Mental Health

grigglipuff Posts: 44 Member
Has anybody, or is anybody, here battling with poor mental health? Events over the past year or two have left me with a bout of depression and has inflamed my anxiety. How are you dealing with this in relation to your weight loss/health journey? How are you beating it? Did you beat it? My mental health is majorly in the way of my physical health.


  • BoomstickChik
    BoomstickChik Posts: 149 Member
    I have... though I'm not posting publicly, you're welcome to add me or message :)

    I have PTSD and anxiety/depression stemming from it...
  • KiwiKim25
    KiwiKim25 Posts: 61 Member
    Same here. You are not alone!
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    yep. being treated for my mental health problems allows me to be functioning enough to work on my physical health. are you being treated?
  • suzyjane1972
    suzyjane1972 Posts: 612 Member
    I found making my diet healthier made me feel slightly better. It's still a long road but treatment helps.
  • deedoe83
    deedoe83 Posts: 14 Member
    Kind of in the same boat...running is my Prozac. Not saying anyone should go off their meds, i know that doesn't work for everyone! Sometimes I run twice a day just to keep those endorphins going in my body. It's a day to day thing, some days are worse. I never WANT to run but it always makes me feel better after, so I schedule it and make myself do it. Sticking to a routine really helps. Deciding "this is what I do". I know it can be hard just to get out of bed though depending on how bad it is...cutting out sugar, exercising, and meditation/prayer help. Everyone is different, so don't be discouraged if what helps me doesn't help you. Feel free to add me if you like. My mantra when I'm sitting on the couch depressed: "screw my feelings, just do it"
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    I have a long history of mental health issues. Honestly, my anxiety and depression are probably the biggest reasons I'm active on these boards. I have no one else in my life, so I talk to you all. I rarely leave my house, and being here makes me feel like I have friends. I think one of the ways that it impacts my weight loss is my fear of people. I don't like going to the gym, because I'm afraid of people seeing me. I don't have anyone to do things with, go for a walk, or whatever. And lately, stress has affected my eating by making me not want food at all, which I know isn't good for me, but I tried forcing myself to eat to at least hit 1200 calories and ended up cramping up bad.
  • SaraAnne329
    SaraAnne329 Posts: 9 Member
    Also in the same boat- I don't know if my mental health is dependent on my weight it if my weight is dependent on my mental health. Either way, finally left the house (aside from work) for the first time since Monday, cleaned, etc. I think a big part of it is that I haven't been able to work out in about a week (my own fault)-- literally have felt depressed all week & im not used to it!! Trying to get motivation to go for a quick run but I'm so unhappy with my appearance that I don't want to!! Current profile pic is from one year ago. Nearly 20lbs heavier right now
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I have various mental health issues as well. Regular exercise is what keeps me sane these days (especially running). That, and making sure I take my meds like a good girl. I really couldn't start taking better care of my physical health until I got my meds in order. Once I found the right combination of meds and was feeling somewhat human again, I could put the effort into diet and exercise, and I'm glad I did because it's made even more improvement in my mental health.
  • nursecasg
    nursecasg Posts: 123 Member
    Anxiety here. Used to be on medication for it years ago. However, Dr weaned me off and I have chosen to deal with it as it comes. Have definitely found that exercise is very effective in helping with anxiety. when i feel anxious, i go out for a walk and come back feeling refreshed. even though problems are still there I am better able to manage them behaviorally.
  • grigglipuff
    grigglipuff Posts: 44 Member
    yep. being treated for my mental health problems allows me to be functioning enough to work on my physical health. are you being treated?

    Yup! Started therapy recently.
  • grigglipuff
    grigglipuff Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for sharing everyone! I definitely think getting back into the work out game will help, but damn it's hard to do when your brain is telling you to stay in bed forever...

    At least we know we're in it together.
  • grigglipuff
    grigglipuff Posts: 44 Member
    Skrol329 wrote: »
    Also in the same boat- I don't know if my mental health is dependent on my weight it if my weight is dependent on my mental health. Either way, finally left the house (aside from work) for the first time since Monday, cleaned, etc. I think a big part of it is that I haven't been able to work out in about a week (my own fault)-- literally have felt depressed all week & im not used to it!! Trying to get motivation to go for a quick run but I'm so unhappy with my appearance that I don't want to!! Current profile pic is from one year ago. Nearly 20lbs heavier right now

    You got this! Try to tell yourself that avoiding the run won't help. I keep trying to frame it as I might as well do something bc doing nothing sucks more :/

  • grigglipuff
    grigglipuff Posts: 44 Member
    cecsav1 wrote: »
    I have a long history of mental health issues. Honestly, my anxiety and depression are probably the biggest reasons I'm active on these boards. I have no one else in my life, so I talk to you all. I rarely leave my house, and being here makes me feel like I have friends. I think one of the ways that it impacts my weight loss is my fear of people. I don't like going to the gym, because I'm afraid of people seeing me. I don't have anyone to do things with, go for a walk, or whatever. And lately, stress has affected my eating by making me not want food at all, which I know isn't good for me, but I tried forcing myself to eat to at least hit 1200 calories and ended up cramping up bad.

    Well, no shame in people seeing you. Just have to gain a bit of confidence. You got this!
  • heidimathteacher
    heidimathteacher Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread, grigglipuff. I hear the pain in many of the posts, and applaud the courage of people who reach out. Here are a few things that are helping me to make important changes in my lifestyle:
    -my value or worth as a person have nothing to do with my weight
    -beating myself up for my past behavior does not help me in the present
    -exercise really does make me feel better
    I know what it is to want to hide under the covers all day. Some days, getting out of bed is an act of courage.

  • lacelionette
    lacelionette Posts: 3 Member
    I saw a counselor for the first time a few months ago after not being able to manage my anxiety and depression anymore. She referred me to a doctor for a seperate reason but he mentioned that I should really consider a healthier diet and regular exercise. Not sure if it's just because the semester has ended but I really think eating healthy and exercising has helped a lot. Tracking keeps me focused and exercising at home prevents me from sitting on the couch and being bored (which leads to me worrysome/mopey). Plus, I feel happier everytime I look in the mirror. I still have my bad days but they're much less frequent.