close to or over 1200, getting enough good nutrition to keep you healthy isn't going to be easy on 1000 cals a day).

    I'll also note that cutting out specific foods isn't necessary - if you like to eat that way, or have a medical reason to do so, then go for it, but most people just have to eat a variety of foods and watch portion sizes in order to stay healthy and lose weight.

    Worse advice ever to you current situation. To rusty_balls Do not keep doing what your doing. You will evetually wreck yourself in the long term. You need to emphasis of *Need* to Reverse Diet.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Exercise doesn't necessarily mean weight loss. To lose we have to eat less than we burn so if you aren't losing you are simply eating at maintenance calories.
    Logging your meals as accurately as possible, use a food scale so you know the calories you really are eating.
    Be patient, if you are doing everything right, then you will lose.
  • rusty_balls
    rusty_balls Posts: 9 Member
    First off, some of you on here are kind of condecending and its coming off rude, I asked this question because i'm kind of doing this on my own and I wanted help from a nice community wanting to reach out and help. Secondly no I do not own a food scale, based off of the comments I should definitely invest in one so I will.
    Im 5'5 and 200, thats why i'm thinking it should be coming off a lot quicker.