Boot Camp Workout

I am trying to track a bootcamp workout....Anyone have any insight into this


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Calisthenics maybe? Circuit training would be another guess.

    MFP uses general categories. All categories with a calorie burn guesstimate are under cardiovascular.
  • deannesharpe80
    deannesharpe80 Posts: 2 Member
    it is so different from circuit training though
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    it is so different from circuit training though

    Most bootcamp workouts are a hybrid of calisthenics and circuit training (i.e., bodyweight work and high-rep weighted work). Both have similar METs for a given intensity, so from a calorie standpoint it really doesn't matter.
  • slaunderville
    slaunderville Posts: 49 Member
    edited May 2016
    I have been Trying to figure that out too. I started just writing it as a status on my wall.
  • FindingTimeForMe
    FindingTimeForMe Posts: 29 Member
    Our BC is non stop cardio and mixed strength training. I wore a heart rate belt/watch. I load in a manual exercise as "boot camp" as cardio and the minutes and the calories from my monitor. One hour today was 450 calories; sometimes it is 650 calories. About kills me. I wouldn't over think it. Hard to be 100% accurate.
  • jdorais
    jdorais Posts: 27 Member
    Todays boot camp started with Touch Down Squats, crawling planks, and caterpillar push ups. Station 2 was Ball Slam Burpees and reverse crunches. Station 3 was box jumps and windshield wipers. Station 4 was goblet squats, TRX pull ups. Twice around the circuit. I was wearing a heart rate chest strap and highest rate was 164 BPM. Average was 149. Calories burned was 451
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I log it as circuit training.