What a fantastic site- HELLO!

NBKHYTS Posts: 11 Member
HI everyone! i downloaded the app before i realised this website existed, this is fantastic, i have been hooked all week, i never used to bother with calorie counting as i thought it was easy to become obsessed by it but this is just fantastic. i love that you can track EVERYTHING!!

im visiting my family in australia over christmas so have 6 months to get 'beach confident'


  • Carebr93
    Carebr93 Posts: 5
    Glad you like it. I don't have a phone where i can use the app so i just do it at work. But i LOVE IT!
  • nuttytart770223
    nuttytart770223 Posts: 43 Member
    I have been here for 3 months and I too downloaded the app before I found the website!
    This is fab site and I am well and truly obsessed about counting the calories!!!
    Everyone is so friendly and we all keep each other motivated

    Good luch with the beach bod
