my storyy; 17 & always been "overweight"

Growing up i've always been overweight.When i hit high school i weighed about 160 pounds and then when my junior year started i weighed 167pounds. Recently i stopped drinking soda and i stopped eating more then one plate of food for dinner. In the morning i do 50 sit ups, 10 push ups, and 20 squats. At night i do 100 sit ups and the same amount of push ups and squats. I think i'm doing alright because i'm starting to fit into clothes from my freshmen year & they're becoming really loose but no one else is noticing, so what more can i or should i do?
OH and right now i weigh 153 pounds.


  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    That's great! :)

    How tall are you?
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    slow and steady wins the race. keep it up. :)
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    I know it's hard at first when you are working so hard and losing weight and feeling better and no one seems to notice. Don't worry, they will start to notice soon. Keep up the good job!
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    People are often afraid to comment on weight loss because they think it's the same as saying "hey, I thought you were fat before." I bet they've noticed. Good job, and don't give up!
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    your doing great just keep it up
  • wwcynthiagarza
    i was have been over weight my whole life, spent all kind of money on different gimicks and tried every diet you can imagine, until recently i finally learned how to lose weight its been slow but steady,

    the most important bit of advice i can give is listen to your body, eat when you are actually hungry not just in the mood to snack and stop when you feel almost full because it takes a while to get the signals from your stomach that you are full, drink lots of water all the time try to avoid drinking calories like juices and soda, and what helps me is something i call the cave man diet which means if its found in nature its good for you if not you should try to stay away from it for example you will never see a cupcake or twinkie growing on trees but there are apples so anything found in nature in other words try to avoid processed foods, and remember you are still young and stay focused and motivate yourself, dont set goals that might set you up to fail like saying im going to lose 20 lbs in a week instead make reachable goals like i am going to lose 1 or 2 lbs a week and if you stay with that mentality in a month you could lose those 10 lbs and keep them off, the healthier you are the easier it will be to not only lose weight but keep it off, also try doing more cardio like running, swimming zumba etc, all this stuff helps
    and always fake it till you make it the more you love yourself the easier it will be to put in the work to take care of yourself!!
  • kmoyla0603
    I'm 5'3

    & thanks you guys(:
    My goal is to weigh 125. I can't even remember the last time i was near there..
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    your strength training (squats and push-ups and such . . .) are great, but I vote adding cardio!
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    your strength training (squats and push-ups and such . . .) are great, but I vote adding cardio!

    I definitely agree with this.

    Also you should look into the 30 day shred. It's an amazing (and tough) workout but its only 20 minutes and it gets the job done.
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    Great job!
    I've only been doing this for over a week, but what has helped me a lot is to carry snacks to eat between my meals. I eat yogurt, carrots or fruits. This kind of helps me control myself for lunch and dinner
  • leeuuh143
    leeuuh143 Posts: 48
    So I completely understand what your going through. I'm 5'5 almost 20 years old and I struggled with my weight for most of
    Highschool. I weighed 150-160 my sophomore year and then jr year gained a lot of weight and the beginning of my senior year I weighed 180lbs! I struggled with losing it an finally for the first time feel successful! My advice is to take one step at a time. Soda is a perfect start! Haven't had it in 60ish days and no longer need it crave it etc. Each little step is a new you, a weight loss,
    a healthier you. :D keep at it you're doing great !
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