Macro ratio for weight loss

I started myfitnesspal on tuesday and I've been spending a few hours since to find out what the best macro ratio is for me. I'm actually 16 and diabetic with type 2 (although I've sorted my blood sugars out now) and I'm about 99.5kg and I've been trying to lose weight all my life. I tend to yo yo diet but I want to be able to stop that. I've read online that the best way to improve my metabolism is to add more protein into my diet (takes 27% more energy to digest than carbs). I'm not sure if I should set my macro ratio to 40 30 30 as since tuesday, I've been eating about less than 50g protein and about 1400 calories (eat absolutely loads of veg). I exercise a few times a week by taking my dog for long walks but because of GCSE exams, I can't focus too much on my diet/exercise. Any tips on what my macronutrient ratio could be? Or if eating more protein would help with weight loss? Thanks :)
(Check my food diary as well to understand my current diet)


  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Typically, carbs should be the macro that is the highest. It's the easiest for your body to break down for energy. The second should be protein. How much protein you have in your diet is dependent upon how much you utilize your muscles. If you're eating enough carbs and you're not into too high a deficit, you shouldn't break down too much muscle for energy. The macro split is really dependent upon the individual. Without knowing you and your lifestyle it's hard for anyone to get specific. Here is a good breakdown depending on what you are trying to achieve:
  • dfurman96
    dfurman96 Posts: 7 Member
    I've read that and I'd say I'm an endomorph and aiming for fat loss but that would just be too much protein for me... (160g)