I cant stop over-eating and I'm gaining rapidly. Halp?



  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Look - life happens to all of us - crappy relationships, crappy job, crappy whatever. But unless someone is holding you down and shoving food in your mouth, you are the only one who decides what you eat. If you want to lose weight you have to be conscious of everything you put in your mouth and its calorie value. Its ok to be a little obsessive about the logging and measuring - it got you success previously didnt it? No one can make the decisions for you - you have to have a heart to heart with yourself in the mirror and kick your own butt back into action. I dont care if you are gaining weight, and I suspect very few others on these boards do either. But YOU do, so do what needs to be done!!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Make yourself log. No matter what. Denial is too easy when you don't log.

    I came in to say just this.
    Start logging your overindulgence. After my mum died, I stopped logging, too....and both over and under ate. What made me see clearer was commencing the logging. I am still ironing the kinks, so to speak. It helps to see just how many calories you're consuming. From there, make small changes such as cut 100 calories a week until you're in a 125-250 cal deficit. Don't be so hard on yourself. Relax. Breathe.
  • violval11
    violval11 Posts: 7 Member
    What I want to say is - I understand you!! I have the same issue and have been having for many years. I have 30 lb that go off and on. It is even feels like in odd years I am losing 30 pounds, in even I am gaining back. I've lost 30 lb last year, got into exercising that I never done before, started running. LOVED how people complemented me, how clothes would sit, shopping became such a pleasant experience! So why am I screwing this up??? Why? I have been asking myself this all the time. I am not stressed, I have nothing extraordinary going on in my life, everything is stable... I've gained 8 lb, and with all the strength I have, I am pulling myself back on the wagon! I have not gained all that lost weight back, so it is not that much damage yet. I am sorry, my rant did not probably help you, but just showed you that you are not alone! XOXOXO
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What are your stats OP?
  • exact0ninja
    exact0ninja Posts: 33 Member
    I would talk to a doctor or counselor. Mainly because, having trained and eaten the way you did for so long, could have created an underlying eating disorder or physical issue that went dormant for long long. Also, if you've become more stressed or have had lifestyle changes that created anxiety and stress, it could have had an impact on your daily routines.

    But, to be clear, this does happen. And there is nothing wrong with suddenly flubbing on diet or exercise. We are humans and we aren't fully consistent and constant creatures. We change and adapt, therefore our habits change. Maybe you can spend time thinking about your surroundings and environment and see if those factors could have contributed. If you cannot actually find anything, and neither can a counselor, then I would see your GP. You will get back on track :) Just take it slowly and figure everything out.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    What are your stats OP?

    Not sure which ones you mean?

    I'll try whatever in case...

    5'9", 71kg. Before I stopped logging I was on 1900 cal goal and exercising 3-4x a week + active job (over 10k steps everyday) Now I'm exercising 3-4x a week, but inactive with job (less hours over winter)
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    violval11 wrote: »
    What I want to say is - I understand you!! I have the same issue and have been having for many years. I have 30 lb that go off and on. It is even feels like in odd years I am losing 30 pounds, in even I am gaining back. I've lost 30 lb last year, got into exercising that I never done before, started running. LOVED how people complemented me, how clothes would sit, shopping became such a pleasant experience! So why am I screwing this up??? Why? I have been asking myself this all the time. I am not stressed, I have nothing extraordinary going on in my life, everything is stable... I've gained 8 lb, and with all the strength I have, I am pulling myself back on the wagon! I have not gained all that lost weight back, so it is not that much damage yet. I am sorry, my rant did not probably help you, but just showed you that you are not alone! XOXOXO

    Aww you did help. It is nice to know you're not alone :) I totally get what you mean...it feels bizarre to have have achieved all that stuff, and now my nice new clothes won't even fit already. I couldnt see much change while it was happening, so I was able to keep doing it until it was just like oh...yeah these jeans won't go up anymore yikes better try and confront this.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Make yourself log. No matter what. Denial is too easy when you don't log.

    I came in to say just this.
    Start logging your overindulgence. After my mum died, I stopped logging, too....and both over and under ate. What made me see clearer was commencing the logging. I am still ironing the kinks, so to speak. It helps to see just how many calories you're consuming. From there, make small changes such as cut 100 calories a week until you're in a 125-250 cal deficit. Don't be so hard on yourself. Relax. Breathe.

    Sorry for your loss xx and thank you :) Im going to try and do that, it feels pathetic a bit because today already I've only got 400cals for dinner so will likely go a bit over, but I've logged it all so far and will try and do it everyday and make sure I have to log all the binges no matter what. It should eventually make me stay under out of embarrassment or I'll get into the habit again I think maybe, my diary has always been public lol
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    mzbek24 wrote: »
    SideSteel wrote: »
    How's the overall quality of your diet?

    It's usually pretty balanced, this whole time. I eat everything, but at the moment pretty terrible with the binging, like even if I start out the day going well and plan out what I'm going to have so that it'd be within my calories and have decent food with some treats in there if I get room for it, I'll pretty much end up just mindlessly eating more than I need to be and can't seem to stop it. Also drinking a ridiculous amount of full cream milk :|

    When exactly is this mindless eating happening during your day? If it's at home then you may need to limit how much food you buy at a time, particularly things that can trigger a binge. If it's at work or when you're out and about then try just sticking to your planned food and remind yourself that you don't need to eat food simply because it's available.

    And I'd just stop buying that milk. If you don't have it you can't drink it. It does sound like you have a lot going on in your life right now, so maybe time for some self-reflection and a new game plan. These transitional periods are normal throughout our lives so the sooner we learn to adapt and adjust to them the better. Hang in there - you can do this!

    It happens at home, usually at night after I've eaten a good sized proper meal, but when I'm working it also happens, as I work in a supermarket and would stress eat when I was understaffed and the store is in a tourist destination so can be very busy during some times. It doesn't even matter if I'm full or even if I made my own food, took it to work, I've always been able to just keep eating. I think I will have to stop buying the milk at least for a bit and I try to not take any money to work...sometimes it just feels like if I don't brush my teeth and hop in bed and stay there for the whole night straight after dinner, I'll binge.
  • nn757bk1
    nn757bk1 Posts: 3 Member
    Most effective way I found is to have a friend with the same goals working out and dieting with you everyday. They can keep you in line when you feel like caving and as well as you encouraging them to stick to the goals you guys have set.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    I would also think about cleaning out the cupboards, pre-weigh and pack meals for the next couple days and prelog everything a few days in advance so you have a plan in place to follow. You're at an advantage because you've done this before. You know the healthy snacks that worked for you, and you're already active. You've got this...you just have to start :wink:
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    And yes...just cutting out milk for a while if that's your downfall can't hurt
  • vegirunner
    vegirunner Posts: 11 Member
    edited June 2016
    Trying to find other ways of coping with the stress like exercise, talking to a Friend/therapist or even just getting outside for a bit of fresh air might help you cope with the urge to comfort eat, i would definitely talk to someone about the way you're feeling it will probably make you feel better and ready to solve the problem before it gets out of control - good luck <3