Feeling Satisfied....

I am having a real hard time staying under my calories... Unless I do some sort of exercise I go over... How important is it to remain at your calorie goal? I have been eating a lot less also, which I see it making a difference, BUT I stay hungry or am not satisfied with my meals. Any ideas? What foods can make me feel more full with out the extra calories?????


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Lower fat, lower carb, lower sodium food will have less calories so you will be able to eat more of them. Watch how you are cooking and have more veggies cooked and raw with each meal. Lower fat non processed Meats and Fish. Low carb tortilla, pita's, and breads allow you to have more calories left in your goals to add other things. Read lables and educate yourself on eating.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I felt hungry alot my first 2 weeks or so, so I exercised so I could eat more. I have always hated exercise but I am highly motivated by food. So, even if it was hoping on the exercise bike for 10 minutes or taking a walk around my building at work - SOMETHING - to earn some extra calories so I could eat a little more - that has worked for me. I've been exercising consistently for 5 weeks now - i do usually eat my exercise calories (not all of them, especially on days I exercise alot and get like 800 calories extra) - I have lot 2 lbs /week steadily.
  • RissaDean
    RissaDean Posts: 189 Member
    It takes some time for your body to adjust to running on less fuel - for me it took about month for my tummy to realize, Hey....this really IS enough food!

    Try to make sure you're eating enough protein (if choosing btw carbs and protein, choose protein - it will keep you full longer).

    Eat "real" food - not preprocessed stuff. Instead of a lean cuisine (mostly pasta and rice) try a really big salad w/ 4-6 oz of grilled chicken.

    Drink LOTS of water.

    These are the things that are working for me so far - also, how many cals are you given in a day? I'm at 1200, and it seems SUPER low at first but you really do get used to it. Good luck, and keep at it!!
  • lilybug13
    lilybug13 Posts: 154
    More food and fewer drinks... I looked at your diary and drinks are using up calories you could be using for food with fiber and protein... While a coke or sugar in your tea may taste good, it will not fill you up.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    It depends largely on what your calorie goal is. If you are at 1200 and not feeling satisfied, that's cuz der 1200 is really low and for most people hard to do. Raise your goal and the weight may come off more slowly but you will be more likely to feel full and satisfied.

    Rather than "low" foods I would suggest seeking out high fiber, high protien and high healthy fat foods (fruits and veggies with high fiber, peanut butter, meats, oils and avacados for the other two) to rely on to help keep you satisfied. And the above poster is right that by making your grains lower in cals (I like bread thins and bagel thins) you will have more wiggle room.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Eat less carbs and more protein. More veggies, less sweets. Make sure your getting enough fiber....

    Or just exercise on a regular basis so you can eat more like me :o)

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree with the post about more food and fewer drinks. That said, one thing that I do is try to keep all of my meals between 200 and 400 calories. And I try to choose healthy, filling foods, and keep my protein up. Eating eggs at breakfast or another decent serving of protein helps keep me full all day. If I don't have much protein in the morning I am snacking by 10 am and having lunch by 12:30. Today I had eggs at breakfast around 8:30 and didn't eat anything else until lunch at 1:30!
  • MrzRivera
    MrzRivera Posts: 7
    Thanks for all the advice... Its sounds very simple...and will try to read more labels...Thanks again everyone...
  • sent4rmabove23
    Xiomy, for me I feel fuller when I eat protein in each meal. When I eat carbs, I dont feel satisfied and I stuff my face. That's me though. You're going over your calories and all but you still managed to lose weight CONGRATS! (= Keep it up flaca.