I feel so bad for eating Toblerone



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Make it fit into your calories if you don't want to live without it forever. I eat chocolate and treat all the time and still lose.

  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    If you're having a hard time resisting it, then don't have it in your house. I personally find room in my diet for chocolate every day. One of my 'tricks' is to buy high quality dark chocolate chips and have a serving of 15 or so chips (check the bag for serving size)--I make a point of letting them melt in my mouth one by one--usually less than 75 calories and pretty satisfying.
  • gillie80
    gillie80 Posts: 214 Member
    I’m the same, not just with chocolate. I’m worst with Jaffa Cakes, mmm. Like ZYXST said; break it into serving sizes and put it in the cupboard and once you’ve eaten a serving you’ll think it’s the whole thing. Out of sight, out of mind works for me. I also found an amazing no added sugar dark chocolate that I can binge on and not cause quite so much ‘damage’ as it were.

    Defo try and work treats into your daily allowance. I eat what I like and when I’m out of calories, I stop. Chin up, it’s not the end of the world and you did only eat 2 pieces instead of the whole bar. I can say in all seriousness well done cos that’s a big deal for me too.
  • aritter66
    aritter66 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't feel bad but I totally understand the feeling of failure with cravings. What I have to do is break up my craving item into serving size snack bags. I take one bag and it usually satisfies my cravings and I haven't messed up my diet, much. Remember, the goal is to eat right and naturally lose weight.
  • Nurse_81
    Nurse_81 Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks to everyone and their advice, I didn't mean to upset anyone with my post sorry I think im just a bit emotional at the moment
  • rakowskidp
    rakowskidp Posts: 231 Member
    Never feel bad or guilty for eating Toblerone... it's delicious! Instead, be proud of the fact that you didn't eat the whole thing in one go!
  • rosecropper
    rosecropper Posts: 340 Member
    Chocolate can be a very emotional subject & it's easy to get into a love-hate relationship with it.
    I keep a tin of cocoa powder in the pantry. When need a bit of chocolate therapy, just mix it into Greek yogurt or make a low cal smoothie with ice & almond milk. Still get the flavor but fewer calories from fat & sugar, so no regrets afterwards.

    Also- gillie80, Jaffa cakes are my downfall too.
    gillie80 wrote: »
    I’m the same, not just with chocolate. I’m worst with Jaffa Cakes, mmm.

  • Bella77007
    Bella77007 Posts: 78 Member
    I agree with working it into your allowance, I like doughnuts, in fact I love them, now if I go a month without one I will demolish a whole bag of the things so now I just make room for one if I fancy it, you like chocolate so have chocolate, as others have suggested you could break it up and bag it in advance if it stops you from eating the whole bar, some people like to keep it in the fridge because it takes longer to eat when cold but don't forbid it totally, weight loss is not a punishment after all.

    Weight loss and the maintenence that follow are a big picture and 2 pieces of chocolate that feel like a big problem to you now will be gone and forgotten about a week from now having done no damage at all to your long term efforts.

    I lost all of my unwanted weight and then some and I had days when I ate too much, we had 3 birthdays in March and I don't count calories on birthdays yet still I had to get advice from my doctor last week because my BMI dropped to 18.4 and it's not ideal, my point is that you can mess up a little or even a lot sometimes but progress isn't measured by what we do in one day, it's what we do most of the time that matters.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    I would feel bad as well as it's chocolate of terrible quality with far too much sugar and too little cocoa powder *ducks*

    Glad I'm not the only one...
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Thanks to everyone and their advice, I didn't mean to upset anyone with my post sorry I think im just a bit emotional at the moment

    It takes awhile to work out the bugs in dieting--excuse me, "lifestyle change", so as all the above have said, eat a piece, log it, and carry on. The long term successful people have learned that to deny yourself, is usually a recipe for disaster, and a binge will follow. Portion out your chocolate, or other high calorie foods you love and slowly learn to be satisfied with a piece at a time. Will you slip up? Probably. Just log it and go from there.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    A single fragment of Toblerone is, what? 25 calories? Get a grip. And pull. And have one.
  • Nurse_81
    Nurse_81 Posts: 143 Member
    Chocolate can be a very emotional subject & it's easy to get into a love-hate relationship with it.
    I keep a tin of cocoa powder in the pantry. When need a bit of chocolate therapy, just mix it into Greek yogurt or make a low cal smoothie with ice & almond milk. Still get the flavor but fewer calories from fat & sugar, so no regrets afterwards.

    Also- gillie80, Jaffa cakes are my downfall too.
    gillie80 wrote: »
    I’m the same, not just with chocolate. I’m worst with Jaffa Cakes, mmm.

    That's a really good idea, I will try that, thanks! Oh I also love Jaffa cakes, not too bad until you eat the entire packet ;)
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    Log it and move on...don't dwell on it. Next time, work some treats or chocolate into your daily or weekly calorie goal and eat it without the guilt. Keep the bigger picture in mind! :)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,648 Member
    Oh man, I just googled jaffa cakes. I'd heard about them but didn't know exactly what they were and now...come to mama.

    Are you less emotional now, OP? :)

    There's lots of good advice in here. I especially follow (usually) the preportioning of food suggestion. Especially with ceresl otherwise I find unlogged handfuls in my mouth straight from the box.

    Eating only two pieces of the toblerone IS an achievement! I eat chocolate every day. Do you know what I had yesterday? Two mini Hershey's chocolate eggs, a mini snickers, two squares of a Milka Oreo bar and...I think that's it but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm forgetting something. :)

    Oh! Chocolate protein powder in my cottage cheese.

    None of it was the good for you dark chocolate and all of it was logged. No guilt required or needed.
  • Nurse_81
    Nurse_81 Posts: 143 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    Oh man, I just googled jaffa cakes. I'd heard about them but didn't know exactly what they were and now...come to mama.

    Are you less emotional now, OP? :)

    There's lots of good advice in here. I especially follow (usually) the preportioning of food suggestion. Especially with ceresl otherwise I find unlogged handfuls in my mouth straight from the box.

    Eating only two pieces of the toblerone IS an achievement! I eat chocolate every day. Do you know what I had yesterday? Two mini Hershey's chocolate eggs, a mini snickers, two squares of a Milka Oreo bar and...I think that's it but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm forgetting something. :)

    Oh! Chocolate protein powder in my cottage cheese.

    None of it was the good for you dark chocolate and all of it was logged. No guilt required or needed.

    Thanks so much for that post, it made smile, Jaffa cakes are so nice but also quite low fat too
    I'm feeling ok thanks, just ate 1 piece of Toblerone and I'm sure I'll have some more chocolate later but I did eat a really healthy 300 calorie lunch of chicken and vegetables so I allowed myself some chocolate. ..a reward lol ;)